
  • Find, Buy and Setup a domain for your website

  • Buy Domain

    A domain plays an important role in the online store. It is like your online store as a home and a domain is your home address. Hence, you really need a domain so that your customers are able to visit the shop. Shopify has a helpful function which allows you to buy a domain if you haven’t had one. This writing How to buy a domain from Shopify is for you to get an indispensable thing for your online business as the domain.

  • Set Primary Domain

    If you’ve recently acquired a new domain name and want to set it up as the primary domain for your Shopify store, you’re in the right place. This tutorial will guide you through the process of setting your primary domain on Shopify.

  • Disable Automatic Domain Renewal

    Managing your domain is the basic step in running a Shopify store. But, automatic renewals can sometimes lead to unexpected charges. If you want to avoid surprises and have full control over your domain settings, you’re in the right place.

  • Enable Automatic Domain Renewal

    Imagine waking up to discover that your domain has expired, leaving your customers with an empty, inaccessible website. To avoid this nightmare scenario, Shopify offers a simple yet powerful solution: automatic domain renewal. 

  • Set Up Email Forwarding

    There is no email hosting provided by Shopify but you can purchase a domain through Shopify or transfer it to your online store. If you do, you can create an unlimited number of forwarding email addresses without paying any fee. However, remember that all new email addresses must be forwarded to an existing email address. If you are struggling with this problem, follow this topic to know how to set up email forwarding on Shopify.

  • Change Domain Name On Shopify

    If you are running an online business or maybe just a blog, you may want to have a strong online presence. Oftentimes the first thing your visitors will do when in need of looking for a specific product or service is to conduct a web search. So, of course, if your web store’s domain is easy to remember, find, and navigate, then you will get more opportunities to increase sales. That expectation accounts for why there are so many online store runners in need of custom domain names.

  • Transfer a domain from Shopify?

    A domain plays an important role in the online store. It is like your online store as a home and a domain is your home address. When you set a domain for your Shopify store, it means that your store will be established your brand by giving your business credibility and tells customers you’re here to stay, rank higher in search by having similar keywords in your industry and keep staying in top of mind by remembering you and find your business later. Read more to know how to Choose a Domain Name

  • Link Godaddy domain to Shopify

    When you sell your products in the Shopify platform, the thought of How to link your Godaddy domain to Shopify will, for sure, come to your mind occasionally. Since every business starts with an idea. every website starts with a domain, it is crucial to know how to do that effectively.

  • Change Shopify store URL

    If you are a newbie to online business on the Shopify platform, for sure, you come up with a lot of challenges. One of them is not knowing how to change Shopify store URL.

  • Report a Shopify store

    If you are having trouble with a specific store on Shopify, I am sorry to hear that. I can completely understand the stress and frustration and in having to face these types of issues with your online orders. If you find that store really annoying and want to report it right away to prevent other customers from getting in trouble like you. Then yes, there is a way for you to report a Shopify store.