Home > Resources > Top 13 Made in USA Wholesale Dropshippers for Merchants

Top 13 Made in USA Wholesale Dropshippers for Merchants

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By Sam Nguyen

CEO Avada Commerce

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It is estimated that the global drop shipping market size was valued at $149.9 million USD in 2020 and is predicted to reach $557.9 million in 2025. From these figures, it can be seen that the world has witnessed the significant growth of dropshipping, particularly when mobile devices had developed and played an important role in people’s life. Therefore, dropshipping has become a favourite option for merchants who want to start up their business with a low budget.

In the dropshipping market, retailers will be offered a huge number of products and suppliers from numerous countries and regions. Among them, the made in USA products seem to be the hot trend and often prioritized by merchants.

So, why is it? What can retailers benefit and encounter when choosing made in USA products? Which sites are the best platforms for retailers to purchase American merchandise for their eCommerce stores? Everything will be clarified in this article. Besides, we also give readers some advice when starting your dropshipping business.

Why choose a made in USA wholesale dropshippers?

Similar to other wholesale dropshipping companies, the ones from The United States also have their own advantages and disadvantages which play an important role in your decision. They will be a crucial source to evaluate whether they live up to your requirements or not. So, let’s explore what they are!

US wholesale dropshippers’ advantages

American dropshippers’ benefits
American dropshippers’ benefits
  • Cheaper costs for the beginning: While other types of business cost merchants a large budget, which is sometimes a barrier preventing them from starting their business, dropshipping is much cheaper. No money is needed for no storage costs and warehouse rental. Therefore, you are able to earn money from your own business with no available stock.
  • Cheaper costs for inventory: When hiring a warehouse, the cost can drive up significantly, especially when there are many stocks left in your warehouse. Consequently, with no warehouse, you will no longer have to suffer from headaches for problems related to inventory and warehouse. More than that, it enables merchants to buy products with a wholesale price with no spend on storing products, which help you save a lot of money. Then, you will have more time for attracting more customers and selling more products.
  • Low-cost for order fulfillment: In the traditional model of business, shop owners will have to spend plenty of time and money on keeping control of their stock like tracking, picking, labeling, and more. These things are all out of your business. The dropshippers will package and send the goods to your customer addresses according to the order you sent. So you need only to focus on your own mission - sell merchandise.
  • Sell and test multiple products: no warehouse, , so it is unnecessary to worry about the stock. Also, they can easily decide to continue selling a product or changing to another without worrying about the stock. Moreover, the inventories are updated daily on the website by the wholesale dropshippers, which allows merchants to be aware of which ones are the favourite of the customers, which ones are not. So, business owners can do some research and find out the suitable items for their store and customers.

    US wholesale dropshippers’ disadvantages

American dropshippers’ drawback
American dropshippers’ drawback
  • Depend on dropshippers’ stock: In the drop shipping model, merchants don’t need to store stock, instead, their customers will receive the goods sent from the wholesale dropshippers. If the goods in the wholesale dropshippers store is out of stock, merchants have to wait for restocking, which can lose some of their orders. Hence, it is advisable that merchants should work with the wholesale dropshippers who are also manufacturers, which guarantee that the products will be available most of the time. Otherwise, their partner should be a reliable company that is proven that their stocks are available.
  • Have less control with order fulfillment and shipment: Merchants are not the party sending the products so that they don’t have too much right with the deliveries. Thus, they ought to find out a trusted company that gets the items and send them in a short time to work with. This not only makes sure that you will not lose customers due to the problems related to the shipment but also makes your business work more efficiently.
  • Decrease profit: People are not allowed to order in a bulk, they have to place orders according to their requirements. And this can cost them much more money than buying a bulk with wholesale price. The resolution here is that people have to sell products on their platform to reach success.

Even though there exist some disadvantages about several issues like deliveries, profit, it can be denied that the benefits overcome the drawback and choosing a made in USA wholesale dropshipper is still a good option for sellers to start their business.

