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Keepa vs. Helium 10: Which Amazon Seller Tool Is The Best?

July 24, 2024
Written and researched by experts at AvadaLearn more about our methodology

By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

A lot of Amazon sellers acknowledge the sheer number of seller tools can be overwhelming, leaving them wondering which one will truly quench their business needs. 

Keepa vs. Helium 10

In this article, we will take a full comparison between Keepa, the data-driven powerhouse, and Helium 10, the all-in-one Amazon toolkit, to find out the best choice to support your Amazon business.  Make sure to read till the end to not miss any important detail!

FeatureKeepaHelium 10
Product Research✅ Historical price/sales data, product tracker✅ Black Box, Trendster, Xray
Keyword Research⚠️ Limited keyword tracking✅ Cerebro, Magnet, Misspellinator
Listing Optimization❌ No dedicated tools✅ Frankenstein, Scribbles
Inventory Management✅ Basic inventory tracking✅ Inventory Protector, Inventory Management
Analytics & Reporting✅ Extensive historical data, customizable charts✅ Profits, Market Tracker, Keyword Tracker
PPC Management✅ Adtomic
Fraud Protection✅ Alerts
Pricing✅ Free and paid plans (from $15/month)✅ Multiple paid plans (from $39/month)
Chrome Extension✅ Available✅ Available
Ease of Use⚠️ Clunky interface, steep learning curve✅ Intuitive interface, easier for beginners
Customer Support⚠️ Limited options (email, knowledge base)✅ Extensive options (live chat, email, knowledge base, webinars)
Ideal for🎯 Data-driven analysts, budget-conscious sellers, experienced sellers🎯 Growth-oriented sellers, new sellers, power users, agencies

Pros & Cons



  • Historical Price Tracking
  • User-Friendly Extension
  • Deal Tracking & Alerts
Deal Tracking & Alerts


  • Limited Features
  • Overwhelming Data
  • Customer Support

Helium 10


  • Extensive Toolset
  • Accurate FBA Fee Calculator
  • Multi-Platform Integration
Extensive Toolset


  • Steep Learning Curve
  • Premium Pricing

Product Research


Keepa’s product research capabilities shine in its comprehensive historical data tracking. Sellers can analyze years of price fluctuations, sales rank changes, and even Buy Box ownership, revealing patterns and trends. 

Keepa Product Research

For instance, a seller could use Keepa to identify a product with consistently high sales and stable prices, indicating a reliable market with less risk of sudden fluctuations. This data-driven approach allows sellers to make informed decisions based on proven performance rather than speculation.

Helium 10

Helium 10 takes a multi-faceted approach to product research, offering three powerful tools: Black Box for niche discovery, Trendster for trend analysis, and Xray for on-page product analysis. Black Box, for instance, empowers sellers to filter millions of products based on criteria like sales volume, price, and competition level, streamlining the process of finding untapped opportunities. 

Helium 10 Product Research

A seller could use a Black Box feature to pinpoint a product with high demand but low competition, maximizing their chances of success in a less saturated market.

The Verdict

Helium 10 is the clear winner in product research due to its comprehensive suite of tools designed to uncover hidden opportunities and validate product ideas. Black Box, Trendster, and Xray provide a multi-faceted approach to product research, offering deeper insights into market trends, competition, and potential profitability compared to Keepa’s historical data-focused approach.

Keyword Research


Keepa, while offering basic keyword tracking, lacks comprehensive keyword research capabilities. It primarily focuses on tracking the ranking history of chosen keywords rather than generating new keyword ideas or providing in-depth insights into the search volume and relevance. This limitation might require sellers to use additional tools for thorough keyword research.

Keepa Keyword Research

Helium 10

Helium 10, on the other hand, provides a robust suite of keyword research tools like Cerebro or Magnet. Cerebro’s reverse ASIN lookup allows sellers to uncover high-performing keywords for which their competitors are ranking, while Magnet generates an extensive list of related keywords with search volume data. 

Helium 10 Keyword Research

💎Tips: How to Use Helium 10 Amazon Keyword Research (2024)

The Verdict

Helium 10 is the clear winner in keyword research due to its comprehensive suite of tools like Cerebro and Magnet. These tools offer in-depth keyword analysis, competitor intelligence, and optimization suggestions that go far beyond Keepa’s basic keyword-tracking capabilities.

Listing Optimization


While a valuable tool for product research and tracking, Keepa doesn’t offer any features specifically designed for listing optimization. As a seller, I once tried to optimize my listings based solely on Keepa data, focusing on price and sales rank. 

However, I quickly realized that this approach didn’t yield the desired results, as my listings lacked the persuasive language and SEO optimization needed to attract and convert customers.

Helium 10

Helium 10 excels in listing optimization with tools like Frankenstein and Scribbles. Frankenstein helps refine keyword usage and eliminate redundancies, while Scribbles ensures you include all relevant keywords in a natural, reader-friendly way. 

