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How to Crush BFCM 2024: Tips and Tricks for Successful Shopify Stores

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By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

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How to Crush BFCM 2023


The holiday shopping season is a critical time for businesses, and BFCM 2023 holds tremendous potential. With Black Friday statistics from 2022 reflecting remarkable growth in online commerce, it’s evident that businesses need to strategize effectively to make the most of this thriving opportunity.

In the following article, we’re here to provide you with valuable insights on crafting a successful Shopify store for Black Friday Cyber Monday. Whether you sell fashion, jewelry, beauty, or fitness products, this guide offers actionable ideas and tips to bolster your sales and cultivate lasting customer loyalty.

Highlighted BFCM statistics

The statistics from BFCM 2022 showcase a remarkable achievement in the world of online commerce. With an impressive record of $109.8 billion in consumer spending from November 1 to 29, the growth of 11.9% compared to the previous year highlights the escalating potential and vitality of online businesses during the BFCM season.

This data illustrates that not only is the online marketplace gaining traction, but it’s also flourishing exponentially year after year. The significant increase in consumer spending is a testament to the growing preference for digital shopping experiences during the holiday season. As consumers continue to embrace the convenience and accessibility of online shopping, businesses are presented with a compelling opportunity to tap into this thriving landscape.

Highlighted BFCM statistic

This surge in online sales during the Black Friday period reinforces the importance for businesses to have a robust online presence, efficient e-commerce platforms, and effective marketing strategies. As the trend of online shopping continues to surge, entrepreneurs and enterprises alike can harness this potential to expand their customer base, increase revenue, and establish a strong foothold in the ever-evolving digital marketplace.

Anticipate consumer behavior during BFCM

Looking ahead to BFCM 2023, a shift in consumer habits is anticipated, signaling a change in how people shop. The upcoming season is expected to bring about earlier shopping trends, extended buying windows, and a more strategic approach to finding deals. As indicated by Zendbox, BFCM 2023 is likely to feature early bird offers, sales spanning a longer period, a focus on omnichannel shopping, loyalty rewards, and tools for comparing prices.

This suggests that consumers will become more proactive and savvy in their quest for the best deals across various platforms and channels. They’ll be searching for opportunities that align with their preferences and needs. E-commerce businesses that adapt to this evolving landscape by offering flexible options, enticing deals, and a seamless shopping experience are poised to capture the attention and loyalty of these discerning shoppers.

consumer behavior during BFCM

In 2023’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday, people’s preferences are changing. They want shopping that’s more personalized, fun, and better for the environment. Forbes talks about future e-commerce trends, which include:

  • Social commerce: Selling things right through social media. This might help Thanksgiving weekend sales with quick buying on platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
  • Personalization: Shopping made just for you, using smart tech. Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals might be customized based on what you’ve liked before.
  • AR/VR: Cool experiences like trying things virtually. This could make BFCM shopping more exciting, especially for expensive stuff.
  • Subscription services: Deals for people who subscribe. BFCM might have special offers for subscribers, like big discounts or extra trial time.
  • Ethical and eco-friendly practices: Being kind to the Earth. Brands might show how they’re eco-friendly on Black Friday sales to attract shoppers who care.

These trends’ success during BFCM hinges on consumer preferences, technological readiness, and accurate targeting by brands. As the potential for BFCM remains strong, businesses that proactively prepare stand to make the most of this bustling shopping season.

9 essential checklists and preparation tips for BFCM 2023

The Black Friday and Cyber Monday season presents a golden opportunity for e-commerce businesses to boost their sales and brand visibility. As the e-commerce landscape becomes more accessible and competitive, a well-planned BFCM campaign is essential to stand out and make the most of this bustling shopping period. Here are 10 essential checklists and preparation tips to help you excel in your BFCM efforts:

Early start and extended period

To set the stage for the BFCM campaign, it’s wise to start your preparations well in advance. This proactive approach allows you to craft a well-thought-out BFCM strategy that aligns with your business goals. One effective way to generate anticipation is by creating a pre-launch page or a dedicated landing page on your website. This platform can offer a sneak peek into the exciting offers and deals that await customers during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday period.

