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How Many People Have iPhones in 2024? Top iPhone User Sales, Usage & Financial Stats

May 08, 2024
Written and researched by experts at AvadaLearn more about our methodology

By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

In a world where technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, one question that often arises is just how many people have iPhones, shedding light on the widespread influence of Apple’s iconic smartphone on the global population.

Key Takeaways

  • iPhone ownership statistics can vary widely depending on the region and time frame, making it important to access up-to-date and localized data for accurate insights.
  • Understanding iPhone adoption rates is crucial for businesses and marketers to target their audiences effectively and develop tailored strategies.
  • The popularity of iPhones continues to grow, with millions of people around the world using them, emphasizing the significance of staying informed about these trends for various industries.

How Many People Have iPhones? Key 2023 iPhone Stats

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In 2023, the iPhone maintains a commanding presence within the global smartphone landscape, boasting over 1.46 billion active users worldwide. This substantial figure translates to approximately 21.67% of the total global smartphone user base, highlighting its widespread and enduring popularity.

  • iPhone shipments remain robust, with 97.7 million units delivered in the first half of the year, building upon the 225.3 million units shipped throughout 2022, surpassing a cumulative total of 2.3 billion units sold.
  • Market-wise, iPhones accounted for a significant 21% share of all smartphones shipped in the first quarter of 2023. Demographically, 51% of iPhone users are female, while 49% are male.
  • In the fiercely competitive smartphone industry, the iPhone maintains a substantial presence, holding a 27.6% global market share and a dominant 57.77% share in the United States during the second quarter of 2023.
  • Apple’s financial success mirrors its iPhone sales, with the company generating $117.11 billion in revenue in the first half of 2023, contributing to its overall revenue of $211.99 billion during that period.
  • Apple’s commitment to localized production is evident, with plans to manufacture 25% of iPhones in India by 2025, a substantial increase from the 1% production share in 2021. These statistics underscore the iPhone’s continued influence on the smartphone industry and its expanding global footprint.

Global Count: How Many People Have iPhones Worldwide in 2023?

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In 2023, the global iPhone user base stands impressively at over 1.46 billion individuals, firmly establishing its position as one of the world’s most widely adopted smartphone brands. 

This substantial user count represents approximately 21.67% of the total global smartphone-using population, underscoring the enduring popularity and widespread appeal of Apple’s flagship device.

  • Significant Market Share: The iPhone’s user base continues to command a significant share of the global smartphone market, influencing industry trends and shaping consumer preferences.
  • Projected Growth: Projections indicate that this user base will likely continue to expand, with expectations of reaching 1.56 billion users by the end of 2023. This anticipated growth reinforces Apple’s position as a dominant player in the smartphone industry.
  • Industry Impact: The substantial and continually growing iPhone user base has far-reaching implications for various sectors, including marketing, app development, and product strategies. Businesses across the board recognize the importance of aligning with iPhone-related trends to effectively engage this massive user community.

How Many People in the United States Have iPhones?

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In 2023, iPhone adoption in the United States is on a significant upswing, with approximately 135.97 million iPhone users, indicating a notable 9.03% increase compared to the previous year. This substantial growth underscores the enduring appeal of Apple’s flagship device in the American market.

  • Continued Popularity: The United States remains a stronghold for the iPhone, with millions of users relying on their iPhones for various aspects of their daily lives.
  • Innovative Features: The iPhone’s consistent growth can be attributed to its innovative features that cater to the evolving needs of consumers.
  • Expansive Ecosystem: The expansive Apple ecosystem, including seamless integration with other Apple devices and services, contributes to the device’s ongoing popularity.

As the smartphone landscape continues to evolve, it’s evident that the iPhone maintains its status as the preferred choice among consumers in the United States, offering both innovative technology and a rich ecosystem.

US Market Share: How Many Americans Use iPhones in 2023?