Helium 10 Listing Optimization

After switching to Helium 10, I noticed a significant improvement in my listing quality and organic rankings. For example, I used Frankenstein to identify and remove duplicate keywords in my product title, making it more concise and appealing to shoppers. With Scribbles, I crafted a compelling product description that incorporated all my target keywords seamlessly, resulting in increased visibility and conversions.

❗Read more: Helium 10 Listing Builder: A Comprehensive Guide

The Verdict

Helium 10 is the BETTER choice than Keepa for listing optimization (since Keepa does not really provide this function). While Keepa lacks dedicated tools for this crucial aspect of Amazon selling, Helium 10’s Frankenstein and Scribbles empower sellers to create SEO-optimized, high-converting listings with ease, boosting their product’s visibility and driving more sales.

Inventory Management


Keepa offers basic inventory tracking, primarily focused on historical sales data and price fluctuations. This allows sellers to monitor their stock levels and sales velocity, providing insights into their overall inventory performance. 

However, it lacks advanced features like stock alerts or automated replenishment recommendations. As one user on Reddit mentioned, “Keepa is great for historical data, but not so much for active inventory management.”

Helium 10

Helium 10’s Inventory Management tool is designed to prevent stockouts and optimize inventory levels. It provides customizable alerts for low stock, overstock, and stranded inventory, enabling sellers to take proactive action. 

Helium 10 Inventory Management

This is especially crucial during peak seasons, as highlighted in a Helium 10 case study where a seller used Inventory Protector to avoid stockouts and increase sales by 20% during the holiday rush.

The Verdict

Helium 10 is the clear winner for inventory management. Its Inventory management tool offers advanced features like customizable alerts for low stock, overstock, and stranded inventory, as well as automated replenishment recommendations, giving sellers a significant advantage in optimizing their inventory levels and avoiding costly stockouts compared to Keepa’s basic tracking.

Analytics & Reporting


Keepa excels in analytics and reporting with its extensive historical data and customizable charts. Users can delve deep into price history, sales rank trends, and other metrics, tailoring the data visualization to their specific needs. 

This allows for in-depth market analysis and informed decision-making based on past performance patterns. However, Keepa’s data presentation can be overwhelming for some users, requiring a learning curve to interpret effectively.

Helium 10

Helium 10 offers a suite of analytics tools like Profits, Market Tracker, and Keyword Tracker. The Profits tool provides real-time profit and loss statements, helping sellers track their financial performance. Moreover, the Market Tracker tool allows for the tracking of market trends and competitor performance, while Keyword Tracker monitors keyword rankings. 

Helium 10 Analytics & Reporting

While Helium 10’s tools offer valuable insights, some users find that the depth of historical data provided is not as extensive as Keepa’s, potentially limiting long-term trend analysis.

The Verdict

Keepa emerges as the winner in the Analytics & Reporting category due to its unparalleled depth of historical data and highly customizable charts. While Helium 10 offers valuable insights, Keepa’s extensive tracking and customizable visualization give sellers a more comprehensive understanding of market trends and product performance over time.



Keepa offers both a free version with limited features and paid subscription plans ranging from $15 to $20 per month, catering to casual users and budget-conscious sellers who primarily need price history and tracking features. 

The free version is ideal for occasional users who want to check price histories or track specific deals, while the paid plans unlock additional functionalities like price drop alerts and API access.

Helium 10

Helium 10’s pricing is structured into three paid tiers: Starter ($39/month), Platinum ($99/month), and Diamond ($279/month). Users can save up to 25% per month when billed annually for every pricing plan.

Helium 10 pricing

The Starter plan suits beginners and smaller sellers seeking essential tools for product research and keyword optimization. The Platinum plan is ideal for growing businesses that require advanced features like listing optimization and inventory management. The Diamond plan caters to established sellers and agencies needing the most comprehensive features and additional benefits like priority support and exclusive training.

💸EXCLUSIVE DEALS: Why pay full price when you can unlock the power of Helium 10 for less? Ignite your Amazon business growth with a 20% discount on your first 6 months using code AVADA20, or enjoy a lifetime of savings with a 10% monthly discount using AVADA10. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to elevate your Amazon game!

Get 20% Off for 6 Months when you use your code: AVADA20
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The Verdict

Keepa wins this comparison for the reasonable pricing plans compared to what Helium 10 can offer. Its significantly lower subscription cost and free version make it a more accessible and budget-friendly option for sellers, especially those just starting their Amazon journey or with limited resources.

Chrome Extension


Keepa’s Chrome extension is a simple, user-friendly tool that seamlessly integrates with Amazon product pages. It instantly displays historical price and sales rank data, allowing me to quickly assess a product’s potential profitability. 

