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Spocket vs AutoDS: Which is Better for Dropshipping?

August 21, 2024
Written and researched by experts at AvadaLearn more about our methodology

By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

Spocket vs AutoDS? Which should you choose for your dropshipping business?

Both are good, and both have their own advantages. But which is a better fit for you?

This article will compare Spocket vs AutoDS to help you decide which is better for your business. We’ll cover everything from product importation to user reviews, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each tool.

So, let’s get started now!

Overview of Spocket vs AutoDS

When choosing a dropshipping platform, Spocket and AutoDS are two popular options. Both help you find products and manage orders, but they have key differences. 

Spocket focuses on sourcing high-quality products from suppliers in the US and Europe, ensuring fast shipping times and premium items. This makes Spocket perfect if you want to offer unique and reliable products to your customers. 

On the other hand, AutoDS excels in automation. It integrates with multiple suppliers like AliExpress and CJDropshipping, automating product listings, price monitoring, and order fulfillment. This saves you time and reduces manual tasks, making AutoDS ideal if you want to streamline your dropshipping operations. 

To know more about their key differences, we will move to the next part to explore each platform in detail.

Spocket vs AutoDS: Comparison Table 





Product Catalog

800,000+ items from US/EU suppliers

500M+ products worldwide


Import & Listing Optimization

1-click import, detailed editing

1-click import, scheduling, image optimization


Automation & Fulfillment

One-click ordering, real-time sync, auto tracking

Fully automated ordering, bulk actions


Supplier Network

Vetted US/EU suppliers

Global suppliers, major retailer partnerships


Marketing Integrations

Extensive marketing tool integrations

Limited integrations, built-in automation


User Interface

User-friendly, intuitive

Advanced features, detailed analytics


Customizable Branding

Neutral packaging

Logo-printed thank-you cards


Bulk Actions

Easy to use, efficient

Customizable, automated rules


Pricing Plans

Straightforward, 14-day free trial

Variable pricing, additional feature costs


Payment Gateways

Multiple options (Stripe, PayPal, Shopify Payments)

Stripe, PayPal only


Spocket vs AutoDS: A Side-by-Side Comparison

Product Catalog

When you dive into Spocket’s product catalog, you’re greeted with a treasure trove of 800,000+ unique items from vetted suppliers, mainly in the US and EU. You can easily browse categories like apparel, home decor, and tech accessories.

What’s great is that you can filter products by shipping times, pricing, and best-sellers. This makes finding winning products that align with your store’s niche a breeze. Plus, Spocket’s focus on quality means you’re more likely to find premium items that’ll delight your customers.

Spocket's product catalog

AutoDS boasts an impressive catalog of 500M+ trending products from suppliers worldwide, including the US, EU, and China. Their product finder tool is a game-changer – you simply tell it what kind of products you’re after, how many you want to import, and which online stores you’re targeting.

AutoDS then does the heavy lifting of finding products that match your criteria. You can also filter by best-sellers, specific categories, and product types. This vast selection gives you many options to keep your store fresh and competitive.

AutoDS boasts an impressive catalog of 500M+ trending products


  • Product variety: AutoDS offers a much larger catalog (500M+) than Spocket.
  • Supplier locations: Spocket focuses on US and EU suppliers, while AutoDS also includes suppliers from China.
  • Product quality: Spocket emphasizes vetted, high-quality products, which may result in a more curated selection.
  • Search functionality: AutoDS’s product finder tool offers more advanced search capabilities than Spocket’s filters.


AutoDS wins in product variety and advanced search functionality.

Product Importation and Listing Optimization

Spocket makes it easy to add products to your import list with just one click. Before publishing, you can customize product details like name, tags, category, description, images, and variants. This ensures your listings match your store’s branding and SEO strategy. 

From my analysis, this feature could save a lot of time and make your listings look more professional. Plus, Spocket’s partnership with AI Pro: AI Blog/SEO Optimizer is a game-changer. It generates product titles and descriptions using AI, significantly improving listing optimization.

Spocket makes it easy to add products to your import list with just one click

AutoDS also offers a 1-click product importer tool to add items from suppliers to your store. You can import products by pasting the URL or item ID into the importer. I found this particularly useful when managing a large inventory. AutoDS lets you schedule imports for strategic launches, which helps you plan ahead. 

The platform automatically optimizes listings, including image decompression for faster loading and adding SEO keywords. Its AI Rewrite tool allows you to set the tone for product titles and descriptions, ensuring consistent and engaging listings. You can watch this video to get more insights.


