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How to Optimize & Reduce BigCommerce Abandoned carts?

Last updated: May 01, 2024
This article has been written and researched by our expert Avada through a precise methodology. Learn more about our methodology





A lot of thought goes into creating a BigCommerce shop, and digital retailers spend a lot of money on both organic SEO and paid ads. Despite such concerted attempts, conversion results have been poor.

Does that sound familiar? If you still have a leaky funnel and a heavy cart abandonment rate? And do you know why?

Your prospective customers might have encountered some form of friction during the checkout phase, causing them to abandon your BigCommerce shop. Even a minor revival of these dropped-out prospects will have a significant impact on the bottom line.

So, in this article, we’ll look at a How to Optimize & Reduce BigCommerce Abandoned carts through successful techniques and overall website optimization, including the checkout method.

How to Optimize BigCommerce Abandoned Carts

1. Simplify checkout navigation

The e-commerce industry is highly competitive, and it is becoming more so by the day. Customers just need one point of friction to leave your cart and go to your rivals. If the clients have progressed to the point of adding items to their shopping cart, don’t let their efforts go to waste. The end-of-funnel experience should be quick and straightforward. Make the checkout method as quick and smooth as possible by removing redundant choices that complicate the process. May not have types that include email addresses or complex passwords.

2. Make any extra costs visible

Customers are about to make a transaction but abandon it during the checkout period. One of the main culprits here are the extra costs, such as mailing fees, which are normally shown at the end and catch consumers off guard. Customers prefer to leave because there is no real deal. The easiest way to do in this situation is to integrate a shipping calculator into your BigCommerce platform so that the shipping fee is still easily available prior to the checkout phase. Such costs, such as fines, storage fees, and customization fees, should be plainly noticeable. This way, the shopper will make an educated decision based on the pricing.

3. Different Shipping and Payment Options

By including the appropriate choices, you will have what your consumers prefer and expect. Various payment options, including a variety of credit and debit cards, should be eligible. Understand the demographics and geographic payment choices, and include these options appropriately. Don’t hesitate to use conventional approaches such as internet banking. Include solutions such as PayPal and American Express for younger demographics and the most recent options, if any, for more tech-savvy users.

4. Simple methods of communication

Customers will like to reach you directly if anything goes wrong during the checkout phase. There must be communication options that are easily accessible to them. This first line of contact is critical, and a simple conversation fosters interest between consumers and retailers. You may also have a FAQ page where you can answer some of the most popular and simple questions for their ease. You may also provide social evidence in the form of consumer testimonials and product videos that some users can find useful. A live chat alternative is also an excellent addition that serves the mission well.

5. Make the cart easily accessible

Customers also utilize the shopping cart as a kind of shopping list, placing any of the things they want to buy in it. As a result, you must have the shopping cart clear at all times. Be sure there is a consistent message so shoppers realize their most wanted goods are available in the cart and ready for them. It must be straightforward, accurate, and eye-catching.

The most successful methods for recovering BigCommerce Abandoned Carts

Abandoned carts are one of the most infuriating aspects of eCommerce. Why will customers not complete an order if they have already taken the time to navigate your shop and choose the items they want?

This, though, occurs often. Approximately 70% of customers dump their shopping carts. This is not to say that they never return to complete the purchase; often, they look at your rivals’ goods and either return to you, or they are reminded of your offering. According to several reports, 60% of these prospective customers return to complete their order after being reminded about the offer.

Assuming that anyone who enjoyed the product and applied it to their cart would recall it will seem to be a foregone conclusion, but this is often not the case. We are not logical.

That is why your company needs to consider the following methods for reminding prospective buyers to return to your shop. Stop wasting money due to lost carts by implementing the following strategies:

1. Using Google Ads, you will retarget your missed customers

If it’s out of sight, it’s out of view. Remarketing is one of the most effective ways to remind consumers of BigCommerce Abandoned cart. Why is this so? Since remarketing advertisements chase cart abandoners across the Internet. It displays the items they left in their cart as a visual reminder.

