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5 Fastest Ecommerce Platforms To Boost Your Store’s Speed

April 26, 2024
Written and researched by experts at AvadaLearn more about our methodology

By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

In this article, we will explore the five fastest ecommerce platforms that can help boost your store’s speed and deliver an exceptional user experience.

Why Does Speed Matter In Ecommerce?

Speed is crucial in e-commerce for several key reasons:

  • Improved User Experience: Fast-loading websites provide a smoother, more enjoyable browsing experience. Users can quickly access information and products, increasing their satisfaction and likelihood of returning, conversions and sales.
  • Lower Bounce Rates: Slow websites often frustrate users, leading them to prematurely leave the site. Faster sites help reduce these bounce rates.
  • Higher SEO Rankings: Search engines like Google favor faster websites. A quick-loading e-commerce site is more likely to rank higher in search results, increasing visibility and organic traffic.
  • Competitive Edge: A fast website can be a significant advantage in the competitive online market, setting your e-commerce store apart from slower counterparts.

Criteria For Evaluating Ecommerce Platforms’ Speed

To gather data for this test, we selected five customer sites from each platform. Each site was tested daily for three days using the Uptrends Speed Tool or Google Speed Insights. We recorded each test’s score. To calculate the average score for each platform, we added these scores together and then divided them by the total number of tests conducted.

In this testing, we focused exclusively on fully hosted e-commerce platforms to ensure uniformity in hosting environments across all test stores. We selected the most popular options for our analysis. These included Shopify, Wix, BigCommerce, Squarespace, and WordPress, chosen for their prominence in the market and the availability of numerous customer example sites for testing purposes.

Top 5 Fastest Ecommerce Platforms




Squarespace is a standout performer in speed among ecommerce platforms. With a focus on providing users with a fast and efficient experience, Squarespace has secured its place among the top contenders for the fastest platforms available.

Loading Time Results

Squarespace websites perform exceptionally well on Uptrends, demonstrating impressive load times.

  • Desktop Load Time: 1.50 Seconds
  • Mobile Load Time: 1.51 Seconds

Key Features Contributing to Its Speed

Here are some key features contributing to the speed of Squarespace

  • Efficient Hosting Environment: Squarespace operates in an optimized hosting environment, ensuring that your website runs smoothly and efficiently. This infrastructure minimizes server response times and contributes to faster page loading.
  • Clean and Efficient Code: Squarespace uses clean and efficient code, which is pivotal in optimizing website performance. Well-structured code reduces unnecessary load times, allowing for swift loading of your online store’s pages.
  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Squarespace integrates Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) into its framework. CDNs distribute your website’s content across multiple servers worldwide, reducing the time it takes to reach the end-user. This results in quicker page load speeds, regardless of user location.
  • Responsive Design: Squarespace emphasizes responsive design, ensuring your website adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes and resolutions. This mobile optimization reduces load times on smaller devices, enhancing overall speed and user satisfaction.
  • Built-in Speed Optimization Tools: Squarespace includes built-in tools that help with site speed, like automatic image scaling and AJAX loading, which enhances the website’s performance.
  • Minimalist Design Approach: Many Squarespace templates follow a minimalist design approach, which looks sleek and reduces the amount of heavy content that needs to load, thereby speeding up the site.




Shopify is one of the fastest ecommerce platforms that cater to many businesses, from small startups to large enterprises. The speed of Shopify is a significant factor in its popularity, as it contributes to better user experiences, higher conversion rates, and improved search engine rankings.

Loading Time Results

In terms of loading times, Shopify has consistently performed well. After testing 5 Shopify stores on Uptrends and Google Pagespeed Insights, Shopify has an average:

  • Desktop loading time: 2.01 seconds
  • Mobile loading time: 2.42 seconds

Key Features Contributing to Its Speed

Several key features contribute to Shopify’s exceptional speed:

  • Optimized Hosting: Shopify provides hosting for all its stores, optimized specifically for e-commerce, ensuring fast loading times and high reliability.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): Shopify uses a global CDN, which means that customer data is stored on servers around the world, reducing the distance data travels and resulting in faster page load times.
  • Clean and Efficient Code: Shopify’s underlying code is optimized for speed. This includes streamlined HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which helps in quicker page rendering.
  • Responsive Design: Shopify themes are designed to be mobile-responsive, ensuring that stores load quickly and efficiently on mobile devices.
  • Efficient Checkout Process: Shopify provides a streamlined checkout process, which is not only user-friendly but also designed for speed, reducing the time customers take to complete a purchase.
  • Minimal Need for Third-Party Plugins: While Shopify offers a range of apps, its core features are robust, reducing the need for numerous third-party plugins that can slow down a website.
  • Image Compression and Optimization: Shopify automatically compresses and optimizes images uploaded to the platform, which helps reduce page load times without sacrificing image quality.