  • Customization: Spocket offers more detailed editing before publishing.
  • AI Integration: Both platforms use AI, but AutoDS allows tone customization, while Spocket uses an external AI tool.
  • Scheduling: AutoDS offers scheduling for imports, which Spocket does not mention.
  • Image Optimization: AutoDS highlights image decompression for faster loading.
  • SEO Focus: Both emphasize SEO, with AutoDS adding keywords automatically and Spocket allowing manual edits.


AutoDS due to its comprehensive automation features, including scheduling imports and automatic SEO enhancements.

Automation and Order Fulfillment

Spocket offers an excellent approach to automation and order fulfillment that can save you precious time and energy. With Spocket, you can quickly process orders with just a single click. The platform automatically syncs inventory levels in real-time, ensuring you never oversell products.

You’ll appreciate Spocket’s automated tracking number updates. They keep your customers informed about their order status without your manual input. Spocket also integrates with various e-commerce platforms, allowing for smooth order processing across multiple sales channels.

Spocket offers an excellent approach to automation and order fulfillment

AutoDS boosts automation with tools that cut down on manual tasks. For example, its auto-ordering feature places orders with suppliers when a customer buys from your store.

It also monitors prices and stock, updating your listings in real time. With bulk actions, you can manage multiple products or orders at once. Plus, AutoDS simplifies product importing and listing optimization, making your store run more efficiently.

AutoDS boosts automation with tools that cut down on manual tasks


  • Order processing: Spocket offers one-click ordering, while AutoDS provides fully automated ordering.
  • Inventory sync: Both platforms offer real-time inventory updates.
  • Tracking updates: Spocket automatically updates tracking numbers, while AutoDS requires manual input or additional setup.
  • Bulk actions: AutoDS offers more extensive bulk action capabilities than Spocket.
  • Product importing: AutoDS provides more advanced automated importing and optimization features than Spocket.


AutoDS wins because it offers more automation features and makes managing your store easier.

Partnered Retail Suppliers

Spocket boasts a vast network of thousands of vetted suppliers based in the US and EU. This focus on Western suppliers sets Spocket apart, offering you access to high-quality products with faster shipping times.

You’ll find various suppliers, from small artisanal businesses to larger manufacturers, covering categories like apparel, home goods, and beauty products. Spocket’s rigorous vetting process ensures you work with reliable suppliers who meet strict quality and shipping standards.

Plus, with the AliExpress integration, you can expand your reach to global suppliers if desired.

with the AliExpress integration, you can expand your reach to global suppliers if desired

AutoDS takes a different approach, offering you access to suppliers with warehouses in multiple countries, including China, the US, the UK, Germany, and more. You can filter suppliers by location, giving you flexibility in choosing where your products come from.

AutoDS partners with well-known retailers like Wayfair, Home Depot, and Costco Wholesale and unique private suppliers exclusive to its platform. This mix of established retailers and exclusive suppliers provides a wide array of product options and potential competitive advantages.

AutoDS partners with well-known retailers like Wayfair, Home Depot, and Costco Wholesale


  • Supplier Location: Spocket focuses on US/EU suppliers, while AutoDS offers a more global range.
  • Vetting Process: Spocket has a stringent vetting process, whereas AutoDS’s process is less transparent.
  • Supplier Diversity: AutoDS partners with major retailers and exclusive suppliers, while Spocket offers a mix of small and large businesses.
  • Product Range: Both platforms offer a wide range of products, but AutoDS may have an edge due to partnerships with large retailers.


Spocket wins due to its focus on quality US/EU suppliers and rigorous vetting process.

Integrations with Marketing Tools

Spocket smoothly integrates with various marketing tools, allowing you to automate and streamline your marketing efforts. For example, you can connect your store to popular marketing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads. This makes it easy to run targeted ads and promotions.

Additionally, Spocket’s integration with email marketing tools like Mailchimp and Klaviyo enables you to create personalized email campaigns and loyalty programs. As a result, you can focus on growing your business while Spocket handles the heavy lifting of marketing.

Spocket's integration with email marketing tools like Mailchimp and Klaviyo

AutoDS, on the other hand, has a more limited range of marketing integrations. It does support connections with popular platforms like Facebook and Google Ads. However, its integration options are not as extensive as Spocket’s.

Despite this, AutoDS offers a built-in marketing automation feature. This feature allows you to create custom workflows and rules for your marketing campaigns. It is handy and useful for automating repetitive tasks and optimizing your marketing strategy.

AutoDS offers a built-in marketing automation feature


  • Range of integrations: Spocket wins with its extensive marketing integrations, including email marketing tools and social media platforms.
  • Marketing automation: AutoDS takes the lead with its built-in marketing automation feature, allowing for custom workflows and rules.
  • Ease of use: Spocket’s integrations, with a more user-friendly interface, are generally easier to set up and use.


Spocket wins because it offers more marketing integrations and is easier to use.

