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Data Dive vs. Helium 10: Which Amazon Tool is Better?

August 14, 2024
Written and researched by experts at AvadaLearn more about our methodology

By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

Have you ever wondered how top Amazon sellers discover those hidden products that drive their success? Data Dive and Helium 10 are two amazing tools that can help you do just that. But which tool is appropriate for your Amazon business?

Data Dive vs. Helium 10

In this article, we’ll compare Data Dive vs Helium 10, looking at their features, prices, etc., to get the answer on which tool is best to help you grow your Amazon business. 

FeatureHelium 10Data Dive
Product ResearchBlack Box, Trendster, XrayProduct Explorer, Niche Analyzer
Keyword ResearchCerebro, Magnet, MisspellinatorKeyword Scout, Global Keyword Database
Listing OptimizationFrankenstein, Scribbles, Listing Builder, Index CheckerListing Builder, Listing Analyzer (requires Helium 10 integration)
Inventory ManagementInventory Protector, Inventory ManagementNot available
Analytics & ReportingProfits, Market Tracker, Keyword TrackerSales Dashboard, Profitability Analyzer
Competitor AnalysisXray, Market TrackerCompetitor Scout, Market Intelligence
Other ToolsAdtomic (PPC), Refund Genie, Alerts, Follow-UpListing Builder AI, Chrome Extension, Email Automation
PricingStarter ($39/mo), Platinum ($99/mo), Diamond ($279/mo)Starter: $39/month, Standard: $149/month, Enterprise: $490/month
Integration with Other ToolsWide range of integrationsIntegrates with Helium 10, Keepa, Google Trends
User InterfaceIntuitive, user-friendlyCan be complex for beginners
Target AudienceNew to experienced sellers, various business sizesPrimarily experienced sellers, data-driven decision-makers
Customer SupportExcellent, various channels (live chat, email, knowledge base)Limited, primarily email support

Pros & Cons

Data Dive


  • Detailed Product Research Tools
  • Advanced Keyword Tracking
Advanced Keyword Tracking
  • Comprehensive Data Analytics
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Customizable Reports
  • Real-Time Data Updates
  • Multi-Language Support


  • Higher Pricing for Premium Features
  • Limited Customer Support Options

Helium 10


  • Various Tools
  • Affordable Pricing Plans
  • Extensive Customer Support and Resources
Extensive Customer Support and Resources
  • All-in-One Platform
  • Frequent Feature Updates
  • Robust Community and Training Resources
  • Accurate Sales Estimates


  • Steeper Learning Curve for Beginners
  • Some Features May Be Redundant for Small Sellers

Product Research

Data Dive

Data Dive offers detailed product research tools to help Amazon sellers optimize their products effectively:

  • Product Explorer: This tool allows you to discover potential products based on various criteria like sales, revenue, and competition. According to Data Dive, Product Explorer analyzes over 100 million products and helps sellers find profitable opportunities with data-driven insights.
  • Niche Analyzer: This tool evaluates the potential profitability of a specific niche by analyzing market trends, competition, and estimated sales. Data Dive claims that Niche Analyzer can help sellers identify profitable niches with a success rate of 85%.
Data Dive’s product scorecard  

Helium 10

Helium 10 shines in product research with its powerful tools like Black Box, Trendster, and Xray:

  • Black Box: 

This powerful tool was a game-changer when I first started my Amazon FBA journey. By setting filters like category, price range, and monthly revenue, I quickly unearthed a profitable niche for eco-friendly kitchen gadgets that had low competition and high demand. 

Moreover, I used Black Box’s competitor intelligence data to validate my product idea and ensure its potential success before investing time and resources.

  • Trendster: 

I’ve always been fascinated by market trends, and Trendster allows me to delve deep into product data over time. I remember identifying a rising demand for reusable coffee pods in Australia just as it was starting to trend. 

By leveraging this insight, I sourced and launched my own line of eco-friendly coffee pods, riding the wave of popularity and securing a significant market share.

  • Xray:

This Chrome extension became my trusty sidekick during product research. While browsing Amazon, Xray provided me with instant access to crucial data points like estimated sales, revenue, and competitor analysis directly on the product page. 

This saved me countless hours of manual research and allowed me to make informed decisions about product viability on the spot.

Helium 10 Xray tool

The Verdict

Helium 10 wins in product research. Its Black Box, Trendster, and Xray tools offer a detailed and user-friendly approach to finding profitable products and understanding market trends.

