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Which is a Benefit Of Advertising Online? Should You Try Online Advertising?

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By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

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The advancement of the World Wide Network has totally transformed the advertisement environment for the last ten years.

Internet advertisement is increasingly changing over time. About half of the world’s population uses the Internet, and citizens of all age classes are linked to the Internet. Internet ads are largely meant to broaden the company on a wide scale. It’s all-inclusive, inexpensive, and easy to navigate. It also offers many ways for both small and big companies to boost their revenue effectively.

There are no restrictions or obstacles on someone who can jump on online ads and apply them to their campaign to improve their online presence. You may create diapers in, quick fashion, be a global PEO or a ceramic artist. Internet ads are the current, potential, and integral aspect of those companies that wish to succeed. This article may help you distinguish between types of online ads and which is the benefit of advertising online.

An overview of online advertising

Nowadays, everybody owns a computer of their own and is willing to use the Internet and email all the time. This ensures that both of them are likely to succeed in advertisements on the Internet. Besides, you get to meet more citizens in the safety of your own. That’s the strength of digital technology.

Another excellent point of Internet marketing is that you own the company. You have access to data and knowledge, which can allow you to achieve marketing efficiency.

Online gives you a worldwide audience. Your task is to concentrate on what is distinctive, refine your name, and produce outstanding copywriting.

Another critical aspect is traffic. Paying adds cost, so you won’t get any extra profits if you run out of funds. This is why you have to track your success all the time to avoid duplication of money on advertisements. You will get free organic traffic through search engine optimization and efficient content marketing.

Social networking like Facebook encourages businesses to advertise online and get people really involved in their goods or brand. This ensures that you don’t require a big team, a lengthy background, or a high marketing budget to start and promote your company.

It comes to a clear result that understanding which is a benefit of advertising online may help your business attract more customers.

Types of online advertising

We now know all about what is advertising online, so let’s talk about the different forms of online advertising. Once you know what it is, it is easier to understand which is a benefit of advertising online.

Social Media ads

Monthly, there are around 2.5 billion active users on Facebook and 1 billion on Instagram worldwide.

Social networking is important to people for various purposes, including talking with friends, staying in contact with people worldwide, or for company. It is a boom for social network advertisement expenditures. Social network ads would reach $8.5 billion in 2021.

There are a variety of optimistic aspects of social networking ads. You could:

  • Choose the best audience with the aid of various markets through social media.
  • We may use different forms of advertising to advertise effectively.
  • Create the advertisement campaigns that produce the leads and profits of your company.

By now, we’ve checked eight powerful social networking platforms, including Instagram, Linkedln, Twitter, Facebook, Tiktok, Youtube, Pinterest, Snapchat. We’ll speak about the viewers accessible on each platform.


Facebook ads
Facebook ads

Facebook is the most popular social media website. There are approximately 2.5 billion people using Facebook around the world. There is over thirty percent of the world’s population. This number is the first and foremost answer which is a benefit of advertising online.

With so many individuals taking part in Facebook, you can reach an audience very relevant to any type of business. One of the strongest elements of Facebook advertising is audience targeting. The Facebook advertising programs rival those of any other social media services.

On Facebook, one can choose a target audience for his/her business.

  • Core consumers: audiences focused on factors such as age, curiosity, and geography.
  • Custom consumers: get back in contact with customers who have previously been interested in your company.
  • Lookalike audiences: reach out to potential individuals whose tastes are close to those of your strongest clients.

Facebook can target your message as well as predict your target audience.

Many types of ads are included for advertising, including:

  • Paid Advertisement.
  • Video Advertisements.
  • Online newspaper ads.
  • Original ads.

Photos are highly effective advertisements. Video ads are great for product explainer videos and branding and recognition. Additionally, you can combine visual content with short videos. Here’s a great course from HubSpot Academy all about Facebook advertising.

A further way to advertise with Facebook is by using Facebook messenger.

However, Facebook Messenger is also a separate messaging app that has its own advertising goals and opportunities. Facebook Messenger is used worldwide. Other messaging apps like WhatsApp and WeChat are more popular in countries around the world.

Around 20 billion messages and interactions between businesses and people are active in one month on Facebook Messenger. Ads on Facebook Messenger are a significant part of the networking of Facebook.

There are multiple strategies you can use with Facebook Messenger.

  • Facebook Messenger CTA in ads: Send a message from your Facebook page.
  • Facebook is running story ads as the ads function in Messenger.
  • Send Facebook Messenger Ads.

