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Shopify Product Vendor: Everything You Need To Know

March 26, 2024
Written and researched by experts at AvadaLearn more about our methodology

By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about Shopify product vendors and how to effectively integrate and manage them.

What Is Shopify Product Vendors?

Shopify Product Vendors refers to the brands, manufacturers, or suppliers of the products that are being sold in a Shopify store. In the Shopify system, vendors are utilized to help categorize and track products based on who supplies or manufactures them.

Vendors help in organizing the products in your store, especially if you’re sourcing products from multiple suppliers or brands. For instance, if you’re selling electronics, you might have products from vendors like Apple, Samsung, and Sony.

On the backend, vendors can be useful for reporting purposes. For example, if you need to assess which vendor’s products are selling best or if you need to place a restock order, having your products categorized by vendors can make these tasks more straightforward.

For stores that rely on dropshipping, where products are shipped directly from the vendor to the customer, managing vendors is crucial. You’ll need to know which vendor to notify for each order that comes in.

Why Should You Add Your Product Vendor To Your Shopify Store?

Considering integrating product vendors into your Shopify store? Here’s why it’s a good idea:

  • Better Inventory Management: Link products to their suppliers for a clear, organized system. It simplifies tracking, ensuring you always know stock levels and product origins.
  • Faster Order Fulfillment: Assigning vendors to products speeds up order processing. Know instantly which vendor needs to ship, minimizing errors and boosting customer satisfaction.
  • Quality and Variety: Partnering with top-notch vendors enhances your product quality and range. Offer trendy, high-quality items to stand out in the market.
  • Build Customer Trust: Displaying vendor details boosts transparency. Customers appreciate knowing product sources, fostering brand loyalty.
  • Smart Decision-Making: The Product Vendor feature offers insights into vendor performance. Use this data to pick the best suppliers, get better deals, and refine product choices.
  • Diversify Suppliers: Avoid over-reliance on one supplier. Incorporate multiple vendors for a more resilient business model, shielding you from supplier setbacks.
  • Targeted Marketing: With vendor-specific products, craft pinpointed marketing campaigns. It’s a simplified way to push specific brands or lines.
  • Strengthen Vendor Ties: Good vendor management can enhance supplier relations, leading to potential discounts and fruitful partnerships.
  • Meet Regulatory Needs: For products with certain regulatory standards, vendor association ensures easy compliance and accurate origin tracking.
  • Efficient Scaling: As you expand, handling numerous vendors can be challenging. With Shopify’s Product Vendors, grow your business while maintaining a high organization and customer service standard.

How To Add Product Vendor To Your Shopify Store

Here is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to add a product vendor to your Shopify store:

Step 1: Access Your Shopify Admin

Log in to your Shopify account and navigate to your Shopify admin dashboard. This is where you’ll manage and make changes to your online store.

Step 2: Go to the “Products” Section

How To Add Product Vendor To Your Shopify Store

Click on the “Products” tab on the admin dashboard’s left side. This will take you to the product management page.

Step 3: Add a New Product

How To Add Product Vendor To Your Shopify Store

To add a new product vendor, click on the “Add product” button. This will open a new page where you can enter the details of the product.

Step 4: Enter the Product Vendor Information

Enter the Product Vendor Information

Scroll down to the “Vendor” section on the product details page. Here, you can enter the name of your product vendor. If the vendor is already in your system, start typing their name, and Shopify will suggest existing vendors. If the vendor is not listed, you can create a new one by typing their name and clicking the “Add vendor” option.

Step 5: Save the Product Details

Save the Product Details

Once you have entered the product vendor information, proceed to fill in the rest of the product details, such as the product name, description, price, images, and variants. Make sure to provide accurate and compelling information to attract potential customers.

Step 6: Repeat for Additional Products

If you have multiple products from the same vendor, repeat steps 3 to 5 for each product. This will ensure that all products associated with the vendor are properly listed and organized in your Shopify store.

Step 7: Test and Verify

Once you have added the product vendor information to your Shopify store, it’s essential to test and verify that the vendor details are correctly displayed on your storefront. Place test orders and ensure the vendor’s name appears in the order confirmation emails and invoices.

Integrating Multiple Vendors in Shopify

Operating a multi-vendor marketplace on Shopify requires strategic planning and the right tools to handle the intricacies. Here’s a guide to help you navigate this complex setup:

Strategies for Handling Multiple Vendors Efficiently

  • Supplier Contracts and Agreements:

Begin by establishing clear supplier contracts and agreements. These documents should outline the terms of the partnership, including product quality standards, delivery schedules, and pricing. Having well-defined contracts can help prevent disputes and ensure smooth collaboration.

  • Communication and Transparency:

Maintain open lines of communication with your vendors. Regularly check in with them to address any concerns, share performance data, and ensure everyone is on the same page. Transparency is key to building strong vendor relationships.

  • Quality Control and Performance Metrics:

Regularly assess vendor performance. Keep track of key metrics like order fulfillment times, product quality, and customer feedback. Identify underperforming vendors and take necessary actions to improve their performance or consider replacing them with more reliable alternatives.