Keyword Research

Data Dive

Data Dive offers advanced keyword research tools essential for optimizing Amazon listings:

  • Keyword Scout:  This tool efficiently combines data from Helium 10 Cerebro, Amazon Brand Analytics, and Google Search Trends to identify high-potential keywords. As one user testimonial states, “Keyword Scout has been a game-changer for my keyword research. It saves me so much time and effort compared to using multiple tools.”
  • Global Keyword Database: This extensive database provides keyword data across multiple Amazon marketplaces, allowing sellers to expand their reach and target international audiences. According to an eComCrew review, “The Global Keyword Database is a must-have for any seller looking to expand their business globally. It provides invaluable insights into keyword trends and search volume in different countries.”
Data Dive master keyword

Helium 10

Helium 10 excels with its powerful keyword research tools like Magnet or Cerebro:


  • Massive Keyword Database: Magnet boasts one of the largest keyword databases in the industry, analyzing billions of data points daily to provide accurate and relevant keyword suggestions.
  • Comprehensive Keyword Analysis: Magnet provides detailed insights into search volume, competition level, and trends, allowing you to identify high-potential keywords with a higher chance of ranking.


  • Reverse ASIN Lookup: Cerebro allows you to spy on your competitors’ keyword strategies by revealing the exact keywords they are ranking for. This valuable information helps you uncover profitable keywords that you might have missed.
  • Keyword Analysis: Cerebro provides a comprehensive overview of each keyword, including search volume, competing products, and relevancy scores, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your listings accordingly.
Cerebro for looking up ASIN 

The Verdict

Data Dive wins in keyword research due to its advanced tracking and multi-language support. These features are especially beneficial for international sellers, offering real-time data to stay ahead of trends. While Helium 10 provides strong tools for keyword generation and competitor analysis, Data Dive’s comprehensive and timely data updates give it an edge in helping sellers optimize their listings more effectively.

Listing Optimization

Data Dive

Data Dive provides solid tools for listing optimization. 

  • Listing Builder: This tool is a lifesaver! It guides you step-by-step through creating a high-converting listing, from crafting a compelling title to optimizing your bullet points and description. I was able to improve my listing quality score significantly and saw a noticeable boost in traffic and sales after using this tool.
  • Competitor Analysis: This feature is like having a secret weapon in the competitive Amazon landscape. It allows me to spy on my competitors’ listings, analyze their keywords, and identify areas where I can improve. By implementing these insights, I was able to outrank some of my competitors and capture a larger share of the market.

For instance, a seller can use these tools to optimize a listing for “organic baby clothes,” ensuring all relevant keywords like “organic,” “soft,” and “eco-friendly” are included naturally.

Data Dive listing builder 

Helium 10

With the listing optimization feature, Helium 10 provides a massive amount of tools to support Amazon sellers, including Scribbles, Frankenstein, Listing Analyzer, Listing Builder, and Index Checker:

  • Scribbles: Ensures comprehensive keyword optimization by prompting sellers to include all relevant keywords in their listings. This helps increase visibility and search ranking potential, with studies showing that listings optimized with relevant keywords have a 40% higher chance of conversion.

For instance, When writing a product description for a new listing, a seller used Scribbles to ensure they included all relevant keywords, such as “organic cotton sheets” and “hypoallergenic bedding,” without overusing them, resulting in a well-optimized listing.

  • Listing Analyzer: Provides a detailed analysis of your listing’s performance compared to top competitors. By identifying areas for improvement in keyword usage, image quality, and pricing, sellers can optimize their listings to increase their conversion rate by an average of 15%.
  • Listing Builder: Streamlines the listing creation process by guiding sellers through best practices and suggesting high-ranking keywords. This simplifies optimization and ensures that listings meet Amazon’s algorithm requirements, potentially improving organic rankings by 20%.
  • Index Checker: Instantly verifies if your product is indexed for your target keywords, crucial for appearing in relevant search results. This tool can help sellers identify indexing issues and quickly rectify them, ensuring their products are visible to potential customers.

For example, after making changes to a product listing, a seller used Index Checker to verify that their product was now indexed for the keyword “bamboo cutting board,” confirming its visibility in relevant searches.

  • Frankenstein: A powerful keyword processor that helps eliminate duplicate or irrelevant keywords, ensuring optimal keyword density and improving readability. For example, a seller could input a list of 50 keywords, and Frankenstein would refine it to the most relevant 20-25 terms, enhancing the listing’s SEO without keyword stuffing.
Helium 10 Frankenstein tool

The Verdict

Helium 10 is the superior choice for listing optimization. Its tools, like Frankenstein and Scribbles, provide comprehensive support for creating keyword-rich and high-converting listings. Data Dive can’t offer as many listing optimization tools as Helium 10, and the quality of those tools is not better than Helium 10’s offerings.