All these ad types can be used to prompt your readers to get into contact with your business. They can be used to contact a sales team or request more information on a product.


Instagram ads
Instagram ads

You may also advertise on Instagram through the Facebook Advertising Manager. Instagram has more than 1 billion daily users worldwide. That’s a bit fewer than half the number of Facebook subscribers. The bulk of consumers are aged 18 and 34 years of age.

There are three forms you should advertise on Instagram:

  • Promote photos and stories straight from your professional Instagram account.
  • Create and promote advertisements from your Profile profile on both Facebook and Instagram.
  • Develop ad strategies with full targeting capability in the Facebook Advertising Manager.

Instagram has related forms of advertising to Facebook, including:

  • Image Advertising
  • Ads on video
  • Stories Advertising
  • Ads in the Explorer
  • Ads via Retail Message

The most interesting ad styles right now are the advertisements on the Explore Page and the Shopping Post ads. People using Instagram Explore are pursuing their own desires and finding new content makers. Ads in Instagram Explore are a perfect way to position the brand in front of a different audience. To learn more about how Instagram work you will be able to figure out which is a benefit of advertising online using this platform.

Shopping Post Advertising helps you add a tag that displays the product’s name and price in your pic. Clicking on the tag would send the prospects straight to the product page where they can buy the item—all without leaving the Instagram app.


LinkedIn ads
LinkedIn ads

The LinkedIn network has more than 660 million monthly active users worldwide. Users on the site are mainly made up of working people who render LinkedIn a perfect venue for B2B (business-to-business) ads. LinkedIn is a forum for working professionals that provides B2B marketers with a wide target market to target.

Plus, the value of LinkedIn ads is certainly its special targeting capabilities. On LinkedIn, you would have access to special targeting requirements that are not accessible on other channels.

You will approach users on LinkedIn with specific demographics, including work descriptions, job features, and sectors. You can just want to advertise prospective clients at the director level who work in customer support in the procurement industry. LinkedIn’s tracking features make this possible.

Plus, with the possibility of using lead gene types in your LinkedIn advertisements, LinkedIn can be a leading generation machine. This will help you target a very specific audience and push leads without steering them beyond the LinkedIn network.

The most interesting ad form for LinkedIn is Message Advertising. Message Advertising enables you to deliver targeted updates to your prospects for urgent action.

How to use the LinkedIn Message Ad:

  • Deliver a particular message with a single CTA.
  • Encourage greater interaction and reaction than conventional emails.
  • Measure the effect of your post.

But a word of warning: don’t send too many Message Advertisements to the same users, or they’re going to come off as spam. And make sure the texts are genuine, too – if you wanted to send a LinkedIn letter to a buddy, what would you write?

If your Message Ads are too stiff, they will come off as spammy, too. Now, this medium is a one-to-one chat. Direct messages are holy places – if you are going to advertise there, you need to be extra cautious about taking the time to make the Message Advertising sound personal and important to your end-users. Making sure you bring importance to them in a way that feels genuine.


Twitter ads
Twitter ads

Digital advertisement is less popular on Twitter because organic presence is also a big factor of the brand’s success on Twitter. This is somewhat special to Twitter, but even so, advertising will also produce good effects based on what the priorities are. Twitter has more than 330 million users each month worldwide. The bulk of consumers are between 35 and 65 years of age. By adjusting the target audience you will know which is a benefit of advertising online on Twitter and gain more customers for your business.

Advertisers have found a few niches that have a strong degree of commitment on Twitter: B2B and e-commerce. Most B2B businesses use Twitter as a digital marketing platform, and Twitter users are considered to invest a lot of money online. This makes ads to these audiences, in particular, a fantastic technique.

Twitter splits down its advertising into five goals:

  • Awareness: Promote your tweets to increase your scope.
  • Tweet engagement: Encourage your tweets and get more retweets, likes, and responses.
  • Follows: Advertise your username and link to your Twitter follow-up.
  • Clicks on the website: Support the website and receive more traffic.
  • App Updates: Advertise the app and get more downloads.

Both of these will come together to help you expand your platform audience and turn consumers to customers.


Pinterest ads
Pinterest ads

Pinterest is a unique social networking site with over 300 million members that are strongly active and overwhelmingly female. Some people claim that Pinterest is the only site where consumers really choose to see advertising from products they enjoy because Pinterest is all about visuals.


Youtube ads
Youtube ads

YouTube is the second biggest search site, second only to Google, with more than 2 billion active users every month. Ads on YouTube can show before and after other YouTube videos or as a stand-alone supported video that will be viewed after a scan. Linear ads on Youtube can help you identify which is a benefit of advertising online.