It is also the quickest way to contact them if you do not have the abandoners’ email addresses. It would be best if you used remarketing strategies to entice them to return before they purchase from your rivals.

Tips for remarketing campaigns:

  • Segment the cart abandoners based on the commodity they purchased, whether it was their first selling or a repeat sale, and the cart valuation. You’d also prefer to provide a greater reward to anyone who buys a more costly commodity. Often, a buyer who has already purchased from your shop can quickly remember you because the ad copy will differ from one used by retargeting a new customer.
  • Create a burn pixel to encourage you to avoid displaying advertisements to users who have finally made a purchase.
  • Set a time limit and frequency for yourself. If you screen your ad too early, it will irritate your future customers, but displaying it too late will allow them time to shop with a rival. Showing the advertising so often can also be annoying; we suggest not exceeding 20 times a month.
  • Put all to the test. Retargeting is not something you can set and forget; instead, you can generate various variants of the ad by modifying the image, text, and, most importantly, the call to action.

2. Send them emails to remind them of your store

Email marketing has been found to have a higher ROI than social networking, SEO, and content marketing, so it can be an essential aspect of the marketing approach, like cart recovery actions.

Where, on the other hand, do you submit recovery cart emails? The more you wait for your abandoners to recall you, the less likely they will return. According to various surveys, more than half of all carts are retrieved when they are reminded to return. Act immediately and deliver your cart emails as soon as possible.

As a result, you must gather their emails when they are in your shop. You can do that with pop-ups or a form, giving them coupons, ebooks, a blog membership if you have one, telling them to sign up before making an order, and so on.

The following may be a good technique for successful cart recovery:

  • Customers can be segmented. As previously mentioned, while discussing remarketing advertising, the effectiveness of an email campaign is directly proportional to its importance. The explanations that a first-time consumer abandons the cart vary from that of a regular customer. Segmenting allows you to personalize the post.
  • Make the ideal subject line. The majority of email subscribers access their emails based on the subject line. Your topic should be one-of-a-kind and elicit emotions, a sense of urgency, or even scarcity.
  • Check to see if your emails are responsive. Many citizens use their phones to read their emails and make purchases. You can ensure that your communications, including product photos, audio, CTAs, and buttons, are mobile-friendly.
  • After sending a collection of emails, measure the effectiveness of these additional emails and personalize them depending on the customers’ behavior.

3. Pop-ups may be used to prevent customers from abandoning their shopping carts

This is an easy strategy to keep customers from BigCommerce Abandoned cart in the first place, because it will save your life if you don’t have their email addresses. You may still hit abandoners with an exit-intent popup, as well as returning guests who aren’t responding to your emailing plan. But how do you get them to buy? There are several tried-and-true methods for reducing shopping cart abandonment through pop-ups:

  • Re-engage them immediately with a firm call to action; you may use comedy or desperation in the title to make them know they are passing up a fantastic chance if they quit.
  • Justify them to continue. Again, it’s not all the discounts; there are some useful things that the guests can be involved in, such as free refunds, a free gif with their order, free delivery, and so on.
  • Exit-intent popupss may be added on every page in the store, including the shopping cart and checkout sections. Personalize the pop-ups based on the website where they are placed.

4. Keep the shopping cart visible on your website

People can navigate your website and add products to their cart that they are interested in. However, they prefer to look for other offers on your platform and your rivals’ websites. A simple way to remind them about the abandoned cart is to highlight it and make it visible on the site, mainly if it contains items.

Almost a quarter of people who leave their shopping carts would prefer to conserve their things for further thought. This is also why you can make your shopping cart available. Amazon does an excellent job by displaying the number of goods in the cart by highlighting it in a different color.