Data Analytics

Data Dive

Data Dive offers a comprehensive suite of analytics tools that provide deep insights into sales performance.

  • Sales Dashboard: Provides a comprehensive overview of your sales performance, including daily, weekly, and monthly sales figures, as well as trends and projections. A seller used the Sales Dashboard to identify a 20% decline in sales during a specific week, prompting them to investigate and adjust their marketing strategy.

Example: A seller noticed a sudden dip in sales on their Sales Dashboard. Upon further investigation, they discovered that a competitor had launched a similar product at a lower price. The seller then adjusted their pricing to remain competitive and regained their sales momentum.

  • Profitability Analyzer: Analyzes your costs and revenues to calculate accurate profit margins for each product, helping you identify your most and least profitable items. A seller used the Profitability Analyzer to discover that a seemingly popular product had low profit margins due to high advertising costs, leading them to adjust their pricing and advertising strategies.

Example: A seller was surprised to find that their best-selling product had a lower profit margin than expected. The Profitability Analyzer revealed that high shipping costs were eating into their profits. By switching to a more cost-effective shipping method, they were able to increase their profit margin significantly.

Data Dive’s data analysis tool

Helium 10

Helium 10’s data analytics tools are equally impressive, offering extensive insights into various aspects of the business:

  • Profits Tool: Provides a real-time overview of your Amazon business’s financial health, tracking sales, profits, expenses, and ROI. According to a Helium 10 case study, one seller was able to increase their profit margin by 15% after identifying and addressing high-cost products using the Profits tool.

Example: An Amazon seller noticed their profit margin was declining. By using the Profits tool, they identified that the high advertising costs for a specific product were eating into their profits. They adjusted their ad campaign, resulting in a significant improvement in their profit margin.

  • Inventory Management: Offers comprehensive inventory analytics, including sales velocity, stock levels, and restock recommendations, to optimize inventory and avoid stockouts. Jungle Scout’s review of Helium 10 highlights this feature as “one of the best inventory management tools on the market.”
  • Inventory Protector: Safeguards inventory by setting customizable alerts for low stock, overstock, and stranded inventory. A seller on the Helium 10 Facebook group shared how Inventory Protector saved them from a costly stockout during a peak season, ensuring continuous sales.
  • Alerts: Monitors listings for unauthorized changes, hijackers, and listing suppression, protecting your brand and revenue. A Helium 10 user on Reddit shared how Alerts notified them of a competitor trying to hijack their listing, allowing them to take immediate action.

Example: An Amazon seller received an alert from Helium 10 notifying them that their listing had been changed without their authorization. They quickly investigated and discovered that a competitor had altered the product description. They were able to restore the correct information and prevent any further damage to their brand reputation. 

Helium 10’s Inventory Management tool

The Verdict

Helium 10 wins in data analytics due to its comprehensive approach to financial and inventory management. While Data Dive offers excellent sales and profitability insights, Helium 10’s integrated financial tracking and inventory management tools provide a more holistic view of the business. 

Competitor Analysis

Data Dive

Data Dive excels with its Competitor Analysis, providing in-depth performance analysis of competitors to current users. 

  • Competitor Scout: This tool allows me to easily identify and analyze my top competitors on Amazon. By seeing their estimated sales, best-selling products, and keyword strategies, I was able to adjust my own approach and improve my rankings.
  • Market Intelligence: This feature provides a bird’s-eye view of the entire market landscape, revealing trends, top performers, and potential gaps. I used this data to discover a niche market with high demand but low competition, leading to a successful product launch.

Helium 10

Helium 10 provides several tool options to help Amazon sellers analyze their competitors better off or simply raise their competitive capabilities internally:

  • Market Tracker: This tool allows me to track the overall performance of a chosen market, including competitor listings, sales trends, and market share. By monitoring my niche using Market Tracker, I was able to identify a declining competitor and strategically adjust my pricing and marketing to capture a larger portion of the market share.
  • Keyword Tracker: By tracking keyword rankings over time, I can see how my listings are performing compared to my competitors. When I noticed my keyword rankings dropping for a particular product, I used Helium 10’s Scribbles to optimize my listing and regain my position on the first page of search results.

The Verdict

Data Dive offers more comprehensive and detailed competitor analysis tools. Its combination of Competitor Scout, Market Intelligence, and Niche Analyzer provides sellers with a deeper understanding of the market, making it the better choice for thorough competitor analysis.