Early start BCFM 2023

Moreover, thinking beyond the traditional BFCM timeframe and extending your sales period can be a strategic move. By stretching the duration of your promotions, you’re giving potential customers more time to discover your offerings and make purchase decisions. This approach can be particularly beneficial in capturing the attention of shoppers who might be busy or otherwise engaged on the typical BFCM dates. We also recommend integrating dispute mediation tools like chargeback alerts to pre-empt losses from false and fraudulent chargebacks. Estimates indicate that chargebacks consume at least 0.47% of merchants’ revenue.

Store performance for traffic surges

Make sure your online store runs smoothly and quickly when lots of people visit. To do this, focus on making your website load fast and providing a user-friendly experience. You can use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or Shopify Speed Test to see how your site is doing and get advice on making it better.

Pay attention to things like minification, image sizes, content complexity, and other factors that affect how fast your site loads. This way, even when many people are browsing, they won’t have to wait long for your pages to appear, making their shopping experience enjoyable and efficient. With an all-in-one and automated tool, you can further optimize these aspects, ensuring seamless navigation and improved loading times for your online visitors.

Abandoned cart recovery

A study conducted by Barilliance highlighted that during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2020 period, the cart abandonment rate stood at 78.65%. This indicates that just around one out of every five shoppers finalized their purchases. To address this, consider employing effective tactics to reclaim abandoned carts.

Abandoned cart recovery in BFCM 2023

For example, you could utilize automated emails to remind customers about their pending items, provide personalized offers based on their browsing history, or offer special incentives like 10% discounts or free shipping for whole orders. These ways aim to re-engage potential buyers and encourage them to complete their transactions, ultimately improving your sales performance.

Strategic email marketing

Crafting an effective email marketing campaign for BFCM 2023 requires meticulous planning and execution. To captivate and retain your audience before, during, and after the event, follow these steps:

  • Build your list: Capture email leads with engaging pop-ups and incentives.
  • Segment and personalize: Divide your list based on criteria like purchase history.
  • Automate efforts: Automate emails for events like abandoned carts
  • Craft compelling content: Create compelling content with clear product benefits, incorporating images and interactive elements.
  • Test and optimize: Enhance deliverability and A/B testing to refine messages. Maximize BFCM impact by engaging customers from pre-event anticipation to post-sale follow-up. Streamline your efforts using automated email marketing, which reduces workload while maintaining an effective auto workflow.

Strategic email marketing

Social media promotion

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your business. Developing a content strategy can boost your conversion rates, especially since many young BFCM shoppers buy directly from social media platforms. To make the most of this opportunity:

  • Plan your content: Create a content calendar to spread your BFCM campaign across various platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
  • Boost visibility: Use tags, keywords, and hashtags to increase your content’s visibility to a wider audience.
  • Create urgency: Make your Black Friday offers more enticing by adding a sense of urgency and scarcity.
  • Provide incentives: Employ the Boost Sales app to show rewards through pop-ups, banners, or spin wheels, enticing customers to make purchases.
  • Encourage user-generated content: Prompt customers to share reviews, photos, and videos, fostering a sense of community and authenticity.
  • Engage your audience: Actively engage with your audience by responding to comments, questions, and feedback. Building strong connections is key to retaining an active and loyal social media following.

Effective inventory management

Safeguard your inventory for the BFCM rush by planning ahead and avoiding shortages or excess stock.

  • Forecast smartly: Analyze past sales and market trends to predict the goods you’ll need. This prevents running out of stock and ensures you’re ready for BFCM 2023.
  • Track inventory: Use a warehouse management system (WMS) to monitor inventory levels in real time. This tool helps catch issues early and allows you to fix them quickly.
  • Stay adaptable: Stay ready to adapt as sometimes things change. If demand surges, consider ordering more. If it slows, think about cutting back. Flexibility keeps your inventory in tune with demand.

Boosting BFCM sales with incentives

During the frenzied Black Friday Cyber Monday period, leveraging incentives is a game-changer. From free shipping to alluring discounts and versatile gift cards, these tactics hold the key to enhancing your Holiday weekend sales strategy.