5. Enable web push notifications

Push notifications are extremely common, especially on mobile devices. However, when it comes to the internet, only a few advertisers use them. This is a flaw since a network push update is a wonderful way to restore carts quickly, something emails cannot do.

6. Avoid surprises by outlining all charges from the start

More than half of those who abandon their carts do so because delivery prices and other extras increased the average sales price beyond their expectations. People dislike these types of shocks, so don’t surprise them.

If you have shipping costs, you can solve this issue by including a shipping calculator on your website so that customers can measure the shipping costs before proceeding to the cart. Such expenses, such as transaction taxes, handling fees, or model customization charges, should be clearly stated on the product listing.

7. Make the checkout process as fast as possible

Reduce BigCommerce Abandoned cart by removing redundant pages and procedures. Paying is the most difficult aspect of buying, but don’t force shoppers to complete an order through four separate sites.

Enabling the “guest checkout” alternative prevents sluggish users from quitting the website when they are distracted by the prospect of filling in blank spaces. Requiring all consumers to build an account before checking out slows down the operation and raises the bounce rate. You may also request this detail after they’ve made the order.

For example, they just need to enter their email address and payment information, then click the “pay” button, and they’re finished! In a single key. Customers will also choose “remember me” to make the experience even simpler the next time they make an order.

8. Enable them to quickly reach you

Many buyers have concerns during the shopping phase or want to feel reassured when making a purchase. Give them all the help they need, not only through your FAQs but also through customer feedback and the opportunity to contact you directly.

9. Switch on identification badges

People are aware that there is a lot of deception and that certain vendors deceive their buyers to make more money. Many of them are afraid it would happen to them, including those who do not typically make online transactions.

Including security badges assure consumers that they can trust the companies while providing credit card details, helping to instill trust and reduce cart abandonment. However, not all badges instill the same level of confidence.

10. Provide consumers with a variety of payment options

Some consumers choose to pay using their credit card details, whereas others use PayPal… They want to use their favorite payment form, and if you don’t have it, they could quit. That is why it is important to understand the buyer profile.

Guide on BigCommerce Abandoned Carts Saver

With the BigCommerce Abandoned Cart Saver, you can configure your store to automatically send alerts to customers who add things to their cart but do not check out.

Please keep in mind that this option is only available on the BigCommerce Plus, Pro, and Enterprise plans. The Abandoned Cart Saver is not included in the $39 monthly Standard package.

It’s also worth noting that an abandoned cart in BigCommerce is described as one with no operation for one hour or more.

The BigCommerce Abandoned Cart Saver can be used as follows:

Step 1. Click “Shop Setup” after signing in to your BigCommerce store.

Choose “Store Setup” from the drop-down menu

Step 2. Click on “Store Settings.”

Choose “Store Settings.”

Step 3. Choose “Miscellaneous.”

Choose “Miscellaneous.”

Step 4. Scroll down to see options for “Abandoned Cart Notifications,” “Abandoned Cart Emails,” and “Converted Cart Emails.”

  • Abandoned Cart Notifications: Send emails to visitors who leave their cart.
  • Emails for Lost Carts: Get an alert when carts are abandoned. You can configure it to send you an email any time a cart is abandoned, but this might not be realistic for big shops. In any case, you have the option of determining how many abandoned carts are used in each abandoned cart email.
  • Emails for Converted Carts: Get an email when a guest returns to their discarded cart and completes the order. If you already use a third-party solution for Bigcommerce abandoned cart communications, such as Mailchimp, you may want to disable “Abandoned Cart Notifications.” Otherwise, by filling their inboxes with so many texts, you risk frustrating guests (and therefore driving them to one of your competitors).

Dashboard for BigCommerce abandoned carts

Step 5. Cart abandonment alerts can be customized. Return to your dashboard and click “Marketing” to make updates to your abandoned cart alerts.

Choose “Marketing.”

Step 6. Check the box next to “Abandoned Cart Notifications.”