Data Dive

Data Dive offers a tiered pricing structure to cater to different seller needs. Here are the available plans:

Data Dive Pricing
  • Starter: $39/month – Ideal for light research, includes 100 Dive ASINs, 25 Rank Radar Keywords, 2 AI Copywriter Tasks, and 3 AI Product Brief Competitors.
  • Standard: $149/month – For advanced research and product development, includes 1,000 Dive ASINs, 1,000 Rank Radar Keywords, 6 AI Copywriter Tasks, and 7 AI Product Brief Competitors.
  • Enterprise: $490/month – Designed for brands and large teams, includes 4,000 Dive ASINs, 12,000 Rank Radar Keywords, 100 AI Copywriter Tasks, and 75 AI Product Brief Competitors.

Helium 10

Helium 10 also provides a range of pricing plans, offering flexibility for various budgets and needs:

Helium 10 Pricing
  • Free: Limited access to basic tools.
  • Starter: $39/month – Offers essential training and tools to get started.
  • Platinum: $99/month – Provides must-have solutions for growing businesses, including full access to key tools.
  • Diamond: $279/month – Perfect for expert sellers looking to scale, including advanced tools and features.

Currently, Helium 10 is offering several appealing discount codes to support users in saving money while registering their favorite pricing plans. Take a closer look at the codes below to help you reduce the cost of signing up for a Helium 10 plan:

Get 20% Off for 6 Months when you use your code: AVADA20
OR 10% Off Every Month when you use code: AVADA10

The Verdict

Helium 10 is a better choice in terms of pricing, as it offers more flexibility with a wider range of plans to suit different budgets and needs. Helium 10’s extensive range, starting from a free plan to a comprehensive Elite plan, gives sellers more options to scale their tools as their business grows. This makes Helium 10 a more versatile and accessible option for Amazon sellers at various stages of their business journey.

Customer Support

Data Dive

Data Dive offers limited customer support during business hours. While this can be sufficient for some users, it may pose challenges for sellers needing assistance outside these hours. 

Data Dive customer support

However, Data Dive compensates with detailed documentation, including comprehensive guides that help users navigate the platform and solve common issues. Additionally, the community forum provides a space for user discussions, where sellers can share experiences and solutions. 

Helium 10

Helium 10 stands out with its 24/7 customer support, providing round-the-clock assistance. This ensures that sellers can get help whenever they need it, regardless of their time zone. 

Helium 10 customer support

Helium 10 also offers extensive resources, including tutorials and webinars, which are invaluable for both new and experienced users. Moreover, Helium 10 boasts an active community with user forums and training sessions, fostering a supportive environment where sellers can learn and grow together.

The Verdict

Helium 10 excels in customer support due to its extensive and accessible resources. The 24/7 support, comprehensive tutorials, webinars, and active community provide a superior support experience. 

Ease of Use

Data Dive

Data Dive is designed with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced sellers. The intuitive layout and clear navigation help users quickly find and use the tools they need. However, the extensive features might require some initial learning for new users to fully utilize the platform.

Data Dive Ease of Use

Helium 10

Helium 10 offers a user-friendly interface but has a more complex array of tools, which can be overwhelming at first. Despite this, its well-organized dashboard and extensive tutorials help users become proficient with the platform. The integration of various tools in one place enhances overall usability once the initial learning curve is overcome.

Helium 10 Ease of Use

The Verdict

Helium 10 wins in terms of ease of use. Although it has a steeper learning curve initially, its comprehensive tutorials, organized dashboard, and integrated tools provide a more streamlined and efficient user experience in the long run. 


Data Dive

Data Dive offers seamless integration with various Amazon seller tools and platforms. This makes it easy for users to import and export data, enhancing their workflow efficiency. The platform also supports API access, allowing for custom integrations with other software solutions. 

For instance, sellers can connect Data Dive with their inventory management systems to ensure real-time data synchronization, improving overall operational efficiency.

Helium 10

Helium 10 excels in integration capabilities, providing built-in compatibility with a wide range of third-party tools and platforms. Its comprehensive suite includes integrations with popular ecommerce platforms, email marketing tools, and more. 

Additionally, Helium 10’s robust API allows users to customize and extend the platform’s functionality to meet specific business needs. For example, a seller can integrate Helium 10 with their CRM system to streamline customer data management and marketing efforts.

The Verdict

Helium 10 wins in the integration category. While Data Dive offers solid integration options, Helium 10’s broader range of built-in integrations and customizable API makes it a more versatile and adaptable choice for Amazon sellers. This flexibility ensures that Helium 10 can effectively support various business needs and workflows.

