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Website Load Times | Optimal Website Loading Speed In 2024

January 30, 2024
Written and researched by experts at AvadaLearn more about our methodology

By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

In this article, we will discuss the importance of website load times, the impacts of website speed on your business, and how to improve your website speed. Let’s dive in!

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Key Takeaways

  • Faster website loading times lead to happier users and better search engine rankings.
  • Website owners should aim for a 2 to 3-second loading time to keep visitors engaged.
  • Factors affecting website load times include website hosting, media, and files, plugins,
  • Tips for improving website speed: You should test your website speed, optimize media, compress source code, and use CDN to improve your website performance.

The Importance of Website Load Time

Having a website that loads quickly is crucial because it affects how people feel when they visit your site. There’s research that proves this. For example, when a webpage loads in just two seconds, only a few people leave the page quickly (the bounce rate only about 9.61%). But if the page takes 7 seconds to load, many more people may leave the site fast – almost 3 out of every 10 visitors (32.3%)! 

These numbers showed how important it is to have a speedy website. And not only do people care about speed, but even search engines like Google pay attention to it. They use this statistic to decide how high your website appears in search results. So, if you want to do well online, having a website that loads fast is a big deal.

What is the ideal website load time?

Optimizing the website loading time is crucial because it affects users’ experience on that website. Experts say it’s great if your website takes about 2 to 3 seconds to load. 

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Some studies done by Google show that if a page takes more than 3 seconds to load, like around 5 seconds, many people might leave the page quickly. They found that the chances of people leaving increase by 90% if a page takes 5 seconds to load compared to just 1 second. 

Impact of Website Load Time on Business

To make your online business successful, you must understand the impact of the website load time on your business. Your website load speed can directly impact sales, customer loyalty, and search engine ranking.

Impact on sales

Website load time has a direct influence on your sales. When your website loads quickly, it makes it easier for customers to browse and shop. On the other hand, if your website takes a long time to load, potential customers might get frustrated and leave without making a purchase. 

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Latest scientific studies have shown that a one-second delay in load time can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. This means that faster load times can lead to more sales and a better bottom line for your business.

Impact on customer loyalty

Fast-loading websites also plays a significant role in keeping your customers coming back. People with a positive experience on your site are likelier to trust your brand and become loyal customers. 

Slow-loading websites can give a negative impression and make customers less likely to return. Quick load times help build trust and keep your customers engaged, which can lead to repeat business and word-of-mouth recommendations.

Impact on SEO

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You need to know search engines like Google consider website load time when ranking search results. Faster-loading websites are seen as providing a better user experience so that they may get a boost in search rankings. On the other hand, slow-loading websites might get low scores and ranking in search results.

Factors Affect Website Load Time?

Several key factors can speed up or slow down your site’s performance. Here are their details:

Web hosting

Choosing a web hosting can significantly impact how quickly your website loads. Selecting a reliable web hosting provider can ensure your site remains accessible and responsive. According to many studies, poor web hosting can lead to slow load times and even downtime, negatively affecting user satisfaction and SEO rankings.

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Web hosting and uptime

Uptime, the percentage of time your website is online and accessible, is closely tied to web hosting. A web hosting provider with high uptime ensures your site is available to visitors whenever they try to access it.

Web hosting and server types

The type of server your website is hosted on also impacts load times. Shared hosting, where multiple websites share resources on a single server, can lead to slower load times due to resource constraints. In contrast, dedicated or cloud hosting options provide more resources and better performance. 

Images, Videos, and Files

The size and type of media files you use on your website can significantly affect load times. Putting images, videos, and other files on your website affects how fast it shows up for people. 

Imagine you have a big image on your site; if it’s too big, like 5 megabytes (MB), it can take longer to load. However; your site could load much faster if you make that image smaller, about 100 kilobytes (KB).

Large, unoptimized images, videos, and files can slow your site’s performance. You must optimize images through compression and use efficient file formats to reduce load times while maintaining visual quality.


Plugins can add functionality to your website and help you make your website much more accessible. However, using too many plugins can negatively impact website load times. Each plugin adds extra code and scripts that need to be processed, potentially slowing down your site. 

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So, it’s good to be careful about how many plugins you add to your website. Pick the ones you need and ensure they’re well-coded and optimized. This way, your website will load faster and give visitors a smooth experience.


You need to ensure your website is compatible with various web browsers. Different browsers can process your site differently, affecting load times. Moreover, it can be bad if your website uses a lot of modern coding styles because many of your customers may not upgrade browser versions regularly.

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It is recommended to optimize browser compatibility, as advised by W3Counter, to ensure consistent loading speed and a seamless experience for all users.

Cache clearance

Your computer’s cache saves information from websites you visit, helping you access these websites faster. When you return to a site, its data is already there and loads quickly. If you delete your cache, websites you often visit might take longer to load.