Since you can target demographic details and curiosity, you can serve the videos to unique, relevant viewers who are already viewing videos from similar products or related topics.


Snapchat ads
Snapchat ads

Snapchat’s 218 million subscribers are mainly individuals between the ages of 18 and 24.

Snapchat provides a few ad forms, including tale advertising, Snapchat Explore funded tiles, and augmented reality (AR) lenses.

The ad styles of Snapchat sound very close to the advertisement choices on Instagram. What makes Snapchat truly special is the virtual reality lens. An organization funds AR lenses to create immersive moments that they can use to communicate with their friends. It may be hard to imagine, but in this case from Dominos, the pizza isn’t there—the it’s AR lens at work.


Tiktok ads
Tiktok ads

TikTok is a new player in the field of social network advertisement. TikTok is all about making quick, imaginative, and sometimes humorous images. TikTok has flourished in the last few years, touching 500 million monthly users.

Advertising opportunities are also limited; they are mostly targeted towards awareness-raising. TikTok does not hyperlink to websites and has just recently begun to accept advertisements, so TikTok advertising firms rely on promoting brand recognition rather than leads or traffic.

Promoting TikTok videos helps advertisers to increase visibility of young target audiences. Most of the articles you’ll see on TikTok are supposed to make you laugh. From a brand standpoint, you’re going to want to make videos that are funny and fit with other material on the website. Dream of stuff like dance challenges and memes. This style of content is the most effective.

People searching online are looking for something specific, and clicking on the first result they believe will help them.

You might say, “I already appear in organic results on search engines. Why should I pay to advertise too? Which is a benefit of advertising online?”

Well, there are three major explanations for this:

  • On average, marketers make $8 for every $1 invested on Google Advertising.
  • Advertising on search engines defends you from competitions that might be sold on your branded words.
  • The search advertisements would appear first in the search engine results pages (SERPs) above the organic results.

Paid search ads offer marketers the ability to catch their audience’s interest in a more focused fashion than organic search alone.

Search ads help you predict the wishes, desires, and wishes of your potential customers and deliver highly contextual ads. Over time, your search advertising analytics will help you evaluate and develop your search ads to attract many more users.

But how does Google know how to give the right ad to the right person? This is when the keywords come into action. A keyword is a term or expression that someone uses to explain what they need while looking. Basically, ads on search engines takes advantage of the targeting features present on social networking platforms, such as profiles and place, and applies keywords to them.

When a Google user enters a query in the search field, Google returns a range of results that match the searcher’s intent. Keywords align with what the searcher wants and satisfy their query. You chose keywords based on which questions you want to view next to your ad.

Keyword analysis is just as critical for paid advertising as it is for organic research. This is because Google pairs your ad with search queries based on the keywords you picked. Each ad group you build in your campaign would target a small range of keywords, and Google will show your ad based on that list.

Native ads

Publishers like BuzzFeed and The Dodo create material that snowballs are common on social media almost every day. And they raise money by having other brands achieve so, too. Brands will compensate these publishers for crafting articles and videos that suit the virality model of the publishers. They often pay advertisers to deliver this funded material to their mass audience via social networking and their website.

It’s native ads.

Display ads

Display ads
Display ads

Display advertisements are a contentious subject in the digital marketing environment. For almost 25 years, marketers have been exploiting them by tricking Internet consumers into clicking false advertising—some deceptive show ads have also contaminated machines with viruses. It’s clear to understand why people have created banner blindness and can’t avoid using ad blockers: show advertisements have a reputation for being invasive, irritating, and meaningless.

So which is a benefit of advertising online?

On the other side of the continuum, though, advertisement technology has evolved to the extent that ad networks can exploit data and machine learning to provide marketers with more efficient marketing campaigns and customers with more meaningful advertisements.

Ad networks, including the Google Show Network and the Facebook Audience Network are pioneers of the ad renaissance banner. They will show your advertising to the right target demographic at the right time and location. And if you like more power over your advertisements, they’re going to let you know where to put your advertisement. Below, we’ll cover the characteristics and strengths of each ad network:

Google Display Networks

When you use the Google Display Network, you can create visually enticing advertisements and put them on over two million websites and applications, YouTube and Gmail.

You may also create new audiences by contacting individuals most likely to be involved in your product or service and reselling website users by merely importing a list of their contact details.

If you don’t want to create your perfect audience or struggle with bidding, you should let Google Advertising do it for you. Its advanced targeting and bidding capabilities will classify the best-in-class audience with the best return on investment.