Choose “Abandoned Cart Notifications” from the drop-down menu.

Step 7. You’ll see that three abandoned cart alerts are already set up, with one to be sent one hour after the cart is abandoned, another one day later, and the third two days after. You can create as many new alerts as you want, but only three of them can be active at the same time.

Click “Add An Email Message” to add a new update.

Choose “Add An Email Message.”

You may also update a current message by choosing “Edit” from the ellipsis icon in the “Action” tab.

“Edit” should be selected.

Step 8. In the abandoned cart message editor, you’ll see the following fields:

  • From: The email address that has been given to your shop.
  • Topic: The email’s subject line.
  • The body of your email is referred to as the message.
  • Coupon Code: A dropdown menu from which you can choose all of the coupon codes that you’ve made.
  • Are you active? Select if you want the email to be one of your three active alerts.
  • Send the following email: Select how long the cart must be abandoned before the message is received (the available range is between 1 hour to 10 days).

Email for BigCommerce Abandoned cart.

Step 9. If you’ve just inserted a post, you’ll need to deactivate one of the three default emails before you can activate it.

The checkmark icon in the “Active” column indicates that the message is active, while the “x” icon indicates that the message is not active. When you click on a checkmark button, it will change to a “x” icon and the message will be deactivated. Clicking on a “x” icon changes it to a checkmark icon, which activates the post. Using this form, you can determine the three messages are involved.

Switch on updates.

Choose “Storefront.”

Step 11. Click on “Email Templates.”

Choose “Email Templates” from the drop-down menu.

Step 12. Expand the “Snippets” folder and click the “Edit” button in the row for “EmailFooter.html.”

Choose “Edit.”

Choose “Save” to save your work.

Best BigCommerce Abandonment Carts Apps

Cart abandonment is a very common occurrence that happens when shoppers connect products to their online shopping cart but then leave after finishing their checkout. Since 2015, this has been a big concern for a variety of causes. The majority of causes for shopping cart abandonment may be addressed by improving your consumers’ shopping and checkout experiences. There are also several applications that come with various options to assist you in recovering your lost carts.

1. Cart Stacking

Many online customers may not have the opportunity to add items to their shopping cart for a variety of purposes. Some are also forced to quit and may not be able to complete their order. It’s a good job CartStack exists to provide online retailers with the tools they need to recoup the 30% of the revenue they missed online with conversion-focused emails. Cartstack offers a 30-day free trial of custom-designed branded emails so you can see if their app is a good fit for the business. You will still recover more than $1000 with this app during the free trial period, plus you can use CartStack for free before you recover $1000.

2. Chated.io

About 65 to 75 percent of shopping carts are discarded only before the consumer checks out. This suggests that with every hundred dollars of sales completed, approximately 200 to 300 dollars of sales are abandoned. This is very upsetting since the chances did not make it to the finish line. Chated.io helps you tailor and plan up to three emails to deliver to consumers who abandoned their cart. This will serve to inform them and increase the popularity of your shop.

3. Coplot:bot

One of the highest targets for retailers should be to reduce BigCommerce Abandoned cart. This occurs anytime a visitor transfers goods to their shopping cart and then leaves without finishing the order. 65 to 70% of online shoppers leave their carts, and it is vital to make this a priority of customer care. This software will assist you in regaining missed revenue. Setting this up is also simple; it helps you in getting shoppers to complete their purchases by giving them updates via Facebook at various times when they depart without checking out entirely. This also offers many advantages for your shop, such as putting your goods and business in front of a large number of consumers, attracting clients as you convert interactions into conversions, and providing an outstanding consumer service.