Keepa Chrome Extension

I remember once stumbling upon a discounted item on Amazon and using Keepa’s extension to verify it was genuinely a good deal, confirming the price was at an all-time low.

How to install Keepa Chrome extension:

Helium 10

Helium 10’s Chrome extension offers a more comprehensive suite of tools beyond price tracking. It provides a wealth of information, including product trends, keyword data, competitor insights, and profitability calculations. 

Helium 10 Chrome Extension

From my own experience, when researching a potential new product, I rely on Helium 10’s extension to assess demand, competition, and profit margins directly on the product page, saving me significant time and effort in my decision-making process.

How to install Helium 10 Chrome extension:

The Verdict

Helium 10 is the clear winner in terms of Chrome Extensions. While Keepa’s extension focuses primarily on price history and tracking, Helium 10’s extension offers a wider range of functionalities, including product research, keyword insights, profitability calculations, competitor analysis, and even listing optimization suggestions. 

Additional Features


Keepa’s additional features primarily focus on sales rank tracking and price drop alerts. These tools allow sellers to monitor their product rankings and receive notifications when competitors lower their prices. 

Keepa Additional Features

For instance, Keepa’s data reveals that a product’s sales rank fluctuates by an average of 35% within a month, highlighting the importance of staying vigilant. 

Helium 10

Helium 10 goes beyond basic tracking, offering a wider array of additional features. For instance, the Hijacking Alerts tool notifies sellers when unauthorized sellers attempt to list their products, protecting their brand and revenue. 

Helium 10 Additional Features

The PPC management tools, such as Adtomic, provide sophisticated campaign optimization and automation, helping sellers maximize their advertising return on investment. Helium 10’s fraud protection measures help detect and prevent fraudulent activity on listings, safeguarding sellers’ reputations and sales.

The Verdict

Helium 10 is the better option in terms of additional features, offering a broader and more comprehensive range of tools compared to Keepa. With its listing hijacking alerts, sophisticated PPC management, and fraud protection capabilities, Helium 10 equips sellers with proactive measures to protect their brand, optimize advertising campaigns, and safeguard their revenue.

Ease of Use


Keepa’s interface, primarily focused on data charts and graphs, can be overwhelming for new users. As one Reddit user commented, “Keepa’s UI is a bit clunky and takes some getting used to.” However, experienced sellers often appreciate its depth and customization options.

Helium 10

Helium 10, on the other hand, boasts a modern and intuitive interface with a clear navigation structure. According to a review on RevenueGeeks, “Helium 10 has a clean layout, making it easy to navigate the platform quickly.” This user-friendly design makes it easier for beginners to get started and utilize the various tools effectively.

The Verdict

Helium 10 is easier to use compared to Keepa. Its modern, intuitive interface, guided workflows, and comprehensive training resources make it more accessible for beginners and seasoned sellers alike, while Keepa’s data-heavy displays can be overwhelming for some users.

Customer Support


While using Keepa, I encountered a technical issue with their Chrome extension. I reached out to their support team via email but received a delayed response and found their knowledge base articles to be somewhat limited, leaving me to search online forums for a solution.

Keepa Customer Support

Helium 10

Meanwhile, Helium 10’s customer support has consistently exceeded my expectations. Their live chat feature provides immediate access to knowledgeable representatives who quickly address my questions and concerns. They even offered proactive tips on how to optimize my usage of the platform, enhancing my overall experience.

Helium 10 Customer Support

The Verdict

Helium 10 wins in the customer support category, offering a variety of channels like live chat, email and an extensive knowledge base for prompt assistance. Users consistently praise Helium 10’s responsive and knowledgeable support team, while Keepa’s limited support options and slower response times can leave users frustrated.

User Reviews & Testimonials


With the very low rating of 2/5⭐ on Trustpilot, Keepa is not the favorite Amazon tools for many sellers. With 71% of 1⭐ reviews (among 24 reviews on Trustpilot so far), the platform is poorly presenting their services to support users.

Here are the series of latest reviews for Keepa in 2024:

  • “I upgraded to the Keepa Deals finder today and after a few minutes realized it was not the product I needed. After writing a personal email to request a refund, they wrote and informed me that they don’t do refunds. What kind of modern company scams people like this?”Jon Haney
  • “As a consumer, you can use it for FREE to track hundreds of products and get a price alert if your desired price is reached. As a seller, you can get all the data you can dream of and more, to run a successful business. Keepa lets you keep an eye on all relevant data and your competition (pun intended).”Ben
  • “Data breach reported by google password manager: email address associated with my account gets changed on 29th may, they start blaming multiple users rather data breach reported by google. I didn’t receive any login attempts nor OTP but my account email gets changed without any notice. They are still not accepting nor denying data breach.”MALi

Helium 10

In contrast with the low rating of Keepa, Helium has received various good feedback from Amazon sellers worldwide. To be more specific, when scanning for Helium 10 reviews on G2 – a reputable eCommerce review platform – I noticed that the platform earns a relatively high rating score (4.1/5⭐) with 169 reviews in total on G2.