Advice to choose a made in USA wholesale dropshippers

advice for merchants
advice for merchants

A made in USA wholesale dropshipper is definitely an attractive option for sellers who intend to join in the eCommerce industry with a small budget. However, with a variety of choices in the markets, people will easily get lost and select incorrectly. The 6 advice following will help you choose the right dropshipper.

Have good knowledge and fame in the industry

Your dropshippers have to have a deep understanding of your niche and industry. When understanding your business thoroughly, your supplier will quickly be aware of your demands. In a short time, they can live up to your requirements, which will help you work with each other more effectively and smoothly.

Looking for a trusted supplier is really crucial since although they are the party sending the goods, customers trust your store and purchase order from you. Thus, when there is a problem, you will be blamed for causing the problems and have to deal with it. Not all the suppliers work well as what can be seen on the advertisement, so strong fame in the industry will partially indicate that it is reliable. This is also the same as US wholesale dropshippers.

To do that, you should do some research about the suppliers before actually integrating with it like the entrepreneur’s view about the company, the types of feedback people receive, and whether it appears along with Better Business Bureau.

What’s more, it is suggested taking time to explore their website, to see how they introduce their products, whether they possess a blog or give advice or tips to help their customers sell more products and gain better results in their business.

Offer high-quality products

High-quality products
High-quality products

The products or services people selling often play an important role in locating your brand but in dropshipping. If your products are as good as what you say or what they expect, of course they will come back and place another order, and vice versa.

With dropshipping, it seems to be hard to ensure that the products your customers get is really “made in USA”, so your task is to check and verify that the wholesale dropshipper you are working with is a real brand, not fakes or knock-offs.

Set low number of minimum orders

The benefits of dropshipping are to remove the cost for inventory upfront, or storage and warehousing. More than that, it is also much easier to run your eCommerce store according to your desire. To do that, you have to sell or change the products to catch up with your customers’s demands.

However, it is not simple since merchants have to work with the third party to get necessary products which sometimes require the minimum number of orders. Hence, they are advised to seek for the dropshippers that offer low or even no minimum order requirements. With it, they can freely import and sell the products they think will bring huge profit.

Have good customer support

In fact, people can visit online stores whenever they want, which means that you have to be ready to handle their queries and problems 24/7. In the drop shipping model, things don’t just depend on you. Products are sent from the dropshippers, so to deal with the problem related to products, their participation is an essential part.

Selecting a supplier possessing great customer service, rapidly replying to your email and updating the product status instantly will help you solve the problems with ease. You can get the necessary information in several minutes and then quickly figure the resolution for your customers’ problems which then put a positive impression on their mind.

Deliver orders quickly and accurately

Accurate and timely delivery
Accurate and timely delivery

An important factor to evaluate a store when shopping online is delivery time. Therefore, merchants need to make sure that their customers will receive the items in the shortest time to maintain their satisfaction.

Fortunately, compared to other suppliers in the world, fast shipping is considered the primary advantage of US dropshippers. When working with dropshippers from the United States, the majority of your goods will reach customers’ addresses on time.

A crucial note for owners of eCommerce stores is that allowing your dropshippers around 24 to 48 hours for packaging and shipping merchandise is never a good idea. More than that, it is advisable that it should take fewer than 5 business days from the time the order is placed to the time it reaches the final customer’s address. If it exceeds 5 days, customers tend to be annoyed at waiting for the product to arrive.

Offer useful tools and automation

The eventual advice is about tools and automation. To be able to run an eCommerce business successfully, make sure that you get various helpful tools from the US dropshipping suppliers. With these tools, you can automate some repetitive tasks in your business process and save time and employees.

There are multiple tools needed to implement it such as data feeds with professional product descriptions, real time inventory tracking, powerful product catalog, and a searchable order history. Via these functionalities, merchants will no longer find it difficult to manage their eStore.

