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How to Configure Existing Products for Fulfillment by Shipwire on Shopify

Last updated: May 01, 2024
This article has been written and researched by our expert Avada through a precise methodology. Learn more about our methodology





In the previous posts, I have shared with you about how to activate Shipwire and how to enable fulfillment by Shipwire for a new product. You can view all the post again if you want to. Now let’s discuss the way to configure existing products for fulfillment by Shipwire on Desktop. Below are some detail steps that I have prepared for you to help you easily visualize how to do it.

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How to configure existing products for fulfillment by Shipwire

Step 1: Choose product

Before you can configure existing products for fulfillment by Shipwire, the first thing you will need to do is deciding what product that you want to enable fulfillment for. To choose a product you can click on the name of that product.


Step 2: Choose variant

With the product which has variants, you will need to enable fulfillment for each variant. You can choose a variant by clicking on that variant.


Step 3: Select Shipwire App

In the add product screen, you will need to scroll down to the Inventory section. In this section, you will see a dropdown list called Fulfillment service, choose Shipwire App.


Step 4: Click Edit

After that, scroll down until you see the Inventory & Variants field. In that field, click on the Edit button.

Step 5: Select Shipwire

After the above step, the next thing you will have to do is going to the Inventory section, and then select Shipwire which is in the drop-down list under the word Fulfillment.

Step 6: Enter Weight and SKU fields

After finishing the above step, you need to enter the Weight and SKU of that product. Make sure that the values that you have entered have to be correct, which means that it must match the ones that you used in the product catalog of your Shipwire.


Step 7: Select Shopify tracks this variant’s inventory

Subsequently, in the fourth step, you will first have to find the Inventory policy drop-down list. Once you have found it, select the line Shopify tracks this variant’s inventory.

Step 8: Save

When you have finished all the above stages, the last thing you will need to do is clicking on the Save button to apply all the changes that you have just made. If you do not click save, all the changes which you have made will be lost.


Above is the brief instruction which I have prepared for you on how to configure existing products for fulfillment by Shipwire on Shopify. I hope that this tutorial will become helpful you and your crew when configuring your existing products. For further instruction, read our other posts about adding and managing domains.

Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.

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