4. Remarkety

This software is one of the leading eCommerce sites for discussing shopper behavior and buying background. Remarkety has thousands of consumers who use it to deliver intelligent messages to their clients to avoid shopping cart abandonment. However, this app has additional capabilities that will assist you in can your revenue. By attracting your clients, you will increase your consumer lifetime value. Some of the features of Remarkety enable you to segment your customers with product recommendations based on their personalities in your shop. Besides, it allows sending customized discounts, re-engage your customers that are no longer involved, collecting your guests’ emails to help construct your email list, develop a loyalty scheme, and many more.

5. Mailbot

Mailbot ensures that email marketing is taken care of with the aid of reliable automation features. This software allows you to prepare, draft, and schedule drip promotions and newsletters for weekly distribution. It also enables you to build your divisions with multi-leveled criteria, enabling you to reach any single customer in your shop. Examples include faithful clients, cart abandoners, and customers who see items but do not purchase. Finally, this software will assist you in creating pre-built promotions, recovering discarded carts, recouping missed sales, developing long-term client relationships, retaining existing consumers by customized communications, and many more. This software is jam-packed with functionality that can help the business thrive.

6. Springbot

Springbot enables small to medium-sized retailers to recognize and leverage marketing results. Springbot eliminates the need for different resources by delivering analytics and marketing automation in a single dynamic platform. This increases the task’s difficulty, but it also simplifies monitoring and operating a multi-channel marketing strategy. This software differs from others in that it provides data-driven targeting advice to give you more faith in making choices based on insights.

7. Conversio

Conversio does an excellent job of delivering better and smarter emails to help you expand the brand and improve sales. This is trusted by over 20,000 online companies and companies from all around the world. This software blends strong email marketing and user-generated content platforms to involve users in building brand confidence. This will encourage you to submit more personalized, intelligent, and engaging emails and abandonment emails. Conversio has every option you’d use to deliver smarter emails at the optimal moment. The features will assist you in re-engaging, capturing, recovering, converting, and repeating the process for another client. This will assist you in gaining your customer’s confidence.

8. SmartrMail

SmartrMail has an excellent update that allows you to deliver up to three follow-up emails when a consumer abandons their shopping cart. The strongest attribute is the ability to mix and match these deals. You may even provide coupon coupons and even mix and match deals with your follow-up emails. You may also use the function to determine which deal is the most efficient. This software focuses solely on eCommerce and integrates the webshop with the best integrations to send out more tailored and appropriate emails. This suggests that whether you use Shopify or Bigcommerce, you can use this app instead of the others.

### 9. Marketing Cloud Connector

In conjunction with Bigcommerce, this software expands the CRM and e-commerce network through the idea of operation first. This software also connects with Bigcommerce, which allows you to sync the groups, clients, and purchases and the items to run your email campaign conveniently. This functionality can also be used to submit order information in an email campaign from a receipt. You can also quickly export the abandoned cart information to the marketing cloud data extension and reach out to your abandoned carts and improve the likelihood of conversions by having the abandoned cart details by synchronization, which will enable easy sync. You can target your customers with the correct email strategy.

10. Revamp CRM

Revamp CRM is an eCommerce and Sales CRM that includes the segmentation and efficient automatic email marketing. It has an award-winning CRM, which received the expert preference award in 2016 and the best free trial and customer interface awards. This app has several functions, including automated sync with all BigCommerce clients, brands, and group orders, a display of all orders under relevant consumers, the ability to segment customers depending on their buying behavior, and the ability to see the overall order count, AOV, and value. This has over 40 filters that you can use to separate your clients in a few minutes based on their actions, order background, notes, and files, assigning assignments to team members, or leaving them unassigned.

Final thought

While every consumer group is unique, many shoppers share common purchasing patterns and tastes. One thing is certain: customers who have a disappointing and time-consuming checkout process are more likely to cancel their order, which leads to BigCommerce Abandoned cart.

To thrive in today’s experience-driven culture, online retailers must strive to emphasize exceptional purchase experiences in order to turn shoppers into paying customers. We hope that this How to Optimize & Reduce BigCommerce Abandoned carts will help you gain more profit and have more customers.

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.

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