Wix is a well-known ecommerce platform trusted by over 250 million users worldwide. It offers many features and tools to create a versatile and efficient online store. What sets Wix apart is its emphasis on speed and performance, making it an excellent choice for businesses looking to provide a seamless shopping experience for their customers.

Loading Time Results:

We also took 5 random Wix stores to run it on Uptrends, and here’s the average score

  • Desktop loading time: 5.72 seconds.
  • Mobile loading time: 6.55 seconds.

Key Features Contributing to Its Speed:

Wix’s commitment to speed is supported by several key features:

  • Optimized Hosting Environment: With multi-cloud hosting that guarantees 99.9% uptime, even during traffic spikes, Wix ensures that your ecommerce platform remains consistently available and responsive.
  • SEO Optimization: Wix provides robust SEO capabilities, helping you optimize your site for better search visibility. Improved SEO can attract more organic traffic, contributing to a faster-growing online business.
  • Accessibility Tools: Wix includes built-in accessibility tools, making your website inclusive and accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. This commitment to accessibility aligns to provide a seamless and speedy user experience.
  • Image Optimization: Wix automatically optimizes images for the web, reducing file sizes without compromising quality. This means images load faster, which is essential for product-heavy e-commerce sites.
  • Mobile Optimization: Recognizing the importance of mobile commerce, Wix ensures that e-commerce sites are fully optimized for mobile devices. This includes responsive design and mobile-specific features that enhance speed on smartphones and tablets.
  • Browser Caching: Wix uses browser caching effectively, storing commonly used files in the user’s browser. This speeds up the site on subsequent visits, as the browser doesn’t need to reload the entire page.




BigCommerce is widely recognized as one of the fastest e-commerce platforms, offering robust performance and speed for online stores. This platform stands out for its ability to handle high volumes of traffic and transactions efficiently, ensuring a smooth and swift shopping experience.

Loading Time Results:

BigCommerce strongly emphasizes website speed and performance. Here are the loading time results for BigCommerce:

  • Desktop Load Time: 7.01 seconds
  • Mobile Load Time: 6.70 seconds

While BigCommerce excels in other areas, its loading times on both desktop and mobile devices are relatively higher than some of the top-performing ecommerce platforms.

Key Features Contributing to Its Speed:

While BigCommerce may not be the fastest in terms of loading times, it offers a comprehensive set of features that contribute to the overall efficiency and speed of your ecommerce operations:

  • Open SaaS Architecture: BigCommerce uses an Open SaaS approach, combining the advantages of a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform with API-enabled openness. This architecture ensures flexibility and the ability to customize quickly, which can contribute to speed in development and deployment.
  • Built-in Speed Optimization Features: BigCommerce comes with built-in features such as automatic image compression, which helps in reducing page load times. Efficient coding practices also contribute to its fast performance.
  • Essential Back Office Integrations: The platform offers essential integrations with back-office systems, streamlining operations and reducing friction in managing your ecommerce business. These integrations can help you operate more efficiently.
  • No Proprietary Blockers: BigCommerce prides itself on eliminating proprietary blockers, friction, or limitations that can slow down website performance. This approach allows for smoother and faster transactions.
  • Security and Uptime: BigCommerce boasts robust security measures, including ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and PCI DSS 3.2 Level 1 certification. With 99.99% uptime, including during peak periods like Cyber Week, the platform ensures a reliable shopping experience for customers.
  • Headless Commerce Capabilities: For businesses seeking even more speed and customization, BigCommerce supports headless commerce. This allows the front-end presentation layer of a website to operate independently of the back-end e-commerce functionality, leading to faster load times and a more responsive user interface.