Display advertising may be more successful by reaching an audience that is already acquainted with your brand.

The Facebook Audience Network

In the Facebook User Network, advertisers will extend their Facebook ad strategies to use the same targeting data they use on the platform to advertise on a large collection of websites and applications. Facebook audience network publishers account for 50 percent more time spent on smartphone applications than Snapchat and Twitter combined.

Brands will put native ads, banner ads, full-screen ads, in-stream video ads, and bonus video ads (for example, “Watch this video ad to get more tokens!”) on the network’s websites and applications that Facebook audiences often access.

This method of advertisement may be especially successful for mobile games, as in the illustration below from 5agames, who have been able to distribute 80 percent of their sales from their awarded film.

Which are the benefits of advertising online?

1. Insight

Which is the benefit of advertising online? The first might come from understanding customer needs, wants, and demands. Know precisely which ads gave the largest amount of qualifying leads. Know how many impressions have been served, where they have been served, and when. Identify the best platforms, copy, and ad positions. The measurements and insights available for online ads help you see the exact cost of attracting and converting a client. Advertising online offers you countless perspectives that allow you to become a more successful marketer. Marketers have gone from getting no further evidence than we know what to do with. It’s a huge concern to have.

2. Targeting

If you know the ideal customer’s profile so which is a benefit of advertising online? Internet ads offer you the opportunity to target and retarge perfect prospects. Retargeting can serve advertisements dependent on previous dedication, allowing you to define your optimal consumer profile.

When you realize what your clients are like, you’ll know exactly how to approach and where to locate all related people online, making sure they’re getting served on your advertisements. While advertising online, do you have the potential to reach a demographic as unique as that? Users, 18-35 years of age, who looked for Giants tickets from 7-10 p.m. Or as big as that? Men, 18-35 years of age, huh? Ensuring that the advertisement is in front of the right audience at the right moment.

3. Creative

Your willingness to market goes beyond the scope of the right consumers. You should take this a step forward and serve the creative that better resonates with each goal. There is a widespread belief that Internet advertisements are of low quality while, in reality, digital advertisement offers an incentive for a high degree of interaction with video and other rich media.

Animation and in-banner video advertising will improve brand loyalty and enhance the competitive advantage. Is one of your advertisements underperforming? A/B can verify your copy, your graphic, your headline, and serve advertisements that are as diverse as the online space in which they reside. Well-designed banner advertising will transform the digital campaign from decent to fantastic.

4. Brand Cognition

Brand Cognition
Brand Cognition

Internet ads will be used to push traffic to the platform and increase brand recognition. Effectively tailored campaigns may build brand influencers and attract new markets. The secret to online ads is SEO, which is important to the success of your web. Companies who provide strong SEO, such as SEO South Florida, will help the website attract a well-deserved audience.

Use a never-ending web show to be imaginative with rich media, build your online identity, create an emotional bond, and get online customers excited about who you are and what you have to give. Online display allows advertisers to reflect on their target customer and customize messages that maximize both memory and interaction.

5. Flexibility

Internet advertisement strategies may be modified with only a few clicks or keystrokes. You can react to incoming data and make adjustments instantly. Similarly, in minutes, you have the option to stop promotions or change your plan. This versatility helps you remain in your clients’ heads, predict consumer demands and change your advertising before someone sees it.

6. Scale

Most generally referred to as DSPs, demand-side networks also consolidated the purchasing of auction-based display media through various inventories and internet data providers. Offline, you ought to work with multiple suppliers. As a marketer, DSPs help you quickly and strategically scale your digital campaigns, and don’t you? You even require an organization!

Often digital marketers switch to self-service providers to handle their promotions – build your advertising, pick your spending, scale and maximize through your networks as you see fit. You may also choose a full-service supplier who optimizes, scales and budgets on an acceptable basis, although this also comes with a monthly minimum. No matter what service you choose, it’s never been simpler to scale the initiative.

7. Costs

Online networks are rather cost-effective

Online networks are rather cost-effective for advertisers. Rates are usually calculated by a combination of ad size, ad position, efficiency, and demand. Given the scope of interactive media, bringing the promotions digitally is always easier than more conventional offline channels such as radio, tv, or paper.

In comparison, interactive campaigns are more straightforward, enabling you to quickly change the expenses on the basis of results. In the offline environment, after you’ve charged for a place in a print newspaper or a spot on the radio, right there? You don’t change the investment after the reality.