  • Free shipping: Providing free shipping can significantly boost online sales, especially during BFCM. For instance, offering free shipping on all orders by showing promotion bars or popups on your site is to entice more customers to complete their purchases without worrying about additional costs.
  • Discounts: Discounts are also a highly effective incentive for attracting and retaining customers during BFCM. Consider offering a 20% discount on specific products or creating bundle deals. For example, you could offer a “Buy One, Get One 50% Off” deal on select items to encourage customers to buy more and save money.
  • Gift cards: Offer a versatile solution for holiday shoppers. If you’re unsure of what to buy for your loved ones, a gift card allows them to choose for themselves. For instance, offer digital gift cards ranging from $25 to $100 on your store. You can also provide a special incentive, such as an extra $10 gift card for every $50 spent on gift cards, attracting shoppers looking for convenient and thoughtful presents. Use tools like Joy: Loyalty Program to easily set up and manage your gift card offerings.

Boosting BFCM sales with incentives

Retargeting ads

Retargeting ads give a second chance to interested visitors who haven’t finished their purchase. These ads target users who visited but didn’t take action. Here’s how:

  • Track visitor behavior: Place a tracking pixel or code on your site to gather data on what visitors do, like pages viewed and abandoned carts.
  • Create ads: Craft retargeting ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Google.
  • Personalize ads: Tailor ads to match user behavior using tools like Facebook Ads Manager or Google Ads.
  • Optimize for success: Fine-tune ads using tools such as Facebook Analytics or Google Analytics. Experiment with variations using A/B testing. Gather feedback through surveys and reviews to improve.

Influencer marketing

Harness the power of influencers (bloggers, vloggers, celebrities, etc.) to elevate your brand’s credibility and widen its reach, ultimately boosting your visibility during the BFCM season.

  • Set clear goals and budget: Define your goals and allocate a budget for the campaign. Be clear about your targets, whether it’s brand awareness, traffic, or sales.
  • Discover suitable influencers: Find influencers who resonate with your niche and audience. Research is key.
  • Reach out and negotiate: Contact and discuss terms with potential influencers.
  • Equip influencers: Provide resources like product samples, discount codes, and creative briefs to guide their campaign.
  • Measure success: Track and analyze the campaign’s performance.

Influencer marketing

Successful store examples in BFCM

There are many successful Shopify stores that have done well during Thanksgiving weekend sales. And here are 3 stores that can inspire you.



Meet Kitsch, a global beauty powerhouse renowned for its hair accessories, hair care, and beauty products. In collaboration with beloved brands like Harry Potter, Barbie, and Disney, they’ve crafted exclusive collections that capture hearts. In BFCM 2022, Kitsch offered benefits below:

  • Up to 50% off on chosen treasures
  • Free shipping for orders surpassing $50
  • A complimentary gift with each purchase
  • An opportunity to snag a $500 gift card in their sweepstakes



Everlane, a brand committed to sustainable fashion, offers contemporary must-haves for both men and women. With a reputation for transparent pricing and ethical manufacturing, they stand out. In the BFCM 2022, their offerings included:

  • A generous 25% discount across their entire range, spanning from cozy cashmere sweaters to versatile denim jeans.
  • Free shipping for orders exceeding $75.
  • A complimentary reusable tote bag accompanying each purchase.
  • An enticing opportunity to win a $500 gift card through newsletter sign-up.

Pura Vida Bracelets

Pura Vida Bracelets

Pura Vida Bracelets, a Costa Rican brand renowned for its handcrafted bracelets and accessories, achieved a remarkable feat during BFCM 2022. Their sales surged by a staggering 200% compared to the prior year. Their strategy included:

  • Offering enticing discounts, some as high as 50% off on chosen items.
  • Granting free shipping for orders surpassing $50.
  • Kicking off their BFCM initiative a fortnight ahead of Black Friday.
  • Leveraging the power of social media to amplify their campaign’s reach and impact.

BFCM 2023 is almost here

In preparation for Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2023, the collective tips and strategies shared in this article will be your invaluable companions to becoming a successful store. Let these lessons drive you toward a transformative journey, elevating your BFCM outcomes and setting the stage for a prosperous future. As the Black Friday countdown approaches, take this as your call to action: apply, adapt, and excel!