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How to set up BigCommerce for Wholesale? (Plan, Apps...)

Last updated: May 01, 2024
This article has been written and researched by our expert Avada through a precise methodology. Learn more about our methodology





In the B2B landscape, BigCommerce is just another fantastic tool for eCommerce wholesale. Known for its world’s leading cloud eCommerce platform, BigCommerce provides various features and options for creating a stable and fast eCommerce site.

You could be losing revenue and driving customers to your rivals if your eCommerce website isn’t set up to allow wholesale online shopping.

With the many built-in features and app integrations provided by today’s eCommerce sites, you can build a wholesale website that will help attract buyers and increase conversion.

You can build a sleek checkout for customers while maintaining a smooth shopping experience for yourself using mighty eCommerce tool plugs and engines.

From the homepage to the checkout tab, it’s simple to build differentiated mobile-responsive offerings.

PCI enforcement is now in place, ensuring that your online store’s data and customers’ sensitive details are safe from hackers.

Why Wholesalers choose BigCommerce

B2B commerce is undergoing a significant transformation. Despite being heavily influenced by evolving consumer behaviors and perceptions, the industry is expected to reach $6.7 trillion in gross merchandise value by the end of 2020, more than double the size of the B2C market.

According to Merit Study, Millennials now make up 73 percent of B2B customers. In reality, 44% of millennials make purchase decisions, with 33% claiming to be the leading influencers or recommenders during the purchasing process.

Furthermore, 60% of millennials claim they are loyal to brands that have exclusive shopping experiences. The potential is enormous.

What does this have to do with anything? Millennials have the same preferences for business-to-business purchases as they do for consumer purchases.

They aren’t interested in demanding demonstrations, meetings, or sales calls because they are digital natives.

They want a quick and easy way to study, compare, and buy the items they want.

Setting up a solid eCommerce platform provides significant growth opportunities for wholesalers.

B2B wholesalers have a unique opportunity to reach beyond conventional distribution channels because they have many potential buyers and a relatively easy way to attract them. 41% of B2B customers want companies to have a self-service experience online, and wholesalers will be able to save money by doing so.

BigCommerce is a robust and well-designed wholesale website. BigCommerce’s Enterprise version add-ons and plugins make it an excellent option for creating a wholesale ecommerce website.

BigCommerce offers substantial benefits to any wholesale company that uses it to create an eCommerce website.

  • High usability: BigCommerce creates and implements a broad variety of B2B features, and there is ample scope for customizing your website beyond that.

  • Enhanced conversion rate: BigCommerce’s customizable single-page checkout gives you a lot of choices to utilize the to its full potential.

  • Trusted hosting: BigCommerce claims a 99 percent uptime guarantee, which has been verified by numerous user feedback.

  • Express routed support: Instant assistance is crucial in the wholesale industry. In the status queue, every company that has applied for the Enterprise plan will receive high-priority assistance.

Wholesalers’ Typical Challenges

Despite the clear evidence supporting the wholesale transition to online, some wholesalers have struggled to adapt to consumers’ demand for digital shopping experiences.

What are the roadblocks that are preventing them from achieving their goals?

1. B2B Business Complexities

Owing to the sheer difficulty of the purchasing process and a diverse consumer base, B2B companies believe that eCommerce is not a choice for them.

The following are some of the most frequently expressed concerns:

  • Pricing for contracts

  • Customers with exclusive arrangements and terms

  • Exclusive products

  • Pay and delivery plans vary.

Although these are essential points to address with your eCommerce technology provider, they are not roadblocks to your company’s transformation.

You can easily overcome these obstacles with the right eCommerce solution.

Casey’s Distributing Source: BrightPearl

Casey’s Distributing is an excellent example of a wholesaler overcoming typical B2B eCommerce challenges.

Let’s take a look at how one sports memorabilia retailer uses BigCommerce to sell to over 2K retailers as a wholesale center.

