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What Is A Shopify Partner? How To Create A Shopify Partner Account?

Last updated: May 01, 2024
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Are you looking for a source of earnings that can help you with your business? If you are, then you are in the right place. You can join the Shopify Partner Program and enjoy the benefits of becoming a Shopify Partner.

You can make money in this program. It may sound tempting; however, it requires serious and hard work. In other words, you will have to invest in your time and energy. Now, let’s check out how great of being a Shopify Partner is and how to do that.

What is a Shopify Partner?

Shopify Partners are active members of the Shopify Partner Program, enabling entrepreneurs to earn money by suggesting Shopify to others, designing themes and apps, or simply posting affiliate links on their website.

You can register the Shopify Partner Program as a freelancer, marketer, photographer, developer, coder, designer, or influencer. To have a “Partner” status, you have to bind a formal contract with Shopify, subject to annual reviews.

Your earnings vary by the activities’ type you will carry out as a Shopify Partner. Such activities include:

Setting up a development store

It means that you use the free plan of Shopify to set up, develop, or theme a store for a user. If the user continues to be a customer, you will get a 20 percent reduction from their monthly subscription fee.

Generating affiliate referrals

As a Shopify Partner, they can share affiliate referral links with potential customers as well. When a merchant purchases a Shopify plan through your referral link, you receive a two-month “bounty payment” for referral, which equals to the monthly value of the merchant’s subscription fee.

Developing Shopify apps

Developing Shopify apps
Developing Shopify apps

You can also develop applications and receive 80 percent of total revenues from their (one-time) selling price.

The Shopify Partner Dashboard is the ideal place to monitor various kinds of revenues that you create as an enrolled partner. With this dashboard, you can keep in sync with themes, apps, and stores that you are developing with Shopify.

What are the benefits of the Shopify Partner Program?

The advantage of being a Shopify Partner is that you can access free training courses, in-depth documentation, and other resources, which will help you improve an understanding of Shopify and have a better business performance.

Besides, insider information about Shopify’s product roadmap, upcoming feature previews are also available. If you or your customers have any problem, priority partner support is also ready to help.



Shopify Members are entitled to receive discounts on business development, product design, testing, and project management software and services. Many of these benefits are accessible to all Partners, and other benefits are only accessible to Partners accredited as experts in Shopify.

A list of ocurrent benefits can be found at www.shopify.com/partners/all-perks. View the Partner Perks section on the Resources page of your Partner Dashboard to recognize the perks offered to you.

Each perk shall be provided at its supplier’s discretion. Some benefits could be subject to regional availability because of limitations imposed by some perk providers. If you have concerns about a particular benefit, its accessibility in your area, or its discount terms, you can directly contact the provider.

Shopify Partner Academy

Shopify Partner Academy
Shopify Partner Academy

As an online training and certification program, Shopify Partner Academy is offered solely to Shopify Partners. The program offers courses to provide you with a good understanding of the Shopify platform and strengthen your company as a Shopify Partner.



Shopify Partners are offered specific discounts on business development, product design, project management, and testing software and services. Nevertheless, some discounts can only be offered to Shopify Experts- a program that defines specific criteria before applying.

Exclusive Resources

Exclusive Resources
Exclusive Resources

Being a Shopify Partner also allows you to access the Shopify Partner Academy- an online training and certification program exclusively for those in the program. There are also new features and marketing materials available to you.

Unlimited Test Stores

Unlimited test stores are also available to Shopify Partner. These scores help them understand the platform and better comprehend the products they are offering to new customers.

Partner Support

Partner Support
Partner Support

The Priority Partner Support team is only available to partners. You can reach them 24/7 by phone, email, and live chat from within the Partner Dashboard.

How to create a Partner account on Shopify?

Many platforms in this digital era allow you to yield a sustainable passive income. One of them is the Shopify Partner Program, but you’ll have to invest your energy into this.

You can create your income stream by using your expertise as a freelancer, web designer, theme developer, or influencer.

And above all, joining is free.

Without paying any start-up or subscription fees, you can try out on unlimited test stores as much as you want. After you sign up, all the essential training tools will be available directly from your Partner Dashboard.

You can also choose to join the global Shopify Partners Community. In this community, members can share tips, ask for assistance, or just congratulate and celebrate the success of each other.