Mobile vs. Desktop: Average Page Load Times

After looking at the top 100 web pages worldwide, researchers found that regular web pages take about 2.5 seconds to show up on computers and around 8.6 seconds on mobile phones. 

Moreover, when you press something on a computer, it usually takes about 12.73 milliseconds to react, while on mobile phones, it takes longer – about 59.73 milliseconds.

Comparing Mobile and Desktop Browsing

When discussing how quickly websites load on mobile phones and desktop computers, we’re looking at two different experiences. Mobile phones sometimes take longer to load because of their smaller screens and varying connection strengths. Recognizing these variations is essential to ensure everyone enjoys a smooth browsing experience.

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Differing User Expectations for Mobile and Desktop

People using smartphones often look for quick access to information on the go. On the other hand, desktop users might be willing to wait a bit longer for more detailed content to load. 

Phones are ideal for speedy information retrieval, while computers offer a more relaxed browsing experience. You should understand these preferences for tailoring the browsing experience accordingly.

How to Improve Website Speed

As mentioned above, slow-loading websites can drive visitors away and impact user satisfaction. You must ensure a seamless experience by considering these guides to enhance your website’s speed:

Test The Website Speed

First, you must estimate your website’s performance to kick off the speed improvement journey. You can use valuable tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix for testing your website speed. They offer detailed insights into your site’s loading speed, highlighting areas that need improvement. Besides, regular testing allows you to track progress and ensure effective optimizations.

Understand Users Expectaction

Second, you must understand what users expect from your website, especially website loading times. Many researches show that users expect websites to load within a few seconds. You can improve user engagement and satisfaction by recognizing these demands.

Take Action

Now, it’s time for you to act with these insights from testing and understanding user expectations. Implementing changes to optimize your website’s speed is a critical step. It’s good for your business when you regularly review your site’s performance and make necessary adjustments to ensure it stays loading fast.

Optimize Amages

Optimizing images is one of the best tips for improving your website’s loading speed. Here are some steps to achieve this:

  • Choose the Right File Format: You should select the appropriate file format for your images. JPEG is best for photographs and images with many colors, while PNG suits images with transparency or simple graphics.
  • Resize Images: You can consider scaling images to the dimensions your website needs. Uploading unnecessarily large images can slow down loading times.
  • Compress images: You can use tools like TinyPNG, ImageOptim, or Squoosh to compress images before uploading them to your website. This will significantly enhance loading speed and overall performance.

Optimize Coding

You can also improve your website loading speed by optimizing website code. Here are steps to ensure efficient code for improved website performance:

  • Minify Code: Remove unnecessary spaces, line breaks, and comments from your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Minifying reduces file sizes, leading to quicker loading.
  • Combine CSS and JavaScript: Merge multiple CSS and JavaScript files into fewer files. This reduces the number of server requests, enhancing loading speed.
  • Use External Files: Utilize external CSS and JavaScript files rather than inline code. This allows browsers to cache these files for faster subsequent page loads.
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Optimize Databases

Databases can become cluttered over time, affecting your website’s loading speed. Regularly clean and optimize your database to remove outdated or unnecessary data. Besides, you can use database optimization plugins or tools to automate this process and maintain efficient data retrieval.

If you are using WordPress, please consider some plugins listed below for optimizing your databases:

  • WP-Optimize: This plugin helps you clean up your database by removing unnecessary data, optimizing tables, and reducing database bloat.
  • WP Sweep: WP Sweep cleans up your database by deleting orphaned, duplicated, and unused data to improve overall performance.
  • Advanced Database Cleaner: This plugin lets you clean up your database by removing spam, post revisions, and other unnecessary data, leading to a more efficient site.


A Content Delivery Network (CDN) can significantly improve loading speed by distributing content across multiple servers worldwide. This reduces the distance between users and your website’s server, leading to faster loading times. 

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Here are some recommendations if you want to use CDN for your website:

  • Small website or system: Cloudflare, StackPath, Vercel
  • Medium and enormous system: Akamai, AWS Cloud Front

Website Load Time: FAQs

Website load time directly impacts user experience. Faster load times keep visitors engaged and satisfied, while slow ones can lead to frustration and abandonment.
Search engines consider website speed when ranking pages. Faster sites are more likely to appear higher in search results, improving visibility and organic traffic.
The ideal website loading time is around 2 to 3 seconds. Studies show that users expect pages to load quickly and may leave if the wait is too long.

Final Thoughts

In summary, website loading speed is critical to your customer experience. There are a lot of factors affecting your website speed. It would be best to improve website load times by using many tips like optimizing images, code, and databases. Fast-loading websites means happy users and successful businesses. 

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.