WooCommerce is a widely used e-commerce platform known for its flexibility and speed, particularly when properly configured and optimized. It’s a plugin for WordPress, which is one of the most popular content management systems.

Loading Time Results

WooCommerce delivers impressive loading times on desktop devices. However, the loading time on mobile devices seems to be the longest among the 5 platforms tested.

Here are WooCommerce testing results:

  • Mobile Loading Time: 7.3 seconds
  • Desktop Loading Time: 2.24 seconds

Key Features Contributing to Its Speed

Several key features within WooCommerce contribute to its speed:

  • Modular Product Blocks: WooCommerce allows for easy customization of product pages through modular product blocks. This feature ensures that product-related content loads quickly and efficiently.
  • Optimized Shopping Cart: The platform offers an optimized shopping cart experience that enhances speed by reducing the time it takes for customers to add and review items in their carts.
  • Caching Mechanisms: WooCommerce employs caching mechanisms to store frequently accessed data, reducing server response and page load times.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): Users can integrate a CDN with WooCommerce to distribute website content across multiple servers globally. This ensures fast content delivery to users, regardless of their geographical location.
  • Streamlined and Efficient Database Queries: WooCommerce ensures that database interactions are streamlined and efficient, minimizing the load on the database and speeding up page responses.
  • Regular Performance Updates: Continuous updates from the WooCommerce development team often include enhancements specifically aimed at improving speed and performance.

5 Tips For Maintaining And Improving Your Website Speed

To enhance the speed of your website, consider these strategies:

Optimize Images and Media:

  • Compress and resize images before uploading.
  • Use WebP format for better compression without losing quality.
  • Implement lazy loading so images load only as they appear on the screen.

Utilize Browser Caching:

  • Enable browser caching to store files like images and scripts on the visitor’s device.
  • This reduces load times for repeat visitors.

Minimize HTTP Requests:

  • Reduce the number of elements like images and scripts that create HTTP requests.
  • Combine CSS and JavaScript files into single files.
  • Use asynchronous loading for scripts that aren’t immediately necessary.
  • Limit the use of external widgets and plugins.

Choose a Reliable Hosting Provider:

  • Select a hosting provider known for fast response times and reliable service.
  • For high-traffic sites, consider a dedicated or cloud hosting solution instead of shared hosting.

Implement a Content Delivery Network (CDN):

  • Use a CDN to cache your site’s content on servers around the world.
  • This speeds up content delivery, especially for international visitors.

Bottom Line

Each of these 5 fastest e-commerce platforms offers unique advantages in terms of speed and performance. Ultimately, the choice of platform should align with your specific business requirements, customer base, and scalability needs, ensuring that speed remains a pivotal factor in delivering a successful online retail presence.


According to our test, Squarespace is the fastest eCommerce platform. However, the speed of one website depends on various factors such as hosting, optimization, and specific needs. Shopify, Wix, and BigCommerce are also among the fastest platforms you can consider to streamline your ecommerce operations.

The speed of an e-commerce platform is influenced by several key features:

  • Efficient coding ensures the platform runs smoothly. 
  • Optimized images and media help in quicker loading.  
  • Browser caching stores frequently used data, speeding up repeat visits.
  • Content delivery networks (CDNs) distribute content globally, reducing load times. 
  • Minimizing HTTP requests by combining files and using efficient scripts also enhances speed. A reliable hosting provider and fast server response times are crucial for maintaining overall speed.

Hosting significantly affects speed. A quality hosting provider with fast server response times ensures that your website loads quickly. Shared hosting plans may result in slower speeds, so upgrading to a dedicated server or cloud hosting can improve performance.
There are several tools available to measure your ecommerce platform’s speed. Uptrends, Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, Pingdom, and WebPageTest are popular options. These tools provide detailed insights into page load times, performance metrics, and optimization suggestions.
An acceptable load time for an ecommerce page is typically under 3 seconds. However, faster load times, ideally around 1-2 seconds, are recommended to provide an excellent user experience and reduce bounce rates.
Common mistakes that can slow down ecommerce sites include using unoptimized images and media, failing to implement browser caching, excessive HTTP requests, choosing inadequate hosting providers, and neglecting content delivery networks. Additionally, poorly coded themes and unnecessary third-party plugins can also hamper speed.

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.