In addition, people should pay more attention to integration: ensure that your dropshipper platforms can integrate seamlessly with your platforms or any popular online marketplaces like Shopify, WooCommerce, Amazon, eBay, and more

Top 13 Made in USA wholesale dropshippers


sPocket logo
sPocket logo

sPocket is another platform in this list. It is regarded as one of the most favourable websites for high-quality products from the USA and EU. In 2017, sPocket was established by Saba Mohebpour, Tom Hansen and although its headquarters is located in Vancouver, Canada, 90 percent of sPocket suppliers have headquarters in the United States or Europe.

sPocket is designed to integrate seamlessly with such big platforms as Shopify or Woocommerce. When syncing with sPocket, all the data related to the customer orders will be synchronized automatically and then merchants can manage them via sPocket dashboard.

Therefore, users can keep control of your business on just one platform instead of switching to two websites. Every step in the business process from packaging to shipping will be updated on sPocket, which helps business owners get the latest information and respond to unexpected problems in the shortest time.

With more than 28,000 suppliers from the United States and Europe selling items in over 16 categories and niche, huge type and number or products can be seen on sPocket. And, it also lets retailers compare and contrast the price among different stores to get the most reasonable price.

On sPocket, wholesale dropshippers are listed according to 4 criteria which are products with high quality, warehouse possession, discount program, and shipping policies. More than that, products are checked carefully to be able to appear on sPocket: they have to pass 4 tests. This helps ensure that there are no fake or low quality items in the list.

To start using sPocket, there are 4 essential steps for retailers to implement: sign up to get an account on sPocket, select the pricing plan you want, and synchronize your online store with sPocket. sPocket introduce 4 pricing plans with different price ranging from $0 to $99 per month:

  • Free: $0/ month
  • Starter: $14/ month
  • Pro: $49/ month
  • Emprise: $99/ month

Now, your store appears on sPocket and you can freely import products to it. To do that, select Add to import list and open Import list. Then, choose the products you want and click on Push To Store. Now, the products as well as its image and description are visible with customers. When they select the one needed, the data will be displayed on My orders section, select Checkout to pay and the supplier will do the rest.

Visit sPocket

Wholesale 2b

Wholesale 2b logo
Wholesale 2b logo

With more than one million dropship products and plenty of helpful features, Wholesale 2b is advertised as “the best way to boost your online business”.

Launched in 2004, up to now, Wholesale 2b has served more than 188 thousand customers and become the leading business in the world’s market. The items sold here are mixed, so people can find almost everything for their business. More than that, this platform has a strong integration with over 100 dropshipping companies. And, sellers can sync Wholesale 2b seamlessly with such numerous well-known online marketplaces as Amazon, eBay, Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and so on.

It also empowers users to import the orders, sync the inventory, and keep track of the information without human control. Besides, users are able to download the items and its image in the CSV file, which helps them work more effectively.

Like other platforms, creating a new account on Wholesale 2 is the first step needed to carry out. They need to fill in the form including the user’s name, email address, password, street address, city, country, telephone number, zip code, etc. Although there are free accounts on Wholesale 2b, it is needed to purchase packages in the pricing plan to leverage your business on this site. Based on their demand, people can select one or more essential plans with relevant features:

  • Dropship on eBay: $37.99/ month or $287.99/ year
  • Dropship on Amazon: $37.99/ month or $287.99/ year
  • Dropship website: $39.99/ month or 299.99/ year
  • Dropship CSV file: $49.99/ month or 359.99/ year
  • Dropship analytics: $10.00/ month or 89.99/ year
  • Shopify app: $29.99/ month
  • BigCommerce app: $29.99/ month or $215.99/year
  • WooCommerce app: $29.99/ month or $215.99/year
  • Ecwid app: $29.99/ month or $215.99/year
  • Weebly app: $29.99/ month or $215.99/year
  • Bonanza app: $29.99/ month or $215.99/year
  • GoDaddy files: $29.99/ month or $215.99/year

Have a look at all the products on the sire and import the one you like to your online store. When there is a new order, just place the same order on this platform and they will take the responsibility of delivering it.

Visit Wholesale 2b


AliDropShip logo
AliDropShip logo

Trusted by more than 100 thousand suppliers, AliDropShip is a mighty plugin to seek for your suppliers. Founded in 2015 by Ilya Dolgikh, Yaroslav Nevsky, AliDropShip allows users to upload products from AliExpress to WordPress.