Casey’s Distributing, a dynamic B2B business, required things like:

  • Attributes of specialized products

  • Custom inputs

  • An interaction with their current ERP system

  • Benefit from custom shipping and handling capabilities, which would increase the overall user experience and streamline processes for them.

Casey’s Distributing now partners with thousands of resellers across North America, distributing more than 50 wholesalers and 50,000 SKUs.

Soon, the company will release an app based on BigCommerce’s API to extend the list of resellers even further, enabling other BigCommerce customers to expand their catalog and sales with a single click.

2. Team cultures and skills

Creating an eCommerce channel can appear to be a difficult task requiring additional resources.

Who can manage the latest eCommerce project if everyone on the team struggles to keep up with their current responsibilities?

Would your team have the necessary skills to get this project started? What amount of time would they need to devote to it?

On top of that, you’ve got the “whole resistance to change” issue to deal with. A new self-service buying experience can make sales reps feel threatened.

IT is concerned that the new site will increase workload and cause disruptions in the purchasing process.

What happens if it goes down or is hacked? Others, on the other hand, could have difficulty seeing the possible ROI.

The entire leadership team must be committed to managing transition and guiding the paradigm shift.

However, if you’re worried about your company’s long-term sustainability, it’s a gamble worth taking.

3. B2B purchasing

B2B buyers have consumerized aspirations, but they don’t purchase in the same way as B2C buyers do.

The following are some of the technical standards that B2B sellers must fulfill:

  • A punchout solution that integrates with the buyer’s procurement application or ERP framework is needed.

  • Purchase order requests

  • Obligatory approval from an internal manager to position orders with you

Is it possible for an eCommerce site to tackle any of these buying scenarios? Yes, to put it simply.

The extended response is that it depends on the platform and the integration library it offers.

For example, the BigCommerce platform enables hybrid companies with B2B and B2C customers to have different price lists or catalogs for other consumer groups.

Benefits of eCommerce for Wholesalers

The benefits of having a powerful eCommerce channel far outweigh the disadvantages listed above.

For wholesalers, implementing eCommerce will help them develop their businesses.

1. Scalability and room for expansion

Wholesalers used to rely on trade shows, advertisements in trade magazines, and salespeople on the ground meeting customers.

With the advent of eCommerce, businesses could reach a global audience with only a few mouse clicks, making upscaling simpler than ever before.

Our eCommerce experience aims to have a seamless user experience from browsing to purchasing to shipping.

The trend that’s happening right now is B2B is moving more towards B2C.”

Wholesalers can easily tap into new markets thanks to the customizable and versatile design of eCommerce platforms.

Simply adding product information in relevant languages or categorizing products based on cultural preferences may help wholesalers become more international and relevant.

Wholesalers can now target markets previously out of reach, often in the most remote corners of the globe, without a considerable upfront cost or danger.

2. Infinite creativity

Even if your company is doing well and isn’t trying to keep up with every new trend, incorporating digital resources in your offering is critical.

Businesses need to consider introducing an eCommerce platform as people spend more and more time online if they want to remain relevant.

More than 70% of B2B customers thoroughly describe their needs before speaking with a sales representative, and nearly half find unique solutions before contacting them.

This means that the sales staff is responsible for just under half of all sales. Customers, not salespeople, consult the internet before making a purchase decision.

Adding an eCommerce platform will allow you to keep up with evolving shopping habits and remain top-of-mind in critical moments.

3. Increased productivity

The eCommerce platform may appear to be an additional burden that will tax your resources and increase your operating costs. Automation can assist you in streamlining and lowering the cost of operations.

If your eCommerce platform is up and running, you can use automated tools like analytics and inventory monitoring to make smarter decisions through your entire supply chain.

Furthermore, as the operations become more effective, your customers’ experience improves, resulting in increased brand loyalty and long-term revenues.