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As of the latest data available, approximately 50% of smartphone users in the US have opted for Apple’s iconic device. This marks a notable increase from 2022, when the iPhone’s share stood at 48.7%. Let’s delve deeper into this trend:

Key Points:

  • Current iPhone Adoption: The fact that half of all smartphone users now own an iPhone demonstrates the enduring popularity of Apple’s products in the US market.
  • Year-On-Year Growth: While a 1.3% increase may seem modest, it signifies a substantial shift in a highly competitive market. This growth suggests that Apple’s appeal continues to resonate with consumers.
  • Competitive Landscape: Despite the presence of a wide array of Android devices, iPhones maintain a strong foothold. Understanding what drives this loyalty is essential for both consumers and industry experts.
  • Impact on App Ecosystem: The dominance of iPhones influences app developers and businesses targeting the mobile market. It’s crucial for them to consider this user base in their strategies.
  • Economic Implications: The purchasing power of iPhone users and their willingness to invest in premium technology products have economic implications, shaping not only the smartphone industry but also the broader tech sector. This influence is particularly evident in discussions surrounding project titan apple stock, where analysts like Luke Lango’s prospectus highlight a technology that could prove essential to Apple’s next significant innovation: the Apple Car.

iPhone Shipments in 2023: Reflecting on How Many People Have iPhones

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Apple’s iPhone shipments in 2023 have continued to demonstrate the enduring global appeal of these iconic devices. As of the latest data, the tech giant has already shipped an impressive 97.7 million iPhones worldwide. 

To break it down further, the first two quarters of the year saw 55.2 million units and 42.5 million units shipped, respectively. This robust performance follows a successful year in 2022 when Apple sold a total of 225.3 million iPhones globally.

  • Strong Start in 2023: The 97.7 million iPhone shipments in 2023 indicate a strong start for the year, showing Apple’s ability to consistently meet the demand for its products on a massive scale.
  • Regional Focus: Notably, Apple has been making strides in the North American market, with 20 million iPhones shipped in the first quarter of 2022. This suggests that Apple continues to be a dominant player in this key market.
  • India’s Role: The “Made in India” initiative has been a significant success story for Apple. The 50% increase in iPhone shipments in India during the first quarter of 2022 is a testament to the growing importance of the Indian market in Apple’s global strategy. With India expected to assemble up to 50% of iPhones by 2027, it underscores the country’s pivotal role in Apple’s supply chain.

iPhone’s Global Market Share: Gauging iPhone Popularity in 2023

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As of 2023, iPhone boasts a 21% share of the worldwide smartphone market. However, when we look closer at specific regions, the numbers reveal intriguing insights:

  • Domination in the US: iPhone’s stronghold in the US smartphone market is evident, with a commanding 52% market share as of 2023. Furthermore, over the past two years, from June 2021 to August 2023, iPhone has consistently maintained an average market share of about 55.94% in the US. This dominance underscores the brand’s appeal and loyalty among American consumers.
  • Challenges in China and India: On the global stage, iPhone faces more competitive landscapes in China and India. In China, it commands a 20% market share, while in India, it holds a 3.55% share as of 2023. These figures reflect the unique challenges and opportunities in these vast and diverse markets, where local competitors also play a significant role.

These market share statistics provide a snapshot of the iPhone’s performance in various regions, highlighting its remarkable strength in the US market and the nuanced dynamics it faces in China and India.

Demographics: Who Are the People Using iPhones in 2023?

A comprehensive examination of iPhone users’ demographics uncovers a multifaceted profile, providing valuable insights into their characteristics, preferences, and product choices:

  • Age: iPhone users span across age groups, with a significant presence among millennials and Generation X, who appreciate the blend of functionality and style that Apple products offer. Notably, approximately 45% of iPhone users are between the ages of 18 and 34, showcasing the brand’s appeal to younger generations.
  • Gender: The iPhone user base exhibits a fairly equal distribution between genders, with a slight preference towards female users. This balance underscores Apple’s universal appeal, catering to both men and women with its product range.
  • Region: While iPhones have achieved widespread global adoption, regional disparities exist. The United States remains a strong market for Apple, with a considerable user base. However, Apple’s reach extends worldwide, with significant user communities in Europe, Asia, and other regions. 
  • Interests: iPhone users often share common interests in technology, creativity, and lifestyle. They are more likely to engage in activities such as photography, music creation, and app-based gaming, aligning with the capabilities of Apple devices.
  • Product Preferences: Within the Apple ecosystem, iPhone users tend to favor other Apple products such as MacBooks, iPads, and Apple Watches. Approximately 60% of iPhone users also own at least one other Apple device, demonstrating the success of Apple’s strategy to create an integrated ecosystem that encourages cross-product usage.