Even though WordPress is often known as a platform for content management, it can be used for generating websites like eCommerce stores. More than that, AliExpress is Chinese site for wholesaling which is trusted and exploited by a lot of merchants in the world.

As a result, it is completely possible that entrepreneurs set up a website for selling online by WordPress and then making use of AliDropShip plugin to import the items you want to your eStore. Instead of importing information manually, the product information such as images, description, etc. will be added to their eStore automatically. With several clicks, all the necessary will be displayed on the eCommerce site.

In fact, AliExpress is a site of a Chinese company and famous for Chinese items. However, it doesn’t mean that Made in USA products can’t be found on this site. You can see millions of products from the United States there. Also, this site doesn’t require extra money for order fees or commission.

To start using AliDropShip, it is needed to download and install the plugin of AliDropShip. You are given two options which are to build on your own and hire AliDropShip to build for you. If you select the first option, you have to pay an amount of $89 so as to possess the plugin forever. In case you prefer the second one, there are three packages for you:

  • Basic: $299
  • Advanced: $499
  • Ultimate: $899

All these three packages require one payment for lifetime access. And you can also add hosting with an additional amount of $48 each year.

When already installing and logging in AliDropShip account, it’s time to go to its page, search for products and import the one you like. When a person places an order from your eCommerce store, order directly from AliDropShip and the goods will be shipped to your customer address.

Visit AliDropShip


DHgate logo
DHgate logo

Another cross-border website in this list is DHgate , which is also based on China. DH gate is a business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C) site serving merchants who want to find products for their dropshipping business.

Although located in Beijing, China, DHgate still offer a plethora of products manufactured in USA and serve millions of customers coming from the United States. Even their warehouses in the US are used for taking care of their US customers.

It is estimated that there are over 30 million goods sold on DHgate site, which ranges from cell phones, electronic and cameras to bags, accessories, beauty and health. On this platform, not only products but also suppliers are checked carefully before selling. Also, it frequently offers flash deals allowing retailers to get the product they want with lower prices. And, wherever the final customers live, the products will be delivered to them on time.

In fact, the way DHgate works is pretty similar to the one of AliExpress. People can sign in with the email address and password, or they can take advantage of their Facebook or Gmail account to log in. Then, analyze the site to find out the necessary items and import them to your eCommerce site. Whenever a customer places an order, make a purchase on DHgate with your customer address and they will receive the items several days later.

Visit DHgate


SaleHoo logo
SaleHoo logo

SaleHoo was launched in 2005. This New Zealand company is considered one of the most popular places for finding dropshippers, especially the ones from the United States.

There are more than 8000 suppliers selling over 2.5 millions products on SaleHoo so that people can find everything they need here. Furthermore, the goods uploaded on this platform are checked cautiously by the internal team of SaleHoo. This helps guarantee that there is no fraud or cheating. And, customers on SaleHoo can freely check and select the one they need for their business.

On this website, sellers can easily find out the hot items in the market with competitive prices. In addition, many unique merchandise are also sold on this platform, which opens a new niche market and helps retailers have high advantages when selling. When purchasing products on SaleHoo, buyers can select the number they want without worrying about the minimum number requirements. This is especially helpful with small stores or the new ones in this market since they haven’t had too many customers yet.

Registering and you will possess an account on SaleHoo to start your dropshipping business. T is advisable to exploit the market research lab to analyse and figure out the current trend and hot products. After that, retailers can make use of the supplier directory to choose the most suitable supplier offering the items needed. Contact them and negotiate to get the best price.

In terms of price, SaleHoo offers user with three services: SaleHoo Directory, SaleHoo Dropship, and Educate. With $67 per month or $127 for lifetime access, merchants are able to access more than 8000 trusted suppliers and SaleHoo lab. With the dropshipping service, retailers can add hot products from AliExpress to their Shopify store and they are given two plans which are:

  • Basic: $27/ month or $270/ year
  • Premium: $97/ month or $970/ year

If you are interested in learning from experts and having the right to watch guiding video, paying $47 and you can access them all the time. However, unlike sPocket, there is no free trial available on this website.