In other words, thanks to digital resources, you learn more while you work less. Merchants using BigCommerce will agree, as the platform includes built-in ECommerce Analytics and Insights reports.

Make a plan to launch your BigCommerce wholesale store

1. Create a list of project specifications

It’s important to create a checklist for yourself before beginning a project like this. It will hold you accountable and assist you in creating a roadmap for constructing and launching your BigCommerce wholesale site.

You must first decide who your target audience is to ensure the success of your project.

Are you creating an eCommerce channel for your current customers, new customers, or both?

Don’t forget to set aside time and space to develop unique messaging for each target audience.

Once you’ve determined who you’re speaking with, you can delve deeper into:

  • Taking notes from rivals

Take a look at what the rivals are doing. What exactly do they sell? How are they going to market it?

How do they promote themselves on the internet? On Amazon Company, look for your products and compare them to the competition.

  • Choosing the best-selling goods

Consider how your product relates to those on the market and develop an added value proposition that will make you stand out.

Uploading your entire catalog online at once can cause a lot of problems, particularly if your eCommerce site isn’t set up properly yet.

As a result, it’s preferable, to begin with, a small number of products from which to learn and then grow over time. Consider starting with high-margin items that will make the sales team’s job easier.

  • Creating a Catalogue Structure

Even before you upload all of your goods, you’ll need to figure out how you’ll organize them so that consumers can search and locate things more easily.

You can filter the items by height, width, color, brand, shape, price, and other factors.

  • Keeping track of taxes

You must devise a sales tax plan that will scale with your eCommerce business. Use services like TaxJar or Avalara to calculate taxes in real-time at checkout for peace of mind.

Consider integrating your eCommerce platform with an ERP to speed up fulfillment. It is the lifeblood of every large cooperative, and when successfully incorporated, it can provide numerous financial and other benefits.

  • Making preparations for success

Consider combining the eCommerce site with an ERP to speed up fulfillment. It is the lifeblood of every large cooperative, and when successfully incorporated, it can provide numerous financial and other benefits.

  • Think of the payment choices.

For a better user experience, look for a platform that supports several payment gateway options. BigCommerce, for example, has native integrations with more than 55 global payment gateway options.

When writing your RFP for technology vendors, keep all of this in mind. It’s the only way to ensure that your preferred technology partner provides you with as much assistance, resources, and functionality as you need to successfully launch your eCommerce channel.

2. Pay attention to potential hurdles

There will be some initial pains to overcome at first, as with any transition. Every company is unique, and there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all eCommerce solution.

However, there are a few things you can do ahead of time to make the process easier.

  • Account creation: Make sure the team is prepared to handle situations where internal review processes prohibit customers from automatically completing orders.

  • Shipping costs: Shipping costs are sometimes determined after an order is made, so consumers are unaware of the order amount as they go through the checkout process.

  • Regulations: Government industry regulations can have an impact on how your goods are bought or delivered.

In your specifications, make a list of any problems that should be resolved during the site’s implementation.

3. Create aims for your eCommerce platform

Give your website a target. Consider how the new eCommerce platform can improve the lives of your consumers and sales staff.

Consider what you want to accomplish and set measurable goals to track your progress.

Begin by setting a sales target for the first year. You can assess the progress of your eCommerce channel by setting clear ROI goals.

Consider how quickly you can complete a task. Is it possible for you to exceed your customers’ expectations? Is there any room for improvement?

Small orders will take a long time to complete. Your eCommerce platform should help you automate those processes, saving you time and the productivity of your sales team.

The size and revenue of your business, as well as your dedication to creating an eCommerce channel, will decide your objectives.

4. Assemble an eCommerce team

Devise the human resource for your plan Source: Totaljobs

You’ll need a strong team behind you if you want to take over and ensure your company’s success on your new BigCommerce wholesale platform.

You’ll need to find holes in your current company before going full Nick Fury and assembling Earth’s Mightiest eCommerce Team.