  • Order Consolidation:

When possible, consolidate orders to minimize shipping costs and simplify order processing. This approach can lead to cost savings and a more streamlined operation.

  • Scalability Planning:

As your business grows, be prepared to scale your vendor management processes. Ensure that your strategies can accommodate a larger number of vendors and products without compromising efficiency.

Tools and Apps to Streamline the Process

  • Vendor Management Apps
Vendor Management Apps

Shopify offers several vendor management apps, such as Vendor Payout, which automates vendor payments and streamlines financial transactions. These apps can save you time and reduce the chances of errors in the payment process.

  • Inventory Management Software
Inventory Management Software

Tools like Robust NetSuite Integrator can help you manage your inventory efficiently. They can provide real-time inventory tracking, demand forecasting, and order management, ensuring you always have the right products in stock.

  • Dropshipping Platforms
Dropshipping Platforms

If your business involves dropshipping from multiple vendors, consider using platforms like DSers‑AliExpress Dropshipping. DSers streamlines the process of adding products from various suppliers to your Shopify store, automating the entire dropshipping operation.

  • Purchase Order Management Software
Purchase Order Management Software

Utilize purchase order management software like Auto Purchase Orders to create and track purchase orders for different vendors. These tools can help maintain a well-organized procurement process.

Tips for Organizing and Sorting Vendors for Efficient Management

Here are some tips to help you organize and sort vendors effectively:

  • Categorize Vendors by Type or Product: Group vendors based on the type of products they offer (e.g., electronics, clothing, or home goods). This will make it easier to identify which vendors to approach for specific product needs.
  • Prioritize Based on Volume and Frequency: Prioritize vendors who supply a significant volume of products or with whom you have frequent transactions. This can help you allocate resources and time more effectively.
  • Maintain a Vendor Database: Create a comprehensive database with all vendor details, including contact information, products supplied, payment terms, lead times, and any other pertinent details.
  • Regularly Update Vendor Information: Ensure that the vendor database is up-to-date. Regularly review and update contact details, products offered, and any changes in terms or agreements.
  • Assign Dedicated Vendor Managers: If resources allow, assign dedicated personnel to manage specific vendors or vendor categories. This can enhance the focus and improve relationships.
  • Set Up Regular Review Meetings: Organize regular meetings or check-ins with key vendors. This is an opportunity to review performance, address concerns, and discuss potential growth opportunities.
  • Establish Clear Vendor Policies: Define and communicate clear policies for order placements, returns, damages, payments, and other crucial processes. This reduces misunderstandings and potential disputes.
  • Track Order and Delivery History: Maintain a history of all orders, deliveries, and returns. This data can be instrumental in evaluating vendor reliability and consistency.

Case Studies and Success Stories 



Gymshark, a UK-based fitness apparel and accessories brand, has rapidly grown since its inception. They’ve sourced products from multiple vendors and manufacturers. With Shopify’s powerful tools, they’ve managed their vendor relationships seamlessly, ensuring timely inventory updates, product launches, and more.

Kylie Cosmetics

Kylie Cosmetics

Kylie Jenner’s cosmetic brand exploded in popularity soon after launch. Handling this surge in demand meant coordinating with numerous vendors for product manufacturing, packaging, and shipping. Shopify’s robust vendor management features played a role in streamlining these processes.

Fashion Nova

Fashion Nova

As a fast-fashion brand, Fashion Nova has to manage a plethora of vendors to keep up with the latest trends. They’ve efficiently handled thousands of products from various vendors, attributing a significant part of their operational success to Shopify’s capabilities.

Final Words

Incorporating Shopify product vendors into your eCommerce business can significantly improve efficiency and customer satisfaction. By understanding the importance of vendors, following the steps to add them, and implementing efficient vendor management strategies, you’re well on your way to a successful Shopify store.


Yes, you can easily change the vendor associated with a product. Within your Shopify admin panel, go to the product details, and you can edit the vendor information to reassign the product to a different vendor.
To manage multiple vendors effectively, consider strategies like vendor categorization, performance monitoring, transparent communication, inventory control, and regular vendor meetings. Utilize vendor management apps, inventory management software, and purchase order management tools to streamline the process.
Yes, you can display vendor information on your product pages to provide transparency to your customers. You can achieve this by customizing your Shopify theme or using apps that offer this feature.
You can assess vendor performance by regularly reviewing metrics such as order fulfillment times, product quality, and customer feedback. Shopify’s reporting tools and third-party apps can provide insights into vendor reliability and performance.
Vendor diversification in Shopify reduces the risk of relying too heavily on a single supplier, ensuring a more stable supply chain. It can lead to cost savings, competitive pricing, and the ability to reach new markets and customers.
Vendor contracts should clearly define terms and conditions, including pricing, payment schedules, quality standards, and delivery expectations. Consult with legal professionals if needed to ensure comprehensive and enforceable agreements.
You can prioritize top-performing vendors by establishing vendor ratings or tiers based on their performance. This helps you allocate resources and attention where it’s most needed, fostering strong partnerships.

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.