Visit SaleHoo


BryBelly logo
BryBelly logo

Founded in 2004 in Indiana, BryBelly is one of the most popular US wholesale dropshipper. People can find almost everything in this website which ranges from such themes as gaming, toys, to health and beauty.

As introduced in their website, BryBelly promises to bring customers “careful packaging and timely shipping”. More than that, they try to provide users multiple new products and refill them as soon as possible.

On BryBelly, people can find items from various manufacturers which can be either well-known or no-brand products. Furthermore, direct-imported items can also be displayed on the BryBelly site since it not only gets the domestic products but also imports from other countries. By doing it, users will be able to purchase products at a more affordable price and have more advantage in terms of pricing.

Whenever there is a new order, stock will be packaged immediately from its warehouse in Indiana and then shipped to the recipient’s address. Thanks to this way, the time spent on shipping and packaging will be reduced considerably.

To get started with BryBelly, users are given two options which are via its website and Amazon. When visiting BryBelly.com, retailers are required to login (email address and passwords are two things needed) to be able to see the product price. Otherwise, just use your Amazon account to work with BryBelly.

Worldwide Brands

Worldwide Brands logo
Worldwide Brands logo

As one of the most powerful platforms for wholesalers and dropshippers, Worldwide Brands is the one that merchants should take into consideration. Founded in 1999 by Chris Matta, this business has developed and achieved certain success in this field.

Headquartered in Florida, one highlight of Worldwide Brands is the ability to satisfy the demands of American consumers. With over 16 million verified items sold, this platform can provide people with almost everything they need. Additionally, thousands of items made in America also appear on this site’s product list, which give more products and options for shops selling made in USA products.

What’s more, each individual product and supplier have to pass the strict tests of Worldwide Brands before selling on this platform, so that you can trust on them and place orders. This platform also classifies products into different categories which give retailers a better shopping experience. And whenever they want to ask questions or negotiate, they can direct to the suppliers straightforwardly.

The very first step to start using Worldwide Brands is registration, merchants have to sign up to have an account. Then, they can do many things to seek for the necessary items like researching via the research lab, searching, sorting, and filtering the supplier directory on the site. Similar to other platforms, they can contact and chat with suppliers to haggle for a good price afterwards.


TeleDynamics logo
TeleDynamics logo

TeleDynamics was established in Texas in 1981. It is a mighty platform to look for dropshippers selling merchandise belonging to such categories as VOIP and UC, business equipment, consumer electronics, computer and networking, outdoor products, and home and personal care.

As the name suggests, TeleDynamics focuses on providing users with a huge number of telecommunication products, which can satisfy any strict consumers. There, people can find out more than 8000 types of products in this theme which are manufactured by multiple big brands like Panasonic, Yealink, Grandstream, Yeastar, VTech, AT&T, Plantronics, Motorola, and more.

TeleDynamics also offers merchants a variety of helpful features to improve their business like managing and personalizing accounts with ease, connecting with live customer service in certain times of week, tracking virtually, no minimum order, etc. Moreover, the products are packaged and shipped on the same day the order data is sent so that the final customer will receive the items in the shortest time. In each order, the latest status is also updated rapidly and retailers can keep track of it at any time.

If you are interested in this platform and desire to purchase from it, the first thing you need to do is to sign up. Fill in the basic information about you and your company like name, website URL (if have), and email address. Besides, you are required to complete two application forms of resale information and credit services which can be found in the site. In terms of resale information, there are two cases with two types of forms: in Texas and outside Texas. If your company are based in Texas, complete the Texas Resale Certificate Form. Otherwise, fill in the Multi-Jurisdiction Form.


Doba logo
Doba logo

“Dropshipping Simplified” is what Doba aims for: streamline the procedure of dropshipping and allow retailers to access hundreds of suppliers and millions of items in one catalog.

Founded in 2002 with the headquarters in the United States, Doba has developed and become a popular marketplace for dropshippers. On this site, people can contact and purchase products as well as import these items to other platforms like Shopify quickly and simply. Through Doba, all the necessary information like photo and product description and be snt and displayed fully in other websites.