It may include transitioning people within the company or hiring new people to fill these holes. Their expertise will allow you to confidently manage the launch.

You may already have experienced people on your staff, or you may outsource these functions to your agency partner.

“Agencies are well placed to help brands move efficiently through a team approach,” says Keith Karlick, Principal at Mercutio, a BigCommerce design agency partner.

Note that for the same cost of hiring a single individual with a particular skill set to run an entire eCommerce business, an organization may put an entire team with a diverse set of positions and skills to holistically support the eCommerce business.

If you plan to take on the project in-house, you’ll need a project manager, a developer, and a digital marketer at the very least to ensure you’re ready to tackle the eCommerce challenge.

You’ll need to hire for the following positions to get the best results:

Content creator – Content strategy and development are strongly intertwined. You’ll need someone who is experienced in both.

Designer – Has experience with both mobile and desktop wireframes and mockups. You may use pre-built website themes and models to save time and money.

However, make sure your B2B eCommerce site is mobile-friendly, easy to navigate, and loads quickly.

ERP Expert – You’ll need someone on your team to manage the ERP/fulfillment system and make sure it’s connected to the other business systems needed for data orchestration to run smoothly.

Project Manager - Setting up an eCommerce channel would necessitate excellent project and time management skills.

A project manager will assist you in meeting all project objectives on schedule and budget.

Digital Marketer - A professional digital marketer would be an invaluable asset to your eCommerce project.

There will be a lot of ground to cover and set up your eCommerce platform for long-term success, from SEO to paid search to email marketing.

Front-end Developer - Your front-end developer will be responsible for developing a smooth user interface and aesthetically pleasing store UI designs and specialized in HTML/CSS and Javascript.

Back-end Developer – this person will be responsible for all system integrations, API calls, and other non-user-facing site capabilities while focusing on the back-end functionality.

5. Consider an eCommerce platform

Choosing the right eCommerce platform is an essential step in the process; make sure you give yourself enough time to research the choices and think about what’s important to your business.

Consider the costs: What would the cost of getting the site up and running be? Are there any pre-built features or integrations that might help you save money?

  • Maintenance: How easy or difficult would it be to keep your eCommerce website up to date? Will you have to manage your own safe, patches, and other updates?

  • Hosting: Is it a hosted solution or a self-hosted solution?

  • CMS: Is there a content management system built-in, or does it integrate with one?

  • B2B: Does it have the B2B features that you require?

  • Futureproof: Will the platform be able to keep up with industry forecasts, improvements, and trends?

When it comes to a B2B eCommerce website, there are several factors to consider. Take the time to learn about the best match for your business.

BigCommerce was chosen by Atlanta Light Bulbs CEO Doug Root when the company wanted an eCommerce platform with the customer experience that millennial B2B customers want.

Since their company sells lights rather than software, Root realized he needed a simple platform while still allowing them to innovate.

Apps for BigCommerce wholesale store

When it comes to launching an eCommerce company, you must follow industry standards and expectations. It’s not about selling online; it’s about assisting customers in making the most effective and pleasant purchases possible.

The following certified apps can ease your business processes if you want to set up a store in BigCommerce.

1. Form Builder by POWR

Create unlimited forms for all your needs with POWR Source: 

POWR is a leading suite of inexpensive, easy-to-use, and customizable website software that helps companies of all sizes develop online.

POWR’s apps have been trusted to gather more leads and raise conversions on over 12 million websites worldwide, including Allbirds, Acer, Staples, Estée Lauder, OneWheel, Chick-fil-A, and Crocs USA. POWR is based in San Francisco and has offices in Almaty as well as a global team.

Make sure you never forget to sign up for a form so you can respond to customers easily and effectively.

App Features:

  • Receive email updates whenever someone fills out your form.

  • You don’t have to disable your form if you limit submissions by date or time or by the user.