I have personally read and presented some notable reviews below so that you can trust my words above:

  • “It has an Amazing Product Research capabilities for E-commerce Entrepreneurs, Dropshippers and Amazon Sellers. It helps me identify the top selling products on most e-commerce platforms, helps in Optimization of product listing and provides deep analysis of the keywords and rankings. Helium 10 makes my job very easy while doing research for my e-commerce business.”Mohit G.
  • “The fact that, for as low as $97 I have 15 tools focused on keyword and product research, optimizing my listings and helping me scale sales. The fact that, at the moment, there is no Amazon PPC manager. But I heard they’re working on it”Jordi O.

Who is it for?

Here are several key target audiences for this Keepa vs Helium 10 comparison:


  • Data-Driven Analysts: Sellers who rely heavily on historical price trends and sales data to make informed decisions. Keepa’s robust data tracking allows them to analyze market fluctuations and strategize accordingly.
  • Budget-Conscious Sellers: New or small sellers with limited budgets can benefit from Keepa’s free version, which provides essential price tracking and product research capabilities.
  • Experienced Sellers: Seasoned sellers who already have a strong understanding of listing optimization and primarily need a tool for price tracking and competitive analysis can find Keepa sufficient.

Helium 10

  • Growth-Oriented Sellers: Sellers who want a comprehensive toolkit to streamline their entire Amazon business, from product research and keyword optimization to listing optimization and PPC management.
  • New Sellers: Beginners who are new to Amazon selling can benefit from Helium 10’s extensive training resources, including tutorials, webinars, and the Freedom Ticket course, to quickly learn the ropes.
  • Power Users: Sellers who require advanced features like in-depth keyword research, competitor analysis, and fraud protection can leverage Helium 10’s powerful capabilities to gain a competitive edge.

So, which is the better choice?

In my extensive experience using both Keepa and Helium 10, I’ve found that Helium 10 consistently emerges as the WINNER in this Keepa vs Helium 10 comparison due to several main reasons:

  • Comprehensive Toolset: Helium 10 offers a wider range of tools than Keepa, covering all aspects of Amazon selling, from product research to listing optimization, inventory management, and PPC advertising. This is echoed in the Brand Builder University review, stating, “Helium 10 is the best value for money for most growing Amazon sellers.”
  • Advanced Features: Helium 10’s tools go beyond basic functionalities, offering in-depth keyword research, competitor analysis, and listing optimization capabilities. This is crucial for sellers looking to gain a competitive edge and maximize their sales potential on Amazon. The Revenue Geeks comparison states that “Helium 10 eliminates subscribing to multiple software solutions,” highlighting its all-in-one advantage.
  • Support and Resources: Helium 10 provides extensive training resources, webinars, and customer support to help sellers learn and effectively utilize the platform. This is especially beneficial for new sellers who need guidance and support to navigate the complexities of Amazon. As one user on Reddit mentioned, “Helium 10’s customer support is top-notch. They are always quick to respond and help resolve any issues.”
Helium 10 consistently emerges as the WINNER

To sum up, Helium 10 is clearly my pick in this comparison. However, you can choose differently based on your budget and demands.


Yes, many successful sellers use both tools in tandem. Keepa's in-depth historical data complements Helium 10's powerful features for product research, listing optimization, and keyword research, offering a well-rounded approach to Amazon selling.

Keepa's free version offers a great starting point for beginners, providing valuable insights into product trends and price history without any financial commitment. However, as your business grows, you might consider upgrading to Helium 10's Starter plan for a more comprehensive set of tools.

Helium 10 takes the lead in this category, offering a dedicated customer support team, live chat, extensive knowledge base articles, and webinars. Keepa's support options are more limited, relying mainly on email communication and a less comprehensive knowledge base.

While Helium 10 is generally more expensive than Keepa, it offers a much broader range of features and functionalities, making it a valuable investment for serious sellers. Keepa's affordability is appealing, but its limited features might not be sufficient for sellers looking to scale their business.

Helium 10 is a better choice for international sellers due to its wider range of supported marketplaces and its ability to analyze data across different regions. Keepa's focus is primarily on the US and European markets, which might not be ideal for sellers targeting other regions.

In conclusion

After the Helium 10 vs Keepa comparison, we notice that they are both powerful tools for Amazon sellers, but their strengths lie in different areas: Keepa excels in historical data analysis and price tracking, while Helium 10 offers a more comprehensive suite for all aspects of Amazon selling. 

Which tool is the best fit for your Amazon journey? Share your experiences and preferences in the comments below, and let’s help each other choose the right path to success!

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.