User Interface

Spocket’s user interface is clean, modern, and intuitive, designed to make navigation a breeze. You can easily browse products, filter by various criteria, and integrate with your store smoothly. The dashboard provides a clear overview of your orders, products, and suppliers. With its minimalistic design, even beginners find it straightforward to manage their dropshipping business. 

The interface also includes helpful tooltips and guides to assist you every step of the way. Based on what I have seen, Spocket’s simplicity helped many sellers quickly set up their stores and start selling without any hassle.

Spocket's user interface is clean, modern, and intuitive

AutoDS offers a robust user interface with features catering to more advanced users. The comprehensive dashboard displays detailed analytics and metrics to help you optimize your store’s performance. You can manage orders, track shipments, and monitor product prices from one place. 

While it might initially feel a bit overwhelming, AutoDS offers plenty of tutorials and customer support to help you get used to the interface. Its advanced tools are just right for anyone wanting to scale their operations!

Many seasoned dropshippers, like those highlighted in AutoDS’ success stories, have discovered that the platform’s wide range of features and in-depth analytics help scale their businesses. Industry professionals also suggest using solid analytics tools to boost your dropshipping operations.

AutoDS offers a robust user interface with features catering to more advanced users


  • Ease of Use: Spocket is more user-friendly for beginners, while AutoDS offers advanced features for experienced users.
  • Design: Spocket’s clean and modern design appeals to those who prefer simplicity. AutoDS’s interface is more complex but offers deeper insights.
  • Navigation: Spocket offers straightforward navigation with helpful guides. AutoDS requires a learning curve but provides extensive tutorials.
  • Customization: AutoDS provides more customization options, which can be advantageous for scaling your business.


Spocket wins because of its simpler user interface. This makes it easier for beginners like you to navigate and manage your dropshipping business effectively.

Customizable Branding

With Spocket, you get a clean slate for branding your dropshipping business. Products arrive in neutral packaging, free from supplier marketing materials. This gives you the freedom to create your own brand identity from scratch.

Some items, like clothing, may come with manufacturer tags, which can actually boost customer confidence in product quality. While Spocket doesn’t offer custom packaging inserts, this blank canvas approach allows you to fully control how customers perceive your brand.

With Spocket, you get a clean slate for branding your dropshipping business

AutoDS takes customizable branding a step further by offering thank-you cards with your logo printed on them. These can be inserted into packages, adding a personal touch to your customer’s unboxing experience.

However, it’s important to note that not all suppliers on AutoDS offer this service. This feature allows you to create a more memorable impression and potentially increase customer loyalty. However, its availability may be limited depending on your chosen suppliers.

AutoDS takes customizable branding a step further by offering thank-you cards


  • Brand control: Spocket offers a clean slate, while AutoDS provides some customization options
  • Packaging inserts: AutoDS offers logo-printed thank-you cards, Spocket does not
  • Supplier participation: AutoDS’s branding options depend on supplier cooperation, Spocket’s approach is consistent across all suppliers


AutoDS wins as it is better than Spocket in customizable branding due to its offering of logo-printed thank-you cards.

Bulk Actions

With Spocket, you can perform bulk actions with ease. You can import products in bulk, update prices and inventory in bulk, and even fulfill orders in bulk. This feature is especially useful when you’re dealing with a large number of products or orders.

Spocket’s bulk action feature is designed to simplify your workflow, allowing you to focus on more critical tasks. You can also use Spocket’s bulk action feature to automate tasks, such as sending tracking information to customers or updating product variations.

Spocket's bulk action feature is designed to simplify your workflow

AutoDS also offers bulk actions but with a twist. You can perform bulk actions on multiple products at once, but you can also set up automated rules to trigger these actions. For example, you can set up a rule to automatically update prices when a supplier changes pricing.

AutoDS’s bulk action feature is designed to be more flexible and customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs. However, this flexibility comes at a cost – the feature can be more complex to set up and use.

AutoDS's bulk action feature is designed to be more flexible and customizable


  • Ease of use: Spocket’s bulk action feature is more user-friendly and easier to set up.
  • Customization: AutoDS’s bulk action feature is more customizable, allowing you to set up automated rules.
  • Automation: AutoDS’s bulk action feature offers more automation options, allowing you to set up triggers for specific actions.
  • Speed: Spocket’s bulk action feature is generally faster and more efficient.


Spocket. Its bulk action feature is more user-friendly and efficient, making it ideal for users who need quick and easy management of large inventories.