  • In your Responses dashboard, you can see a list of responses as well as regular, weekly, and monthly analytics.

Price Plans:

  • Free: You can have up to 6 type fields. Emails with autoresponders should be sent. Dashboard for form responses.

For updates, there is only one email address for the administrator. Accept fees. Make a discount code. Integration with Zapier. POWR branding is included.

  • Starter: Starter plan starts at $4.49 a month and removes the POWR branding.

  • Pro: Pro plans start at $10.79 per month. Add up to 20 type fields as a starter. Allow for file uploads.

Forms with multiple pages can be created. Conditional logic included. Limit submissions based on the individual, the date, or the quantity. Integrations with Mailchimp and Google Sheets.

  • Business: You get unlimited access to all POWR applications for $44.99 per month (Popup, Instagram & Social Feed, File Embed, Photo & Video Gallery, and 50 more).

Fast and Free Customer Service

We’re here to help if you have any concerns or need assistance getting Form Builder up and running. For tips, support, and answers to popular questions, please visit our Help Center.

2. B2B Ninja: Quote Request and Management

B2B Ninja: Quote Request and Management Source: B2B Ninja

B2B Ninja (formerly Quote Ninja) is a quoting software for BigCommerce that creates professional quotes in just a few clicks.

Customers can conveniently create their quotes from your storefront thanks to B2B Ninja’s integration with BigCommerce.

A centralized dashboard allows sales reps to display, manage, and generate quotes. B2B Ninja is a B2B platform designed specifically for B2B companies.

It’s the B2B tool you need to increase sales while saving time. Quote Ninja was created from the ground up with BigCommerce in mind.

App Features:

  • Customers may request quotes for single or multiple products directly from your product or cart page.

  • Sales reps and customers will get a quote and place an order in one click.

  • All of your quotes in one convenient dashboard

  • Creating PDF Quotes and Attaching Files

  • Advanced Product Types, Enterprise Price Lists, Custom Branded Quotes, and other features are available.

If you don’t see the feature you’re looking for, let us know. If it has to do with quoting, reach out because people at B2B Ninja most likely have or are working on a solution.

The only thing B2B Ninja cares about is increasing their customers’ sales by quote management.

3. Bundle B2B

Bundle B2B for BigCommerce Source: LinkedIn

BundleB2B is the B2B eCommerce solution that companies need to advance their online store.

This SaaS framework provides advanced B2B features and enables businesses to easily promote B2B operations online, thanks to its seamless integration with the powerful BigCommerce platform.

BundleB2B was created by a team of B2B commerce experts who understand the dynamics of B2B eCommerce companies.

It enables merchants to expand their businesses more quickly and at a lower cost than their competitors.

BundleB2B can be used to meet the B2B needs of every growing eCommerce company thanks to its core features that enable users to easily manage front-end and back-end B2B processes.

App Features:

  • Sales Representative and Quoting

  • Portal for Invoices

  • Account Management for Corporations

  • Company Address Book Management

Custom price plan: Starting at $1600 upfront and $100 per month

4. MinMax Order Limits

Min MaxOrder Limits for BigCommerce Source: Paystack

MinMax Order Limits is created with the vendor’s full understanding of the need for an inventory / order-management app in mind.

It allows you to set minimum and maximum values for any particular customer’s order.

To elaborate, MinMax Order Limits allow you to set limits on the quantity of a specific type of product, variant, collection, vendor, or tag, preventing customers from adding more than the allowed number of items.

You may change these limits based on the total price, total quantity, weight, number of different products, or customers.

It will assist you in gaining leverage of how your customers shop for their orders and avoid orders that do not generate a profit or result in sales reductions.

Please keep in mind that regulations can be excluded based on product categories, collections, suppliers, target customers, non-customers, or specific customer tags.

Limits can be used with the following categories:

  • Total cost of the order

  • Order’s total number of products

  • For some items, the number of copies is restricted.