To create a Partner account on Shopify, follow the simple steps as below:

Step 1: Access Shopify Partner Program Website

The landing page, you will access the Shopify Partners.

Shopify Partners Blog
Shopify Partners Blog

If there are any Shopify Meetups scheduled in your area, useful articles, guides, and webinars, and an Events tab will be available.

You can also click on the Docs tab, then access a list of guides on the program’s information to know more about the advantages of being a Shopify Partner.

Step 2: Provide your email address and click “Join Now” button

Step 2: Enter your email address and click Join Now
Step 2: Enter your email address and click Join Now

After that, from the “Create an account” screen, type in your name and select a strong password, rather one includes letters, numbers, and symbols. Then, confirm your password and tap on the “Create Account” button.

Step 3: Verify Your Email Address

Step 3: Verify Your Email Address
Step 3: Verify Your Email Address

After creating your account, an email with a link to verify your email address will be sent to you. Make sure to confirm your email address within 24 hours; otherwise, the link will expire.

Once you click on the blue button to verify your email address, you will get redirected to the Shopify accounts screen. Choose “Shopify Partners” and then tap on “Create new partner account.”

Step 4: Complete Your Details

Then, you have to fill in a short form about your business’ details. All the sections must be completed, except the “optional” ones. Then, scroll down to the “Business goals” section and choose the most suitable option.

When you scroll down further, a list of eCommerce platforms will be available. From here, you can show which platforms you are currently using. By doing this, Shopify develops custom tools and resources that work for you.

After you complete this, you can click on the embedded link at the bottom of the screen to read the Partner Program Agreement. Check the box at the left and accept the agreement’s terms before tapping on the “View your dashboard” button.

Step 4: Enter Your Details
Step 4: Enter Your Details

Step 5: Say Hello To Your Shopify Dashboard

Bam! There you are in your Shopify Partner Dashboard!

Shopify Partner Dashboard
Shopify Partner Dashboard

In the “Get started” section, you can apply to the various Shopify Partner programs listed there.

Only choose the ones that are suitable for you, and then tap on “Apply now.” To indicate the reason you want to be accepted into the program, you will have to fill in a short form.

Even if you do not get accepted into the program for the first time, stay determined. Get the most out of the various free training tools available to develop or enhance your skillset.

You can enroll in various Shopify Partner Academy courses, and get yourself a certificate in Business Fundamentals, Product Fundamentals, Theme Development, or App Development to demonstrate your expertise.

Being a Shopify Partner means all the educational resources can help you to pass the exams. You can choose to take unlimited exams, and the number of retakes is not restricted.

If you have any questions, you can contact Shopify support or call the support team; they are available 24/7. You can also raise questions via live chat or directly from your Partner Dashboard.

How much can you earn when joining Shopify Partner Program

As a Shopify Partner, your earnings vary by your contribution to the Shopify ecosystem (your activities) and the Partner program that you register. For example, if you are currently using Shopify Starter, Shopify Basic, Shopify, Advanced Shopify, the recurring commission is 20% of the merchant’s monthly subscription fee.

Shopify Gold, a recurring commission totals 10% of the merchant’s monthly subscription fee for the first 4 referrals or upgrades for more than 1 year. A recurring commission totals 20% of the merchant’s monthly subscription fee for the fifth and subsequent referrals or upgrades over 12 months.

You also earn money based on the location of you and your merchants you partner with. Based on your location and applicable tax regulations, your earnings are also subject to tax.


To sum up, on this “number one” eCommerce platform, there may be some unexpected things to discover and benefit from. Joining the Shopify Partner Program and becoming a Shopify Partner is a piece of cake; however, to make money, you will have to follow the right tool tailored to your business.

If you are an ambitious entrepreneur, your desire to grow your business’s revenue is always burning. To know how to make more money, you can check out our post to get the most out of this platform: How to Make Money with Shopify.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to leave a comment in the box below. We are glad to help you out. If you find this post useful, you can share this with your friends.

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Sam Nguyen is the CEO and founder of Avada Commerce, an e-commerce solution provider headquartered in Singapore. He is an expert on the Shopify e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. Sam loves talking about e-commerce and he aims to help over a million online businesses grow and thrive.