Top Apps for 2023: What are iPhone Users Downloading?

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A closer look at the top iPhone apps reveals valuable insights into user preferences and the ever-evolving app landscape. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Social Media Reign: Social media giants like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat remain iPhone favorites, serving as hubs for connection, communication, news, and entertainment.
  • Messaging Matters: Messaging apps like WhatsApp, iMessage, and Messenger are essential, offering secure communication, file sharing, and video calls.
  • Entertainment Focus: Streaming services like Netflix, YouTube, and Apple TV+ have revolutionized content consumption, while music apps like Apple Music and Spotify cater to diverse audio tastes.
  • Productivity at Its Best: iPhones are productivity hubs, with apps like Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, and Apple’s suite (Pages, Numbers, Keynote) for work and personal organization.
  • Health and Fitness Surge: Health and fitness apps, including Apple Health, Fitbit, MyFitnessPal, and Strava, reflect a growing wellness trend.
  • Gaming Galore: Gaming apps like PUBG Mobile, Candy Crush Saga, and Fortnite thrive, showcasing the iPhone’s gaming prowess.
  • Emerging Frontiers: Keep an eye on emerging trends like augmented reality, language learning, and virtual events, indicating an ever-adaptive app landscape.

This app analysis underscores the iPhone’s versatile role, meeting user expectations for social connection, productivity, entertainment, and more. Innovation, user experience, and industry trends continue to shape app popularity in this dynamic ecosystem.

Apple’s Revenue from iPhones in 2023: How Profit Ties to User Count 

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Apple’s iPhone remains a formidable financial force, as evidenced by its performance in the first three quarters of 2023. During this period, iPhone sales contributed a staggering $156.78 billion to Apple’s revenue, emphasizing its enduring global appeal and its pivotal role in fueling Apple’s financial success.

  • Global Appeal: The iPhone’s ability to generate such substantial revenue underscores its popularity on a worldwide scale, appealing to diverse consumer preferences and needs.
  • Core Revenue Stream: iPhone sales now constitute a significant 53.36% of Apple’s total revenue. This substantial contribution solidifies the iPhone’s central position in Apple’s product portfolio and its profound influence on the company’s financial well-being.

All in all, Apple’s iPhone stands as a dominant revenue driver, not only reflecting its widespread consumer acclaim but also significantly shaping Apple’s financial trajectory in the ever-evolving tech industry landscape.


In conclusion, determining how many people have iPhones can vary significantly depending on the region and time frame, as Apple’s market share fluctuates over time. Gathering accurate data on iPhone ownership requires ongoing research and analysis to provide up-to-date and region-specific insights.

How Many People Have iPhones: FAQs

The prevalence of iPhone users varies based on location and the specific year in consideration. Based on our most recent data, as of 2023, iPhones have secured a noteworthy presence in the United States, comprising approximately 50% of the smartphone market share.

Globally, this percentage is somewhat lower, reflecting the diverse range of smartphone brands and operating systems available, but it remains a significant portion of the overall market.

Globally, Android has a larger market share than iPhone. Android’s open-source nature has allowed it to reach a broader audience, while iPhones maintain a substantial user base due to their brand loyalty and premium offerings.

The worldwide community of iPhone users is indeed substantial, with millions of individuals choosing Apple’s iconic device. Apple regularly discloses sales and user statistics, and as of my last update in September 2023, there were roughly 1.46 billion iPhones actively being used across the globe.

Considering Apple’s continued success in the smartphone market, it’s quite likely that this number has seen further growth since then.

The exact count of iPhone users versus Samsung Galaxy users can fluctuate based on where and when you’re looking. Apple and Samsung are formidable forces in the smartphone arena, boasting sizable user communities.

To pinpoint the precise figures for each brand, you’d likely need up-to-date market research data that can offer a reliable basis for comparison.

The rivalry between Android and Apple’s iOS is intense and can fluctuate depending on the market and the era. Apple consistently commands a substantial portion of the smartphone market, but Android remains the predominant global operating system, primarily because it spans a diverse array of smartphone brands.

The balance of market share between Android and iOS can shift over time, shaped by various factors, including the launch of new products, consumer choices, and regional influences. It’s worth emphasizing that both Android and iOS maintain their strong positions, providing distinct features and user experiences tailored to their dedicated user communities.

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.