  • For each or all goods, the number of one-of-a-kind / similar pieces

Price Plan: $12.95/month with 14 days free trial

5. Quotes by FreshClick

Personalized quotes for your BigCommerce store Source: Shogun

There are no limits to the number of custom filters you can make with FreshClick, so you can customize them to your store’s and customers’ specific needs. Many stores employ standard filters such as:

Condition, Featured Products, Price, Rating, Sale Products, Shipping, Stock, Sub Category, Top Level Category, with the Category Tree and Category Search Bar

Custom filters are very common among stores in various industries, like size, length, color, height, width, style, amp, thread count, and cable type…

App Features:

  • Conversion rate rises with faceted search.

  • The use of layered navigation improves the user experience.

  • Unlimited custom filters

  • Shop by size, color, or anything else you like!

  • Search

Price Plan: From $6.99 to $30 a month with up to 10 days free trial. Contact for further information.

6. PunchOut2Go

PunchOut2Go for BigCommerce Source: Znode

A PunchOut catalog is a web-based catalog created by a retailer that buyers can access from inside their organization’s procurement application to shop particular product offers at contracted rates.

The customer exits their procurement application (“punches out”) and joins the supplier’s punchout catalog.

While both applications are linked, the customer browses and adds items to the shopping cart.

There is no payment details entered during the checkout process. Instead, the buyer returns to where a purchasing requisition is generated and redirected for acceptance within their company.

To find out more about this app, take a look at the FAQs.

App Features:

  • Compatible with any procurement or ERP system that uses cXML or OCI.

  • PunchOut Authentication and PunchOut Cart Return

  • Increases the number of Purchase Orders

  • Analytics and real-time testing

  • Simple installation and setup

7. Sufio Invoices

Sufio Invoices for BigCommerce Source: SimilarWeb

Sufio is an invoicing app for freelancers, small companies, and BigCommerce-based online stores. The app is currently used by consumers from over 75 countries and is compliant with accounting regulations worldwide.

How do invoices work in Sufio?

  • CREATED FROM ORDERS – When orders are created, paid, or executed, Sufio generates invoices automatically.

  • SENT TO CUSTOMERS – Invoices can be sent to customers by email, or they can download them online.

  • PAY ONLINE – Sufio allows your customers to pay their invoices online, which lets you get paid quicker.

App Features:

  • MARKET YOUR PRODUCTS TO BUSINESSES – Capture and check your business customers’ VAT and GST numbers, and set European business customers as tax-exempt in your store automatically.

  • CUSTOM DESIGN – Make the invoice stand out by changing the colors and elements of the prototype.

  • PRINT IN BULK – Print or download a batch of PDF invoices and submit them to your accountant.

  • ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS – Create other types of documents like pro forma invoices, credit notes, and quotes.

  • MULTIPLE CURRENCIES – Create invoices in the same currency as your customers.

Price Plan: $19.00/month with 14 days free trial

8. Bulk Orders & Wholesales by MINIBC

Bulk Orders and Wholesales for BigCommerce

MINIBC has developed a useful app called Bulk Order & Wholesale. This is a bulk order or wholesale app, meaning it has a lot of versatility, which increases the chances of receiving more orders from potential customers in the most effective way possible.

With this extension, your users can use a single page to order using the given search features (List Mode) or a grid view on category pages.

Additional features include real-time inventory display, custom sorting options, the ability to lazy load your items in list view, the ability to filter by keyword or category for better display, and more.

You may also make a single page or several pages accessible to or hidden from specific groups assigned and make them public.

Bulk product pricing is delegated to make it simpler and shorten the order process for bulk buyers for easy adjustment.

You can find that CSV is difficult and time-consuming, so bulk CSV upload is the solution.

If you need to create customer community discounts, go ahead and do so; discounts can be easily personalized. In? Get this software to improve your bulk order process and keep customers!