8. Approach

Have we ever been like ‘I’ve learned a lot of this lately—people watch fewer live TV and turn to their laptops for their favorite programs, songs, and links to their news. In this case, you might ask which is a benefit of advertising online? Being a successful marketer involves remaining in front of your clients; as it points out, your customers are online, so you should be too, and earlier rather than later!

Moving online allows you access to a worldwide audience if you want to, and it ensures that the advertising will function for you 24 hours a day. The choices are nearly endless when it comes to the willingness to reach the campaign digitally.

9. Commitment

Online advertisement lets you know about a customer? The same degree of interaction. You may have the distribution and reader data for print publishing, but would you? ‘You don’t know how much time consumers spend engaging with your ad, how much time they spent on your page, whether they researched more about your items, and whether that ad contributed to conversions. Online presence brings you all this useful insight and puts you in a place to discover where the most committed prospects work.

Are Internet ads an integral aspect of anyone? The marketing combination of s. It provides you with various advantages, including reduced prices, comprehensive targeting and useful consumer analytics, which are not accessible from other advertisement media. Your clients, rivals, and opportunities are online—give them the respect they need, and get more out of your budget.

What is the purpose of online advertising?

1. Tell the market regarding a new product

Internet advertisement is an effective technique as a new product or brand is released, although this can also be the case following the introduction of an online public marketing program that involves press releases, articles, web pages and other strategies with wider media attention. Advertising prior to the introduction of an online PR is not advisable as it lacks its newsworthiness and is unlikely to be accepted by media outlets.

Many of the online platforms used to promote the latest product include showcasing advertisements on networks such as the Google Display Network (GDN), Search Advertisement, Organic Search, Email Marketing among others.

2. Explain how the product is operating

Advertising can better illustrate the applications of the commodity and the settings in which it is to be utilized. It’s also simpler for video ads that can involve animation, motion, text, visuals and many other features. It is also useful in seeing the product in use, and also talking heads are perfect at demonstrating how it operates.

3. Reduce fear of the consumer

Video ads are often useful hereafter sales to reduce the concern that the buyer has purchased the incorrect commodity and clarify how they should use it. Buyer remorse is a big issue, particularly for high-ticket goods that demand a high financial outlay, so it is crucial to allay their concerns and reassure them that they have made the correct purchase.

4. Create a brand image

Many online platforms are useful in creating the reputation of a brand, but social networking is one of the strongest because utilizing advertisement resources on sites like Facebook, you can reach out to new, current and non-existent clients. It is about increasing brand value and improving the reputation of the business at all points of communication with the consumer market. Social networking is useful so the organization may connect with fans and create a connection beyond its own portals.

5. Develop brand preferences

There are several products in the online space that fight for consumers’ interest, and it is crucial to emphasize brand characteristics and principles and build a strategic edge for your brand. Using promotional vehicles such as PPC advertising, show advertisement, social media sponsored advertising, and others, the company will support its exclusive online value proposition and increase click frequency, conversions, and brand recall.

6. Inform the competition of the offer

If you have a promotional campaign and would like to educate the consumer by web advertisements, this is the time to think about which is a benefit of advertising online and use it. You can use text and display advertisements on the search and display channels. So you can have a money-off bid, a promo or voucher, a sale group and several more, and they are successful in improving CTRs for advertising and conversions as well.

7. Encourage the move to your brand

Comparative advertising is popular online, particularly on PPC platforms such as Google Adwords. So, you will bid on your rivals’ names and then show advertisements that illustrate your exclusive services and how your goods have a competitive edge. Of course, several rivals will do the same, so it’s crucial that you even bid on your brand names.

8. Maintain top awareness of the subconscious

Remarketing is an online promotional vehicle that operates effectively with a wide variety of products and businesses that wish to boost brand interest, increase revenue or leads, increase brand recall and remain at the forefront of their minds. Google Adwords, Analytics, and Facebook offer remarketing features and services to reach users aware of your brand and then drive them back to your website and buy from your company.

9. Remind the consumer of the commodity or brand

This campaign goal is close to top-of-the-mind recognition because by utilizing remarketing and pay-for-click ads, it is easy to quickly inform target consumers of the goods or labels. The drawback is that it is inexpensive because you pay for clicks to your page compared to conventional advertisement vehicles where you pay even though there is no user contact or reaction.


Internet advertisement is the industry of the digital world. Often known as web marketing or Internet advertisement, the opportunity for growth is immense. There are several techniques to learn, and although it can appear to be daunting to a number of people on its own, the advantages of online ads are varied. We hope that this article will help you understand which is a benefit of advertising online and have a good online ads strategy in the future.

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.