Besides Shopify, Doba also enables merchants to integrate seamlessly with numerous large sites for eCommerce like BigCommerce, Volusion, Amazon, eBay, and Magento.

More than that, this platform offers users the ability to chat with suppliers directly from the dashboard and synchronize with every type of online marketplaces and builders. Also, the newest figures of inventory are updated automatically to match with the one of suppliers so that retailers can know exactly how many stocks remain.

There are three plans on Doba which are Start-up, Business, and Enterprise. Each plan offers users different features and retailers have two payment options: monthly or annually:

  • Start-up: $50/ month or $239.88/ year
  • Business: $49.99/ month or $479.88/ year
  • Enterprise: $299/ month (6 month min) or $2999/ year

After signing up, retailers can search and see various products sold on the catalog and shortlist of Doba. When feeling content with any items, they can add them to their eCommerce store. Whenever the items are purchased from their store, ordering them from the suppliers in Doba and they will be responsible for the rest - sending the items to the final customer’s addresses.

Nevertheless, Doba still receives some negative feedback about the recurring price (it is pretty high, around $29 per month); chat support (it is only available with higher packages); and the commission for each successful order.


AliExpress logo
AliExpress logo

After 10 year development, AliExpress has become one of the favourite marketplaces for dropshipping. Although established by Alibaba - a giant in the Chinese technology industry, AliExpress sells various products made in the USA.

Famous for offering products with lower cost, it is not surprising that the majority of dropshippers buy items from this site. On AliEXpress, retailers have chances to access enormous range of merchandise from numerous suppliers with cheap prices. So, they can import the items and sell them on their eCommerce website or other marketplaces like Amazon. In addition, It is believed that AliExpress gives the birth of dropshipping business model because compared to Amazon, the goods here are sold cheaper so retailers can import products from AliExpress and sell them on Amazon to get the profit from the differences in price between two sites.

There are no fewer than 150 millions users visiting AliExpress each month, which indicates the popularity of this website in the market. And a fun fact is that AliExpress is much bigger than Amazon, which is less known in the public.

Beside the size and popularity, AliExpress is also loved by its free policies. When ordering products, retailers are not required to pay for any fee and it even supports the international shipping fees, which sometimes cost a large amount of money and prevent people from selecting your items. It is really simple to register an AliExpress account, the necessary elements are just the email address and password, or else people can get quick registration with their Gmail, Facebook, Apple, or Twitter accounts.

When becoming a member, they are allowed to explore all the items and look for the one they need. After that, these items can be easily added to retailer’s eStore and when it is purchased on their store, they can order them manually on AliExpress. Obviously, these repeated actions can make them feel tired soon so they can take advantage of such plugins as AliDropShip to support them. When ordering successfully, merchants can sit down and relax, their mission is done. AliExpress will deliver the items to the customers.

Nevertheless, there are still some combinations about the delay in the shipping time, so pay attention. And if you need unique or rare iUSA items, AliExpress sometimes cannot satisfy you since their primary products are Chinese ones.

ASI Partner

ASI Partner logo
ASI Partner logo

Based in California, the United States, ASI Partners is regarded as the favourable destination for retailers who desire to find a product of IT hardware and software to sell. First introduced to the public in 1987, ASI Partner has developed and gained the leading role in the market. It now has more than 500 staff working in 13 warehouses across the United State and Canada.

With more than 20000 products from a large collection of 9000 SKUs sold, ASI Partner is confident that it can satisfy any strict customers. Many of them are from such well-known brands as MSI laptops, Asus, Intel, Western Digital, Samsung, Supermicro, Crucial, Viewsonic and more. The main focus of ASI Partner are small form factor, desktop, all in one, server, notebook, and tablet.

When visiting ASI Partner, it can be seen that products are divided into four categories which are channel programs, featured products, product line card, and buildIT magazine. Different from other platforms, the items on ASI are sole IT ones, customers will ask for help pretty frequently to help them solve the problem or answer their queries. Understanding that, ASI Partner provides their partners with multiple essential service and professional employees like territory sales team, technical support groups, customer service, and financing.