Reviews & Testimonials

Data Dive

What People Like About Data Dive:

  • “The biggest benefit of using Data Dive is that Helium 10 integrates fantastically with the chrome extension tool, allowing you to draw from Helium 10 ASIN data.” (FBU Solutions)
  • “Data Dive can help smaller sellers find hidden opportunities in keywords where competitors are not taking advantage.” (FBU Solutions)
  • “This extension pulls data into your browser from sources like Amazon Seller Central, Helium 10, Google Trends, and Keepa. Data Dive then analyzes and filters millions of research terms from Brand Analytics.” (Million Dollar Sellers)

What People Dislike About Data Dive:

  • “Some users find the interface a bit complex and the learning curve steep, especially for those new to keyword research tools.”
  • “Data Dive heavily relies on Helium 10’s data, so if you don’t have a Helium 10 subscription, its functionality is limited. Data Dive heavily relies on Helium 10’s data, so if you don’t have a Helium 10 subscription, its functionality is limited.
  • “Compared to standalone tools like Helium 10, Data Dive has a more focused feature set primarily geared towards keyword research and listing optimization.”

Helium 10

What People Like About Helium 10:

  • “No doubt, Helium 10 is one of the finest and most powerful software tools for Amazon Sellers. It can help you find high-ranking keywords, identify trends, spy on your competitors, and optimize the product listing to increase sales and conversions.” (LinkedIn Review)
  • “Helium 10’s keyword research tools are second to none. They help me find high-volume, low-competition keywords that I can use to rank my products higher in search results.”
  • “Helium 10’s customer support is amazing. They are always quick to respond and help me resolve any issues I have.”

What People Dislike About Helium 10:

  • “AVOID HELIUM 10 AT ALL COSTS!!! So I cancelled my Helium 10 membership, and they’re doing the typical corporate theft tactic of continuing to charge me $99 / month.” (Reddit review)
  • “Helium 10 has a lot of features, which can be overwhelming for new users. It takes some time to learn how to use all of the tools effectively.” (Jungle Scout review)
  • “Some of Helium 10’s tools, like Refund Genie, are not available in all marketplaces. This can be a drawback for sellers who sell in multiple countries.” (Helium 10 review)

Which Tool is Right for You?

From my experience and the above analysis, Helium 10 is the better choice in this Data Dive vs Helium 10 comparison for several reasons:

  • Comprehensive Features: Helium 10 offers a wide range of tools, including keyword research, product research, listing optimization, competitor analysis, and inventory management. This all-in-one solution streamlines every aspect of the Amazon selling process, unlike Data Dive, which focuses more on analytics and market intelligence.
Helium 10's comprehensive features
  • Robust Support and Community: Helium 10 provides 24/7 customer support, extensive tutorials, and a vibrant user community. These resources ensure that sellers have access to the help and guidance they need, fostering a more supportive environment.
  • Scalability: With flexible pricing plans and advanced features, Helium 10 can grow with your business, making it suitable for both new and experienced sellers looking to scale their operations effectively.

Therefore, Helium 10 stands out as the more versatile and supportive tool for Amazon sellers.

data dive vs helium 10 inforgraphic


Yes, using both tools together can complement each other’s strengths. Data Dive excels in detailed analytics and competitor insights, while Helium 10 offers comprehensive keyword research, listing optimization, and inventory management.

Helium 10 is more suitable for international sellers due to its multi-language support, extensive tutorials, and 24/7 customer service. Data Dive also supports multiple languages but lacks the round-the-clock support offered by Helium 10.

Helium 10 offers more comprehensive keyword research tools like Magnet and Cerebro, which provide extensive keyword generation and competitor analysis. Data Dive’s Keyword Scout and Global Keyword Database are powerful but more focused on tracking and multi-language support.

Helium 10 can initially be overwhelming due to its extensive features, but it offers detailed tutorials and customer support to help new users. Data Dive is more straightforward but still requires some learning to fully utilize its advanced analytics tools.

Helium 10 offers a free plan with limited access to its tools, allowing users to explore the platform before committing to a paid plan. Data Dive does not provide a free plan but offers detailed demos and case studies to help potential users understand its benefits.

In conclusion

Helium 10 is like a multi-tool, equipped with everything an Amazon seller could need – an all-in-one solution and value comprehensive support. But if you’re a data junkie who thrives on detailed insights and keeping tabs on your competition, Data Dive might be more your style. 

Check your demand carefully to select the appropriate tool for your Amazon business!

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.