Pricing Plans

Spocket offers four plans. You can pay monthly or annually for the Pro, Empire, and Unicorn plans. Here’s a breakdown of the pricing:

  • Starter: $39.99/month – You get access to 25 unique products.
  • Pro: $59.99/month or $24/month annually – You get 250 unique products, 25 premium products, branded invoicing, supplier communication, and the ability to search products by image.
  • Empire: $99.99/mo or $57/month annually – You get all the above and 10,000 unique products and 10,000 premium products.
  • Unicorn: $299.99/month or $79/month annually – This is for larger-scale enterprises and includes all the above plus 25,000 unique products, 25,000 premium products, bulk checkout, and product request features.

You can try any of those plans for free for 14 days.

Spocket offers four plans

AutoDS’s pricing structure depends on your selling platform, like eBay, Shopify, or Amazon. Each platform has four tiers based on the number of monthly products you can import. You can also try the first three tiers for $1 for 14 days. 

Here’s a breakdown of the pricing for eBay sellers:

  • Import 200: $9.90/month for basic automation features.
  • Starter 400: $17.90/month for beginners setting up their store.
  • Advanced 800: $32.90/month for experienced drop shippers needing more products and faster support.
  • Custom: $3,120/month or $2,340/year for importing up to 100,000 products.
AutoDS's pricing structure depends on your selling platform

Winner: Spocket is the winner because it offers a more straightforward pricing structure, a free trial, and no hidden fees.

Payment Gateways

Spocket gives you the freedom to choose your preferred payment gateway. You can connect your store to popular options like Stripe, PayPal, and Shopify Payments. This means you can pick the gateway that best suits your needs and customers’ preferences. You can also easily switch between different gateways if you need to.

AutoDS offers a streamlined payment process. You can accept payments through Stripe and PayPal, the most popular gateways for e-commerce stores. This makes it easy for you to get started and start selling quickly. However, you don’t have the flexibility to choose other gateways.


  • Flexibility: Spocket wins this round! You have more choices with Spocket, allowing you to pick the best gateway for your business.
  • Ease of Use: AutoDS makes it easy to get started with Stripe and PayPal, making it a good choice for beginners.
  • Variety: Spocket offers a wider variety of payment gateways, giving you more options to cater to your customer’s preferences.


Spocket wins as it provides greater flexibility and variety with its payment gateway options.

Spocket vs AutoDS: User Reviews and Testimonials


  • Analysis of User Feedback

Spocket enjoys generally positive reviews on Trustpilot, boasting an average rating of 4.5/ 5 stars from 4,264 reviews. Customers find Spocket easy to use, with a wide selection of products and fast shipping, which greatly helps their dropshipping businesses.

  • Common Praises & Complaints

Users love the ease of use and product variety. The fast shipping and overall effectiveness in managing their business also receive high praise. However, some have faced issues with fulfillment rates and out-of-stock products. Thankfully, Spocket has addressed these concerns to improve the user experience.

Spocket vs AutoDS: User Reviews and Testimonials


  • Analysis of User Feedback

AutoDS also receives high praise on Trustpilot, with an impressive average rating of 4.8/ 5 stars from 8,686 reviews. Customers appreciate the platform’s comprehensive features, such as automated product listing, inventory tracking, order fulfillment, and business insights.

  • Common Praises & Complaints

Users highlight AutoDS’s extensive supplier network and the ease of importing products. They also praise the intelligent product optimization features. While the reviews are mostly positive, any specific complaints are rare and usually addressed quickly by the AutoDS support team, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Spocket vs AutoDS: User Reviews and Testimonials


AutoDS with a higher average rating and more positive user feedback compared to Spocket.

Overall Winner: Spocket or Autods?

Spocket wins because it excels in providing high-quality products from reliable suppliers in the US and Europe, ensuring faster shipping times and better product quality. Its focus on premium items helps build trust with your customers, making your store stand out. Spocket also offers extensive marketing integrations, a user-friendly interface, and multiple payment gateways, which provide flexibility and ease of use. 

Although AutoDS shines in automation and product variety, Spocket’s emphasis on quality, customer satisfaction, and comprehensive support makes it the better choice for those seeking to offer a top-notch shopping experience.

Spocket vs Autods: Which One Should You Choose?

Choose Spocket if you want a simple, easy-to-use platform focusing on US and EU suppliers. It has a clean interface and competitive pricing, making it perfect for beginners. You can integrate it with popular e-commerce and marketing tools. This means you can quickly set up your store and start selling.

On the other hand, AutoDS is for those who need more. It has a vast product catalog and advanced automation features. You can find products from all over the world and use tools that save you time. 

AutoDS supports multiple marketplaces, which helps you reach more customers. Its automation tools, like product descriptions and price updates, make managing your store easier. This makes AutoDS ideal for experienced users who want to grow their business quickly.


We’ve just explored the key differences between Spocket vs AutoDS. The decision is ultimately yours, so weigh the pros and cons carefully before choosing. We hope this article has been helpful!

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.