To become an ASI partner, there are three steps for people to complete. Firstly, they have to complete the ASI US Reseller Credit Applicationand if the stores are located in America, they will have to complete the Multijurisdictional Uniform Sales and Use Tax Certificate. Afterwards, it’s time to authorize the account’s finance and credit card. Like the previous step, it is required to complete two forms named Financial Authorization Form and Credit Card Authorization (this form has two types: for American users and Canadian users)

China Brands

China Brands logo
China Brands logo

In spite of the name, China Brands is considered the top company providing Made in USA wholesale suppliers. After 14 year development (since 2007), China Brands affirm its status in the dropshipping industry when offering not only Chinese products but also the one from the United States.

When using China Brands, entrepreneurs are given the opportunity to access over 100 thousand wholesale dropshippers selling millions of products belonging to different categories like tablets and accessories, phones, toys and hobbies, sport and entertainment, and more. Additionally, all the products on this platform are tested carefully before appearing on the product page. Byers can even ask for checking before deciding to order or not.

With a view to speeding up the delivery, China Brands builds up warehouses in multiple locations around the world. Many large delivery organizations like DHL also integrate with this marketplace, which allows them to ship the items to customers within 48 hours, particularly in the United States.

Like other platforms from China like AliExpress or AliDropShip, one of the biggest advantages of China Brands is the price. Proud of being the world’s factory, the merchandise displayed on this site is usually lower than the one of other marketplaces. Thus, with the same product, retailers will gain more profits when importing them from China Brands. Also, it integrates seamlessly with famous platforms such as Amazon, eBay, Shopify, etc.

When becoming a member of China Brands, retailers can have a look at the product catalogues and then download any products’ details they are contented with. Import them to your online store and then wait for the customers. Whenever there is a new order, order the products with the same data (size, color, types) as what you customers need. In just one day, your customers will receive the goods.

It is free to register on China Brands, the necessary information is just name, email, and passwords. But if you desire to access the special discount programs, don’t forget to purchase the VIP or premium membership.

However, China Brands’ users still complain about the lack of automation when downloading and importing the products as well as synchronizing inventory. It forces them to complete these tasks manually, which wastes of time and employees. Furthermore, the turnaround time on this platform is sometimes high: after 3 or 4 days, the final customers receive their products, which is not a good idea for dropshipping.

Sunrise Wholesale

Sunrise Wholesale logo
Sunrise Wholesale logo

Sunrise Wholesale has existed in the dropshipping market since 1999. Based in California, this platform offers retailers more than 30 thousands items from over 20 categories such as home decor, fitness, sport, jewellery, electronics, toys, and so on. These products are from a variety of famous brands like Apple, Dior, Disney, Guccic, D&G, Belkin, etc.

On Sunrise Wholesale, retailers will receive update email alerts everyday, so they can keep up with the latest news and won’t miss any bargain. What’s more, the products are often shipped the same day or next day, which decreases the time waiting for the product and gains a positive impression from customers. When there is a problem, the customer services teams are also willing to help them, they will rapidly respond to customer’s email and help them deal with their problems.

In fact, Sunrise Wholesale offers users the membership plan with two options: pay each month or each year. If their choice is monthly membership, they are required to pay $49 per month. If they prefer the rest - annual membership, $199 is the amount of money they have to pay each year. Besides, all customers are given a free trial lasting 7 days.

Similar to all the platforms mentioned above, after registering successfully, retailers can access the product feeds (you will see the retail price, wholesale price, profit of each product), select the merchandise they want and upload to their store on Amazon, eBay or their own website. Then, relaxing and waiting for the order from your customers. When an order is placed, Sunrise wholesalers will package and ship to your customers under your store’s name.

Final Thoughts

Overall, it is easy to see that the majority of made in USA dropshippers have the same working process. However, each of them has their own strengths and weaknesses: some are free to register but some charge fees, some specify on niche but some platforms sell almost everything, etc. Hence, entrepreneurs are advised to analyze their situation and the platform they prefer carefully before actually purchasing.

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Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.