Currently, for these professional services, you have to install the software and pay a one-time $500 fee. Here are a few prominent features:

  • Integrate the app’s code into your current theme.

  • Style the list mode custom page to fit the rest of your site’s design.

  • Examine the app’s capabilities and the various ways in which you can set it up.

  • Provide team members with instruction and support for the first 30 days of service or 90 days after the initial purchase.

Price Plan: $49.99/month

9. Quotilio

Quotilio for BigCommerce Source: SkyliTech Solution

You can generate a new quote from the app dashboard and send the invoice email to your customer for checkout with Quotilio, the quote manager app.

You may also add the Request Quote Button to your Storefront’s cart tab. This will enable your customer to request a quote directly from your storefront.

When customers submit a quote, the app generates a draft quote immediately visible on the dashboard.

Your sales representative will make changes to the requested quote and give your customer the final checkout connection. You can also use the Request Quote Button to boost your B2B sales.

App Features:

  • Request Quote Button in your store. With a single click, you can add a Request Quote Button to your store. That does not necessitate any coding expertise or theme file editing.

Since the button will use your default theme settings, no look and feel is needed.

  • Quote type and email template that can be customized. You can easily customize the appearance and feel of your quote pop-up form or quote email template.

Quote Form and Quote Email also has a built-in customizable feature in Quotilio - Quote Manager.

  • After the quote has been submitted, you will be able to see the current status of the quote.

When a quote is submitted to a client, the app’s Dashboard displays an instant status update.

If the customer opened Quote Mail, went to the checkout page, or the Quote was converted to an Order. In the App Dashboard, you’ll be able to see the current status of the quote.

  • Get informed when a Quote Request is made.

Never skip a call for a quote. When a new quote is requested at the storefront, an email will be sent to the admin. This, however, can be updated in the App Settings.

  • Build for the B2B market.

Quotilio is primarily designed for B2B transactions. The app will help you increase your sales and build a strong relationship with your customers.

Price Plan: $15.00/month with a 7-day free trial

10. Quick Shop

Quick Shop for BigCommerce Source: Capacity Web Solution

For BigCommerce Stores, Quick Shop is a user-friendly interface for adding items to cart in bulk.

You can go to the Quick Shop Page, select Quantity for as many items as you want to purchase, and then press the “Add Everything to Cart” button to add several products to your shopping cart with one click.

It allows you to order a variety of items in a matter of seconds. This function is especially beneficial for store owners who have wholesale customers or customers who regularly purchase many items.

App Features:

  • Page of Quick Purchases Admin settings in the store

  • A wish list for Product Filter, Category Filter, and Product Sorting

  • Search Products

  • Customer Groups Permission Settings

Price Plan: $29.00/month and 7 days free trial

11. Call for price

Call for price for BigCommerce Source: Capacity Web Solution

Call for Price is a versatile tool that allows you to easily control all product price statuses by determining which products need to be contacted for a price quote.

Cost price is a critical factor that influences product prices: a low product price can result in higher product sales but lower profit, whereas a high product price can result in lower product sales but higher profit.

This app allows you to invite your customers to contact you to discuss product pricing. This is how merchants and consumers will interact about product prices and other information by building a bridge between them.

Call for Price-enabled products will hide the price and Add to Cart button and add a Call for Price button.

App Features:

  • Customize the Call for Price Button and control the app’s general settings to make it easier to use.

  • Activate or deactivate the “call for price” button for items

  • Allow users to build their email templates.

  • Use Google reCAPTCHA to create a secure Call for Price form.


The B2B commerce sector is still growing and showing no signs of slowing down. It offers a rare opportunity for wholesalers to capitalize on a fresh, efficient distribution channel to gain customers and offer value-added service to their existing customer base.

The risk of falling behind and failing to meet shifting customer demands is much greater than the risk of branching out into a new sector.

If you want to expand your distribution company in the long run, you should think about incorporating an eCommerce solution into the mix.

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.

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